Day #18

Here we are…day #18 in the hospital.  Amon is doing well, but is still on no food…letting his intestine rest and the super antibiotics do their job.  He still gets a bit fussy, but definitely not like he was on days 1-3.  He will slowly be reintroduced to formula on Wednesday.  I seriously LOVE this kid…he is just so incredibly amazing…has my heart for sure.

This weekend was pretty great.  Saturday Josh and I switched out and I took the kids to Pioneerfest at Harper’s school.  We had so much fun.  The book fair was definitely our favorite part.  I love how choosey the wee Kelleys are about their books.  It took us quite the chunk of time to narrow down our selections.

There were tons of games and a cake walk (I LOVE CAKE WALKS) and yummy food and face painting and a firetruck.  Everything kids love all smashed together in one location.

The school was packed and we had to park quite a little ways down the road.  The kids thought it was incredibly cool that they got to walk down the road, but they were also a little on the paranoid side checking for cars.  I love them.

It was really, really nice to be with them outside of the hospital.  I loved interacting with them and being their Mom again.  I was reminded of how sweet and quirky and crazy and fun they are.  I just sooooo miss being with them in our normal everyday life.

And Amon had a great time with Josh.  I know Josh really loved getting to spend so much time with him also.

We’re going to power through this week and just wait and be patient for Amon the heal the way he needs to.  I am so anxious to go home, but so, so thankful and blessed Amon is in such a good place and getting such good care.  Bring on Day #19.

Happy Monday & Happy Columbus Day too!



    What a beautiful blog…both the pics, the story and the triumphant attitude of faith. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Those wee Kelleys sure are cute!! I’m super impressed with the attitude about Day #18 and #19… prayers that you’ll be counting down the days to “Going Home” instead of counting up the days you’ve spent their with your little man. But he is a precious little man to be spending countless hours with! PS – Care package is on the way… 🙂

  3. praying for you today. dusting my house (ick!) singing out to hillsong. thought of how you’re choosing to praise. (try singing beautiful exhange by hillsong- good one to belt it to! ) i’ve gotten hooked on your family, and my daughter has been asking questions about sweet amon 🙂 hope you are well today.


    I don’t read the newspaper every day but I do like to read Laura’s stuff! : )

  5. Even though you have no idea who I am i wish i could bring you cookies and fun stuff and give you a huge hug. i can’t imagine what you are going through but your rockin it:) you look like you are one good momma!!

  6. I loooooove your blog… seriously it brings tears to my eyes. Your kids are all adorable, but I have to say that there is something about sweet Amon’s smile that just makes my heart happy! Thanks for sharing!

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