C4C {Weekend Re-Cap)

This past weekend I attended Created For Care as one of the break out sessions.  I taught some of my Bible journaling class.  It feels like I’ve taught this class a million times at this point and yet, I still get all sweaty and nervous.  The weekend proved the same.  I went solo not knowing anyone except low and behold one of my cousins was there.  That was crazy nice to see a familiar face.  I took away several things:

A) Created For Care is a class act.  I had never heard of it until this year so I had no clue what to expect and I couldn’t have been more pleased.  The ladies who run this…WHO ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS…are kind and thoughtful and caring and oh my goodness do they put a crap ton of work into this event and it shows.  It was seriously just lovely.

B)  People are kind.  99.9% of feedback I heard from ladies over the weekend could not have been any kinder and encouraging.  Kind people are kind of the BEST!  You crazy ladies who read this insanely random blog written my an even more insane person couldn’t have been nicer.  Hearing from you made my heart freakin’ soar.  I love putting faces to names and handles in this age of the internet.  Thank you for grabbing me and saying hello.  You made my weekend.  I’m dead serious!

C)  Parenting is hard and guess what…everyone else thinks the same too.  Add adoption and foster care and waiting and loss and grief and special needs and kiddos who come from hard places and all the other big emotions which take up space in this realm and man oh man, isn’t it nice to know we are not in this gig alone.  I love hearing from other moms that I’m not the only momma out there struggling, I’m not the only momma out there making grand mistakes and I’m not the only momma just trying to stay afloat most days.

D)  All weekend this verse kept running through my brain from 2 Peter 1

19 We couldn’t be more sure of what we saw and heard—God’s glory, God’s voice. The prophetic Word was confirmed to us. You’ll do well to keep focusing on it. It’s the one light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts. 

There are families out there on really hard and difficult journeys.  May God be our light in the darkness as we wait for daybreak.

And E)  I love ladies who are taking what they know…what they’ve learned from their journey and all their rights and wrongs…and who then pour into the ladies around them.  I love this community where comparison is shifted to the side and camaraderie takes front and center.  Ladies who just want to love on each other, listen and lift each other up.  It’s pretty damn good.

I am totally looking forward to March.  And the venders were awesome.  I’m going to touch on them another day when I can really share the details, but you all know I love a good purchase with purpose and I met some amazing women doing amazing things.

I arrived home Sunday afternoon, dropped off my bags and we all loaded up in the car to head to one of Josh Kelley’s brother’s house for a Super Bowl/birthday/Chinese New Year party.  My sister-in-law Becky is Chinese and throws a mean Chinese New Year party.  Things might have gotten a tad out of hand 🙂  We had quite a blast, the food was ridiculously good and she even taught us how to make pot stickers.  Whoa.

Yesterday rolled around quite early and there before us were two sick Kelley kids.  These are never good signs.

 Today was a snow day.  We kicked off a full on movie marathon promptly at 9am sharp.  Everyone picked their favorites.  We’ve snacked and lego-ed and played games and snacked and fought and laughed and snuggled.  Feels like we’re in recovery mode and deemed this day “lazy”.

And I am officially done with 2 Peter.  Every time I finish another book in the Bible I feel as if I should throw a party.  Me…a non Bible reader…pretty much a non reader of all books…reading another book of the Bible…it’s a miracle.  Seriously nothing short of Jesus.  2 Peter was fabulous.  I really liked it.  A lot of  goodness.

Happy Tuesday party people.  Hope your week is off to an awesome start.

February Bible Journaling Class

February is here and we’ve got this month’s Bible journaling class in our home on the books.  I have been absolutely amazed at how God is just adding more and more classes to the calendar.  It’s an honor. I simply love this class because I love reading the Bible now…which was not always the case up until about 18 months ago.  I love sharing about this crazy good game changer.

So here are the details:

When:  Saturday February 27th

Time: 1pm-4pm

Where:  Our house…near Nashville, TN

Cost: $50

As with every class, we keep none of the money and it all gets given away to do some kind of good in the world.  For January we bought tons of supplies for Three Strands.  If you have not heard of them check them out now.  I will share more soon.

This class will be 3 hours in length and we will talk about the process of Bible journaling and I will share how I go about this each day.  We will also talk about supplies and tips, tricks and techniques I use.  There will be time for questions throughout the class as well as time for you to do some of your own Bible journaling and practicing.

