Asi Asi

I took Spanish in high school and unfortunately was not a very good student.  It’s sad, but I remember very little.  One thing I do remember is asi asi, which means so so.  That was our day…not terrible, not great, but so so.

He is ridiculously cute and I don’t shy away from agreeing with every doctor and nurse and care partner and tech and xray person and volunteer who comes in  his room…yes, he is adorable…yes, his smile is killer, yes, his hair is fabulous and yes, he is such a good, good baby.  He seriously blows my mind.

There was no puke today…praise…but Amon wasn’t very interested in actually eating since he hasn’t done so in 7 days now.  At the end of the day we logged a whopping 4 1/2 oz of pedialyte.  Better than nothing though.

We did our usual of taking walks in our wagon and just chilling watching way too much cable TV and I emotionally ate my way through yet another box of sugar babies.  What is wrong with me?!?!

I love how artsy the children’s hospital is.  There are art displays everywhere in tons of different mediums.  I do love walking around and exploring and finding new displays.

Staying in the hospital this long is really difficult.  Hats off to the parents who have stayed for far too long…my heart goes completely out to them and their sweet kiddos.  I know that sitting on Day #20 I feel very, very down and depleted…I can only imagine how other parents feel.

I miss Josh and Harper and Huddy and Sol terribly.  I feel like I am missing out on so much and it just makes me sad.  I miss being home…together…all 6 of us.  I miss sleeping in a bed.  It gets kind of lonely here too.  And you’ve heard of the Freshman 15, well I’ve gained the Hospital 15…I miss my zumba class and my crossfit class and running.  Why do I emotionally eat?  Why!?!?!?!?!?!  And who is the genius that invented microwave pop up bowl popcorn?  Genius.

But tomorrow we’ll give it another go and eventually we’ll get to walk out of this place.  And that is a very big blessing that I recognize and DO NOT…DO NOT take for granted.  Things can be sucky sometimes, but blessings are still all around.

Happy Very Late Wednesday Night!


  1. I’m praying for you Laura. Hang in there, sweet friend. Listen, before you know it that Ace of hearts is going to be running circles around you, right beside his siblings and that hospital 15 will be gone and you’ll look back on this crazy journey and have a lot to praise God for. Wish I could visit you, just know that I am praying. Love from Oz.

  2. Holly mahnke says:

    Praying for you….and I’m with you on the emotional eating! My baby left for college 2 months ago—I have gained the “college mom” weight from being so lonely for her! And, to make it even worse, one of my best friends who is maybe 100 lbs dripping wet, FORGETS to eat when she is stressed!!! What is up with that?? Who forgets to eat?? Whatev…

  3. You don’t know me, but I follow your blog and last thing each night I check in to see how your precious little boy is doing. I pray for a full recovery for him and strength for you as you struggle through these long hospital days. You are almost there, just a little longer. Know that people out there whom you don’t even know, are thinking of you and routing for you and your family. A whole new beginning is just around the corner for all of you. God Bless. Amanda, British Columbia, Canada xoxo

  4. Hang in there!! It’s so terribly hard to be in the hospital, but that’s where that sweet boy needs to be for now. But soon, things will shift and you all will head out and enjoy the new and different chaos of regular life. I’m praying for you all.

  5. He really is outstandingly adorable!! Like gorgeous beautiful. 🙂 Hang in there. I only had to be in the hospital with one of my kids for 2 days and it was hard. Pretty soon you’ll be back home and the hospital will feel like a distant memory! Praying for a great day tomorrow!

  6. I am standing and praying for new miracles daily…and that was 4 more ounces than yesterday…his tummy will wake up soon…and digestion problems will be a thing of the past…I agree with the too stressed out that you forget to eat alludes me…I too eat when stressed….glad you have support at the hospital…listen my hubby works at the university there if you ever need something…please let us know…you never know when a last minute thing is needed….hugs and peaceful rest

  7. Heather Hesson says:

    My 4 month old son Jack and I pray for Amon every morning, tonight we find ourselves here at Vandy Children’s. It has been a hard day and night, I cannot imagine what you and your son are going through -it takes a special momma to be here with her sick child, it is a completely overwhelming and helpless experience. I just want to tell you how brave you are and what an encouragement you are to others. Tomorrow morning we will be praying for you again.

