Congestion, Meds & Crafts {Advice}

So this is our go-to plan for getting rid of Amon’s congestion.  I’m like a decongestion nazi around here…honestly, I’m a bit on the crazy side trying to get rid of it.  If you have any recommendations I would love to hear them.  And keep in mind Amon is just 5-months-old.

And I so wish I could sleep like this.  Just out.  Out like a light.  A heavy, deep sleep.

Boys drinking from tea cups are so cute.  They seem like little men hanging at the Cracker Barrel together for an early bird’s breakfast.  I love them!

Amon has been having major fun in his jumpin’ johnny thing.  What is not fun is giving him his meds.  He HATES them.  I always had luck with the other 3 wee Kelleys when they were little by just blowing in their face when I gave them medicine.  They always swallowed it right down with one little blow.  But Amon…well, Amon is a different story.  Any one out there have any tricks for getting babies to take medicine?  I would so appreciate them.

I have been thinking about ways to pass the time in the hospital.  Do you have any recommendations for some good crafts?  I’m debating on seriously taking my canvases and all my supplies and just setting up shop in Amon’s hospital room because I’m totally not leaving 🙂  But if that doesn’t pan out…seems like a lot to tote to a hospital…I’m looking for smaller crafts that require less materials.  So I would love some recommendations if you have any.  I’ll have lots of time on my hands.

So any advice on how to get rid of baby congestion, how to get babies to take their medicine or recommendations on crafts I can do at the hospital would be awesomely appreciated.  Leave a comment or shoot me a message…I would be so grateful.

Oh and our Hopeful Heart Giveaway ends tonight at midnight and I will post the winner tomorrow.  Up for grabs is this 11×14 Hold Onto Hope canvas and a stellar tee.  CLICK HERE to enter.

Hope you have a great weekend & happy Friday!


  1. I used (& still use on my now 8 year old) Johnson’s (No More Tears) baby bath soothing vapor (I get it at either Walmart or Target in the baby section.) You put a capful into their bath. It smells like you have pictured (the Baby Vicks) but is wonderful because of the warm bath water. I have even used it myself during one of those awful stuffed up type colds. I hope Amon gets to feeling better. Get well soon wishes and prayers are being sent your way!

  2. Ok, so here is a maw maw tip! (my maw maw says to do this!)….put that Vicks Baby Rub on the bottom of his feet and put socks on. I don’t know, but if maw maw says do, you just do it. Get better soon Amon!…I think I am going to take my own advice right now!

  3. Elias has to take two different meds twice daily, and I kid you not, what I’ve done with him (because I never had any troubles with the other two) is mix his medications with pedialyte. He slops them down that way!

  4. My Grandma also said to put Vick’s on the bottom of the feet because it draws the congestion out. What can it hurt? 🙂

  5. Lisa Russell says:

    Crochet and knitting are easy to tote, and so is cross-stitching. I also like small scrapbooking/journal/mini album making with a few supplies. Another fun thing is the Knifty Knitter! Your daughter would like that too and they have you tube videoes you can use. You can get a set (round knitters) at Walmart, the yarn, and make baby hats and scarves.

  6. Jil blunt says:

    My oldest was horrible at taking medicine when he was little. I always ended up with it in my hair and in my eyelashes. My pediatrician’s nurse told me to lay him across my lap on his back use the syringe to put the medicine in the back of his mouth and then blow on his face. Down the medicine goes! Its worth a try. He gets to see your smiling face and then a gentle breeze makes it a little easier on both of you!

  7. I agree with the J&J baby vapor bath, like vicks in a liquid form. For meds, we had a medicine cup that had a bottle nipple that attached to it so they could just drink the stuff. Unfortunately I have no clue where it came from, but it was most likely Target or Walmart. Huddy does breathing treatments, right? You could see about using it (with new tubing, etc) and albuterol. My daughter was diagnosed with asthma when she was a baby and had nebulizer. Later on (she was not asthmatic like they thought, she was wheezing for other reasons) when she got sick they told us we could use the albterol to help clear up.

  8. After he takes a bottle wash the milk down with a little pedialyte. Milk leaves a coating that seems to make little ones cough more.
    I’m praying for you and all your wee ones!

  9. I remember Ashley Ann at Under the Sycamore made these cool bracelets while her daughter was in the hospital for an extended stay. They were part of a project for Craft Hope. I’m sure you could make some kind of bracelets or something that would go towards this or another type of organization. With your giving heart, this just reminded me of something you’d be into.

  10. I think you’re doing all the right things to fight congestion. My son was not a huge medicine fan, so we always bought the grape Tylenol tablets. The pharmacist van tell you what the equivalent amount is. Crush the tablet with a spoon and add just enough water to make it a paste. My son really liked the grape flavor, so it’s worth a try.

  11. I’ve also heard about Vicks on the feet and we use the bath vapor. For the crafts, CROCHET! It’s much easier than knitting and you can whip up tons of things quick. I learned from YouTube videos recently and made my 4 year old an Elmo and batman hat and my 1 year old some leg warmers just in the last few days. Plus, it’s a great learn it yourself craft because if you mess up, you just undo it. No wasted materials!

  12. Take your crafts!!!! I’m going to my inlaws this weekend which leaves me with a lot of time on my hands so I have my cameo, vinyl, laptop, ie packed!

