What I’m Learning

Life is starting to pick up around these parts.  School is in and we’re getting into our groove.  We’re working on routines and earlier bedtimes and wake times.  We’re entering a new season where each big kid is doing a different activity.  We limit them to one…and if they want to sit a season out they totally can do that too.  We’re about to start the wild juggle of 3 small bodies needing to be in 3 different places at once plus life in general.  We’re working on how we work together as a family.  We’re working on how we love together as a family.  We’re talking through scenarios and situations which arise while the kids are down the street at school.  I’ve already had to talk to Harper about how “some people just aren’t nice” “we don’t know what their home situation is like or what they are working through in their own heart” “it’s hard, but we have to work at loving” “not everybody is going to like you”.  I lay it all out and tell her how even when you are an adult you are faced with these situations and scenarios.  I’ve reminded everyone we don’t always make the best decisions ourselves…we are all flawed sinners.

I find myself thinking far too long about how it’s easy for us to feel like outsiders.  Comparison is a joy stealer.  I find myself spending too much time with hurt feelings or this feeling of just not fitting in. Isn’t it funny how even as adults we still can feel kicked out of the club or unwanted?!?!   I find myself thinking far too long and hard about myself in general.  Why do we put so much confidence in flesh when our worth is in Christ alone.

I’m reading in Philippians right now and I am loving it.  Like all the love for Paul right now.  Galatians wasn’t my favorite, but I really enjoyed Ephesians and now Philippians is rocking my world and I’m not even done with chapter 3 yet.  It’s reminding me of my purpose in Christ…what our goal not only as individual followers of Christ is, but also what our family goals should be together working as one unit, but yet individuals.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

(ESV & The Message)

Pray with a glad heart.  Be motivated by pure love.  Aim for a flourishing finish.  Be confident in the Lord.  Speak the word boldly without fear.  Rejoice.  Our courage and unity will show them what they’re up against.  Count others more significant than ourselves.  Everything He wants to do in and through us will be done, so we can hardly wait to continue on our course.  May our love flourish and that we will not only love much, but well.  Live a lovers life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus would be proud of.  Get everyone involved in the glory of God.  Be joyful.  Encourage and comfort.  Show affection, sympathy, joy, love, humility and interest for others.  Be emptied out, take the servant roll.  Humble ourselves.  God is to be highly exalted.  Don’t grumble or dispute.  Provide people with a glimpse of the living God.  Shine as lights in the world.  Carry the light-giving Message into the night.  Be poured out.  Cheer on and serve one another.  Show mercy.  Be glad in God.  Be found in Him.  Put no confidence in the flesh.  What we once thought was so important, really isn’t compared to the high privilege of knowing and serving Christ.  Know Him.

Everything points back to Christ and these characteristics of His.  Nothing says to think about ourselves…instead empty ourselves out for others…be poured out on His behalf.  It’s so easy to get swept up into what the world says is important.  It’s easy to think about ourselves…our feelings…our wants…our desires…our agenda…how to advance “us”…make our life or our cause grander…and yet Jesus lived a life so contradictory to this.  He chose the servant roll.  Not just loving, but loving well.  He chose the rare things: love, mercy, kindness, acceptance, grace, encouragement, sympathy, humility and crazy interest in others…shining for the world to see.  Being the light we should follow.  Leading by example.

I know I fight my flesh everyday.  I know Satan knows exactly where to strike…what really gets at me…what really gets at our family.  Today I find myself confident in Him…in His love and grace and His ability to stand firm and fight for us.  I’m taking thoughts captive.  I’m praying for His peace to wash over.  I’m making a conscious effort to remember we are to be emptied out for Him.  May He be exalted and His glory known.

1 Comment

  1. Check out this blog! I’m learning a lot of the same right now 🙂 Super awesome!

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