  8. Linda Varnado says:

    Just woke up in the night praying for you guys. We’ve been away since Nick’s wedding last Saturday but you’ve still been so much on my heart. May God give you supernatural strength for these long days and nights and give your gorgeous lil babe healing and hunger for lots of ounces this Thursday!!! You are loved!

  9. Praying for you as I Prepare to leave for work. Hoping that Amon eats more and your hospital departure day comes soon!

  10. No matter what kind of day you have, it is NOT evident on Amon’s face – he is the most cute, most consistently adorable baby I’ve ever seen!

  11. Is it just me, or does Amon have Harper’s eyes??? Seriously, I’ve thought this from the start – they have the same eyes!

    Anyway, praying for you. Don’t worry about that 15 – keep eating! You just stay positive, stay strong, and hang in there. You’re in the home stretch! I was in the hospital with my preemie twins for about 18 days while my 4-year-old was elsewhere (with my husband, my parents, my sister, etc.). It was really tough, but we got through it and you will too! Lots of prayers coming your way!!

  12. Not too much longer!! Amon looks like Harper in that wagon picture!! Too cute! God Bless…and be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might!

  13. I agree with your assessment…he is the most ridiculously adorable baby ever! And those shining eyes…even on day 20…he’s too much! Praying for healing, for you family back at home, and for your sanity! Praying you get to bust out of there very soon!

  14. Your hospital “fluffiness” will go away when you get home & back to normal, so hang in there, mama! Praying for Amon to have a hungry tummy today, that things go smoothly & for God to help you “keep on, keepin’ on!” Chin up, you’ll be blowing this popsicle stand in no time!

  15. Aww I know you hear it a 100x a day but he is soo soo cute and brave and precious! In the wagon picture he looks soo much like Harper. I pray all the kelleys are reunited at home soon.

  16. Praying and loving ALL the Kelleys from afar! Love you girl!! Hold on to your Ancho!!

  17. Your hospital is pretty nice… but it is still a hospital and not home. Prayers you are ALL home together very, very soon! Pedialyte down the hatch today cute Amon! Chug-a-lug and NO PUKING! 🙂

  18. Thinking of and praying for you! 🙂 Hang in there … you’ll be out of there with a well baby before you know it!!

  19. Michelle Wray says:

    Praying not just for Amon but for you too. My Ally was in there when she was 5 weeks old for 5 days over Thanksgiving. It was HORRIBLE! I was bored out of my mind. My husband stayed home with our son so I was pretty much alone all day. Even if i could get comfortable on the fold-out couch, someone was in there just about every hour to change her antibiotics. At the end of it all, i just thanked God that we did get to walk out of there with a healthy baby. I know some are not so lucky. So while you feel like you are going crazy in there, remember that at the end of this crazy journey you are leaving with an incredible gift. Amon is amazing. And you will be a fabulous family of 6!

  20. Susan Mello says:

    Is it me, or, is Ampn getting cuter ever day???

  21. Amon is one seriously adorable little guy. He has personality plus shining in his eyes. 🙂 I can so relate to your stress eathing, Laura. When my hubby had heart surgery several months ago I stayed at the hospital with him, because it was out of town and I was the only one there. Among other things, I ate the majority of a full size bag of licorice bites by myself. lol It’s not only the stress of what’s happening with your loved one at the hospital, but also the stress of what’s happening with your loved ones that are at home without you. Plus too much time sitting around adds to the stress eating factor. But the excellent news is that when you get home and things settle down and you’re back into your normal routine you will lose the weight easily. Hang in there. It’s always darkest just before dawn. Blessings, hugs, and prayers!!!

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