Each person will bring their own supplies.  You can read about the supplies I use on THIS POST, but please feel free to bring the items which work for you.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE THE ITEMS I USE.

There are 8 spots still available for this class.  If you would like a spot email me at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com or Message Me Here.  You can reserve more than one spot, so chat with your family and friends and make it girl’s day.  This will also be a kid free time…sorry, no kiddos.

I am so excited to share we are super close to having the class available online.  I have a ridiculously talented friend working on it and she’s crazy kind and good.  Kind people are the best kind of people.  I am also teaching this class to larger groups, women’s events, conferences and private parties/small groups, etc now.  It totally delights my heart to bring the class to you.  You can message me HERE if this is something you are interested in.  Every penny from these events also is given away and goes towards doing some kind of good in the world.  A purchase with great purpose.

Happy Tuesday!


 Life is currently crazy town…this should be the Kelley family life motto.  Ha.  I don’t even know what makes it so crazy, but it feels it.  I have about zero thoughts to share.  I hate when I do that because I love to get on here and type away.  It’s good for my heart, but thoughts are hard lately.  Today I had an eye appointment with the two littles in tow.  The doctor asked me if anything big happened for us in 2015 and I sat there and stared him the face blankly.  I CANNOT THINK.  I mumbled a few words and ended with “I’m sorry.  I just can’t think most days.”  He laughed.

I did want to share a few really really important things.  Like….

I FLIPPIN’ LOVE HAVING A PRINTER.  It’s divine and amazing and great and awesome.  Friday night, I’m not even kidding, Harper and I sat around printing and scanning things.  Nerd Alert!!!  She would come running in and say “I really need a copy of this.”  And then we’d copy it like we owned a limo and mansion.  We’re so fancy…you don’t even know.  And now you will be singing that song all day long.

I laughed out loud at myself yesterday because I needed to print off a schedule for an upcoming conference.  I did my normal routine of emailing Josh Kelley with whatever it is I need printed and then realized I was sitting at the table WITH the printer.  I shot him a text telling him what I had done.  That Josh Kelley is a witty one.  Always keeps me rolling.

This weekend I made THESE cookies.  If you haven’t made them yet, please please please do.  They are like tiny morsels of heaven.  I am not kidding…Morsels.Of.Heaven.

The goal here was to make enough cookies for a birthday shindig and also enough cookies to take to school for staff on Monday morning.  And after I made all the cookies I realized there was no school on Monday, so as a result we ate 5 million cookies this weekend because we cannot be trusted with cookies in our house.  We are a very untrustworthy cookie bunch.

They ate cookies all weekend too.  I am that mother.  No shame people, no shame.  Cookies for everyone.

I’ve had a few spots open up for this weekend’s Bible journaling class.  It’s this Saturday from 1-4 at our house.  You can read all the details HERE.  If you’re interested email me or message me HERE.


Yesterday we did a whole lot of this.

MLK Jr day always gets the best of me and with cold temps we all just burrowed in pretty tight.  Hudson and Solomon did spend quite a bit of time outside with hammers breaking all the ice in our bird bath.  Hudson was convinced he was legitimately frozen when he came back inside…he does worry well 🙂  It never fails when I read Martin Luther King Jr books I sob.  Like sob sob.  Last night I cried so hard Hudson broke down and sobbed with me.  Oh wow!  We are clearly a hot mess around here, but seriously, such a special and important man and day!!

   And currently littles are sleeping so I’m off to journal and work on some orders.  Oh and we’re having THESE for dinner tonight.  3rd time in less than a week people.  I even printed off the recipe so I no longer have to pull it up on my phone.  Forgot to tell you I added some chipotle seasoning and chili powder to spicy the chicken up a bit and subbed plain greek yogurt for the sour cream and almond milk for regular milk.  Whatever way you go…they are good!

Happy Tuesday.

Creating & Our Words

I finished up the last of my custom orders for 2015 around the 2nd week in December and then I just chilled.  I made a canvas for my SIL and a few other things here and there, but mostly just took a break.  And breaks are good, but I have a major need to create bent.  So kicking off the new year with new orders and projects has been crazy good for my heart.  The days are super lengthy feeling, the sun doesn’t shine as long and emotions are running rather high and intense around our house lately, so it’s easy to get swept in.  Creating something new is like a good dose of sunshine for me.  And school starting back was like another good dose of sunshine for me…in particular the littles school starting back 🙂  Toddlers are like “whoa”.

