Heavy On The Amon Pics

Today…randomness…I do it well.

Anyone else’s kids get dried toothpaste everywhere?  No?  Just us?  The boys are notorious for leaving dried toothpaste in our bathroom.  Recently Amon found some on the doors of our vanity.  And proceeded to lick it completely off.  #savedmecleaningtime

Amon and Lion have been BFFs since the hospital.  It is kind of the cutest thing ever.  He wraps his little arms around Lion’s neck so tightly.  I can’t get enough.

I love Amon’s banana shirt Ashley E turned me onto, but I have definitely decided it should say “I’m” instead.

She made us parents.  She was a tiny little baby thing.  I watched them hugging the other morning and all of a sudden I realized, more than ever before, time is flying.  Her long skinny legs now dangle to his knees.  It just isn’t right.

We don’t need a stroller anymore.  He walks so proudly by himself, sometimes holding onto my fingers.  He can wander with the best of them.

Thanksgiving is so close.  Crazy close.  Harper’s class is gearing up for their big pow-wow.  A family built pueblo was assigned.  We hot glued, we painted, we conquered.

Amon + a swivel chair + a bad fall + X-rays + broken bones + a long day = a crazy tired dude…who continues to sleep anywhere he pleases.

And I’ll leave you today with the world’s cutest kid in a bright red cast.  He’s feeling much better today and his broken little arm bones are on the mend.  And I’m resisting the urge to decorate his cast in Sharpie doodles.

Hope your weekend is crazy good.

Happy Friday.


  1. He is CRAZY CUTE!!

  2. My first thought when I saw the cast was oh she is going to have crafting it out!!! Tat it up!!!

  3. Adorable!
    I seriously love your posts, all of them, and all the randomness, it’s perfect.
    I also vote for sharpie doodles on the cast!

  4. Lisa Russell says:

    Love the father-daughter hug picture!! I’d frame that one!! Hope Amon’s arm heals quickly!

  5. Poor pumpkin! And no you do not hold the market on dried toothpaste everywhere!

  6. Hayden Kate just gave Amon a big kiss to make him feel better! 🙂

  7. Seriously love these kiddos and their fam! Now, get busy on that cast and let Amon rock it out!

  8. sharpie doodles for sure!

  9. Give in to the Sharpie doodles!

  10. Aw, poor little munchkin 🙁 He is SO cute though! Thanks for another dose of randomness to make me smile 🙂

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