  13. Tricia Conrey says:

    Vicks on the feet with socks is really supposed to work!
    As far as a craft, you could buy some cute fleece material and make the tie-together type blankets for your wee ones! It’s a great craft that doesn’t take up much space or require many supplies!

    • We just made a bunch of those fleece tie blankets at camp to give to our Children’s Hospital. That was one item they said they would always take so they could give them to new patients.

  14. Laura B C says:

    the BEST congestion beater (if you’re willing to get over the gross-factor): or
    basic concept of the bulb aspirator expect you use your mouth to suck (no snot comes to your mouth, don’t fret) but it is AMAZING and clears the junk out SO much better than the bulb

  15. I agree w/ mixing his meds w/ a little something…pedialyte or diluted apple juice (I realize it’s a little early for that, but desperate times…) One of my boys was the pro at spitting his medicine out. (He was also the one w/ all the ear infections!) I swear I would force it in, watch him swallow and he could still spit it back out. ??? Started mixing it in a little diluted juice a just sat w/ him till it was gone. Good luck!

  16. Heather Stephens says:

    Put him in a bouncy seat or something in a hot steamy bathroom for 30 min. Then take him outside afterwards. This air temp.change is good for clearing congestion

  17. A fun craft idea is Needlepunch – or Russian Punch Needle. You can get the supplies at any Joann Fabrics or Michaels – all you need to carry is a small hoop, a piece of fabric (see what they recommend), some yarn and a punch needle – they even have ready made kits that are reasonable. You can make some sweet or cool gifts this way. You could make small pieces with names and small designs on them and then make them into keyfobs or put in little picture frames for the kids. God Bless you and Amon and all your family.

  18. Lauren Huss says:

    For congestion: put the baby rub on the bottom of his feet. And have you ever used the nasal aspirator (booger sucker) where you are using your own suction to get the snot out? It sounds gross, but you don’t get snot in your mouth or anything, and you get SO much more snot out than with a bulb.

    For medicine: if he likes pacis (or bottles), they sell medicine dispensers that are nipples with room to fill with meds. My little one (4 mo) sucks meds right down with that thing!

    I’m not crafty AT ALL, so I’m not touching that one. 😉

  19. Stephanie in NC says:

    Sent you an email about a couple of crafts. I agree with the vicks on the feet and always put Amon in the bathroom when the shower is on. Helps….

  20. Ava the elephant makes them smile and they don’t realize what is happening?!

  21. Take him into the shower with you. Put on your swim suit and steam up the shower really good and hang out for a while then load up on the Vicks… feet, chest, wherever you think it might help! I also like the J&J baby vapor bath. As for the medicine, put a little formula in the nipple of his bottle (unattached from the bottle) with the medicine and have him take it first then follow it up with the rest of his bottle. The formula seemed to mask the taste of any medicine and my girl was happy to have the rest of her bottle afterwards! Hope this helps! Prayers for a speedy recovery for your sweet guy!

  22. Knitting is very comforting and can be a handy skill set. I could teach you in an afternoon!

  23. Karen phillips says:

    Can you sneak the meds in his bottle? Or, sometimes if you use one of the syringe-type dispensers and get it toward the back of the mouth toward a cheek, it will miss his taste buds and go down easier…I’ve also seen the little paci medicine dispensers. Good luck with that!! 🙂 And, NO crafty ideas from this girl, lol!

  24. Is Amon teething? My twins are about his age and my son was congested for over a week. I was starting to worry, and then out popped a tooth and away went the congestion! That ear/nose/throat stuff is crazy connected!
    We do meds in bottles like others have said…haven’t had a problem.

  25. Cross-stitching is a fun craft that takes up little space. Lots of cool books with neat patterns and it can all go in one bag. 🙂

  26. Congestions thoughts. . . our daughter (through adoption) came to us with severe congestion. It took years for us to figure out that she was allergic to dairy, also eggs, wheat, and many chemicals. We switched our household away from anything scented (candles, perfume, cleaning products, etc) and replaced milk with almond milk. This made huge differences. She eventually out-grew her allergies to eggs and wheat and now can tolerate some dairy. She’s now 16. Her allergies were horrible from very young to about age 14. Maybe checking his food situation may help. . . Blessings & prayers!

  27. I’ve just recently taken up embroidery and I love it! It’s portable, easy to learn the stitches, and easy to pick up/put down in short bursts. There are lots of cool patterns and tutorials available and the supplies are pretty inexpensive. I think it’s like painting with thread 🙂

  28. We have way too much experience with giving meds to Thatcher. Unfortunately it’s kind of all he knows so he opens up like a little bird now (so there is hope it will get better if it is a prolonged thing). Syringes are great and the nurses always squeezed his cheeks (gently of course) to keep him from spitting it out. Most meds at this age are liquid and taste terrible so we would just shoot toward the back of the mouth in manageable quantities, then chase with milk/juice/paci…whatever he wanted. I just held him in a cradle hold so they would go down too. Personally, I think small pills are easier since you can crush and mix with a small amount of juice/water in the syringe…less liquid, better taste. Be careful mixing obviously since you have to make sure they get it all down. Hm, wonder if he could lick a sucker afterward at this age to help with bad taste?!! Good luck!

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