Still working on this one, but it’s been good to paint again.

I am still taking orders, so you can message me HERE or email at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com if you are interested.

So excited to get back into teaching the Bible journaling classes.  I have one tomorrow night in Hendersonille and I just can’t even say how excited I am.  The next class I’m hosting at our house on January 23rd.  I do still have 6 spots available if you are interested.  You can check out all the details HERE.

Also, I know it may be weird, but I would love to hear from ladies going to the Created For Care retreats…if any of you are out there.  I’m teaching the Bible Journaling sessions…going completely solo…I don’t even know my roommates’ name…this is hard stuff for an introvert who really longs to be an extravert…easier said than done.  Come say hi to me…I am a hugger though…you have been warned.

And James might not have been the best book to start for the new year.  Holy cow.  So many many emotions and thoughts and I can’t even begin to gather them all up.  Far too many right now.  James is pretty much killing me and chipping away at all the craptasticness in my heart.  Geez.

I will leave you with this bit of in your face goodness from James 3:5-6 the message:

“By our speech we can ruin the world, turn harmony to chaos, throw mud on a reputation, send the whole world up in smoke and go up in smoke with it…”

Yes, I know.  How dare James.  Gigantic slap in my face today.  I say it 1000 times a week…There is the power of life or death in our words.  Will we choose to build people up or tear them down?  My mom said this to me often and she picked it up from a little book called The Bible 🙂

Happy Tuesday.

January Bible Journaling Class

Well it’s been a few months since I’ve been able to host a Bible Journaling Class and with January right around the corner I figured we’d start back at it again.  One of the greatest things God has done in my life is nudging me towards Himself through His word…then throw in color and creativity and I just can’t even begin to tell you how much I absolutely love His word and this journaling process.  Game changer you guys!

So here are the details:

When:  Saturday January 23

Time: 1pm-4pm

Where:  Our house…near Nashville, TN

Cost: $50

As with every class, we keep none of the money and it all gets given away to do some kind of good.  If Ngungwane’s Garden Fund is wrapped up by then, then we’ll give to something different, but if not the money will head there.  I will definitely keep you posted.

And if you are wanting to do some last minute, end-of-the-year giving, all donations to the Ngungwane Garden Fund are tax deductible.

This class will be 3 hours in length and we will talk about the process of Bible journaling and I will share how I go about this each day.  We will also talk about supplies and tips, tricks and techniques I use.  There will be time for questions throughout the class as well as time for you to do some of your own Bible journaling and practicing.

Each person will bring their own supplies.  You can read about the supplies I use on THIS POST, but please feel free to bring the items which work for you.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE THE ITEMS I USE.

There are 6 spots still available for this class.  If you would like a spot email me at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com or Message Me Here.  You can reserve more than one spot, so chat with your family and friends and make it girl’s day.  This will also be a kid free time…sorry, no kiddos.

I am teaching this class to larger groups, women’s events, conferences and private parties/small groups, etc now.  It totally delights my heart to bring the class to you.  You can message me HERE if this is something you are interested in.  Every penny from these events also is given away and goes towards doing some kind of good.  A win, win!

Happy Tuesday!

September Bible Journaling Class

September isn’t even here yet and it has proven itself to be a tad on the crazy side for us Kelleys.  We’ve kicked off ballet, baseball and swimming plus work and life in general and coaching starts up this week for Josh Kelley.  When we started looking at dates for September’s Bible journaling class we ended up deciding to try out a Sunday afternoon this time around.  So we shall see what the outcome is 🙂

So here are the details:

When:  Sunday September 20th

Time: 1pm-4pm

Where:  Our house…near Nashville, TN

Cost: $50

This month’s funds will go towards the Ngungwane playground fund again.  We’re at 22% and we’re going to keep after it.

This class will be 3 hours in length and we will talk about the process of Bible journaling and I will share how I go about this each day.  We will also talk about supplies and tips, tricks and techniques I use.  There will be time for questions throughout the class as well as time for you to do some of your own Bible journaling and practicing.

Each person will bring their own supplies.  You can read about the supplies I use on THIS POST, but please feel free to bring the items which work for you.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE THE ITEMS I USE.

There are 16 spots available for this class.  If you would like a spot email me at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com or Message Me Here.  You can reserve more than one spot, so chat with your family and friends and make it a girls afternoon.  This will also be a kid free time…sorry, no kiddos.

