When Things Go Awry

I’ll be honest.  Last night when I was thinking about my post for today I had a very simple post planned that would contain a cute picture of all the Kelley kids all snuggled up together and just a few words like, “No time for a post today.  We’re enjoying a snow day.” or “Hey.  We have no snow, but we got a snow day.  Word up and peace out.  See you tomorrow.” or “Undeserved snow days are the best.  We’re enjoying this one to the max.”  That’s what I had planned in my head.  And then I woke up.

And things went terribly awry.  Snow days are suppose to be fun and full of movies and kind words and siblings who are all nice and kind to each other and mommas who don’t yell at their kids.  Yep.  That’s what a snow day is suppose to look like.  Ours resembled nothing of that and by 11:45 when we were leaving to enjoy lunch with friends, pretty sure I said something along the lines of, “I wouldn’t even take you guys to Chickfila if I didn’t need to get out of this house.  Nobody has earned a fun lunch.”  Yep.  #momoftheyear  There had been fights and whining and complaining and yelling and Amon broke my mom’s beloved red bird which made me cry and get angry and nobody, not nobody including myself, was treating each other like we wanted to be treated.  There was no love in our words.  And there was certainly no love in our actions.  Everyone was mad and ill and annoyed with one another.  I was yelling at the kids to stop yelling at each other.  It was all quite redonkulous.  So with an angry heart and selfish motives we loaded up the car and I gave out strict instructions of no talking and that behavior better get better because clearly I myself was modeling the best behavior for them to all imitate.

As we drove in silence, God started digging into my angry, selfish and sinful heart.  By the time we got to Chickfila I felt awful.  And I could tell I needed to do damage control asap by the looks on their little faces.  I pulled into a parking spot and there we sat.  Then I got busy asking for forgiveness.  I apologized for a million specific things I had done wrong so far that day to the kids.  I had totally set the tone for the day and it had not been a good one.  As always, I was offered forgiveness by three wee Kelleys who I adore.  And you know what, then they started apologizing and forgiving too.  And we had a whole little gush fest right there in the van.  We agreed to wipe the slate clean and start new.  We then practiced our Bible verse before heading in for chicken.

Just like that, our day changed.  I admitted my mistakes and started letting Jesus in and thinking more of Him.  We ate with friends and the kids played while I got to chat with two of my most favorite ladies.  I listened as one of them talked about having older children and I found myself soaking in her words.  And there was laughter and my heart got a little lighter.  Jesus, friends, kind words and chicken do a heart good…my new motto.  Amon even did his sleeping thing right there in the booth.  The guy behind us was all like, “Daaang girl, your kid will sleep anywhere.”

It was just what we all needed.  We hit up Kroger afterwards for baking goods and I even snagged a bag of Rolos…I know, I know, but some days require chocolate even if it is a Wednesday.  Now we’re all piled on the couch watching Dispicable Me 2 and we just slurped down Marshmallow Lover’s Hot Chocolate…which should be the only hot chocolate in the world.

Breakfast for dinner is on the menu and who doesn’t love some brinner.  Harper has some preparation for 100s day and the boys have lego assembling planned for after dinner.  I’m working on cookies after everyone goes to bed…the sugar kind…the pretty decorated kind.  I’ll also be answering emails I haven’t gotten too yet.  The world is right again.  And forgiveness won our day back.  When will I learn.  Glad God is still in the business of renewing and restoring.  Glad He hands out ample amounts of grace and forgiveness and mercy every single day.

Happy Wednesday!

PS:  If you are interested this canvas is still available for sale HERE.


  1. oh girlie— man i have had those exact. same. days.

    i truly wish God would make me mute when I’m posing.. just saying’.. it would save a lot of hurt. and kids are amazing– they are great teachers of forgiveness.. something i need to learn…

    and tomorrow is always a new day

    and hot chocolate with lots of marshmallows fixes most things..

    as does a Sonic cherry dr. pepper.

  2. Margie Novota says:

    I am so thankful you are able to share about forgiveness! I am sure this is such a blessing to so many moms with small children. Thanks for sharing the real life everyday living that can rob of us of our joy, but does not have to.

  3. Missed you this morning. We were doing crunches with our toes tucked under the stage. It was me, Bobby and Charlene, Bobby was going on and on about being in the sweet spot between the girls. And somewhere in the midst of our 8 min AMRAP set of crunches and KB swings, bobby let one rip, a really loud one. I wish you had been there to hear it. Anyways, miss you! Oh yeah and this post stabbed me right in the heart. I bet your as happy as I am that there’s school tomorrow. And I’m so sorry about you beloved red bird.


  4. Been there, done that with yucky days! Glad you were able to turn it around. I hate when days are bad and I don’t redeem them. Wish I could buy the canvas! It is beautiful!!!

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