I am teaching this class to larger groups, women’s events, conferences and private parties/small groups, etc now.  It totally delights my heart to bring the class to you.  You can message me HERE if this is something you are interested in.  Every penny from these events also goes directly towards Ngungwane’s playground fund.  A win, win!

One of the things I so love about these classes is meeting new ladies.  I’m one of those extroverts trapped in an introverts body.  I love to meet new people and chat, but it’s hard for me so having people come to our house or arranging a meet up is like playing friend match maker for me…takes the hard part out of the mix 🙂

Thank you as always for reading and being so kind.  You guys blow me away with your thoughtfulness and encouragement.  Hope your day is awesome.

Happy Tuesday!

What I’m Learning

Life is starting to pick up around these parts.  School is in and we’re getting into our groove.  We’re working on routines and earlier bedtimes and wake times.  We’re entering a new season where each big kid is doing a different activity.  We limit them to one…and if they want to sit a season out they totally can do that too.  We’re about to start the wild juggle of 3 small bodies needing to be in 3 different places at once plus life in general.  We’re working on how we work together as a family.  We’re working on how we love together as a family.  We’re talking through scenarios and situations which arise while the kids are down the street at school.  I’ve already had to talk to Harper about how “some people just aren’t nice” “we don’t know what their home situation is like or what they are working through in their own heart” “it’s hard, but we have to work at loving” “not everybody is going to like you”.  I lay it all out and tell her how even when you are an adult you are faced with these situations and scenarios.  I’ve reminded everyone we don’t always make the best decisions ourselves…we are all flawed sinners.

I find myself thinking far too long about how it’s easy for us to feel like outsiders.  Comparison is a joy stealer.  I find myself spending too much time with hurt feelings or this feeling of just not fitting in. Isn’t it funny how even as adults we still can feel kicked out of the club or unwanted?!?!   I find myself thinking far too long and hard about myself in general.  Why do we put so much confidence in flesh when our worth is in Christ alone.

I’m reading in Philippians right now and I am loving it.  Like all the love for Paul right now.  Galatians wasn’t my favorite, but I really enjoyed Ephesians and now Philippians is rocking my world and I’m not even done with chapter 3 yet.  It’s reminding me of my purpose in Christ…what our goal not only as individual followers of Christ is, but also what our family goals should be together working as one unit, but yet individuals.

Here’s what I’ve learned so far:

(ESV & The Message)

Pray with a glad heart.  Be motivated by pure love.  Aim for a flourishing finish.  Be confident in the Lord.  Speak the word boldly without fear.  Rejoice.  Our courage and unity will show them what they’re up against.  Count others more significant than ourselves.  Everything He wants to do in and through us will be done, so we can hardly wait to continue on our course.  May our love flourish and that we will not only love much, but well.  Live a lovers life, circumspect and exemplary, a life Jesus would be proud of.  Get everyone involved in the glory of God.  Be joyful.  Encourage and comfort.  Show affection, sympathy, joy, love, humility and interest for others.  Be emptied out, take the servant roll.  Humble ourselves.  God is to be highly exalted.  Don’t grumble or dispute.  Provide people with a glimpse of the living God.  Shine as lights in the world.  Carry the light-giving Message into the night.  Be poured out.  Cheer on and serve one another.  Show mercy.  Be glad in God.  Be found in Him.  Put no confidence in the flesh.  What we once thought was so important, really isn’t compared to the high privilege of knowing and serving Christ.  Know Him.

Everything points back to Christ and these characteristics of His.  Nothing says to think about ourselves…instead empty ourselves out for others…be poured out on His behalf.  It’s so easy to get swept up into what the world says is important.  It’s easy to think about ourselves…our feelings…our wants…our desires…our agenda…how to advance “us”…make our life or our cause grander…and yet Jesus lived a life so contradictory to this.  He chose the servant roll.  Not just loving, but loving well.  He chose the rare things: love, mercy, kindness, acceptance, grace, encouragement, sympathy, humility and crazy interest in others…shining for the world to see.  Being the light we should follow.  Leading by example.

I know I fight my flesh everyday.  I know Satan knows exactly where to strike…what really gets at me…what really gets at our family.  Today I find myself confident in Him…in His love and grace and His ability to stand firm and fight for us.  I’m taking thoughts captive.  I’m praying for His peace to wash over.  I’m making a conscious effort to remember we are to be emptied out for Him.  May He be exalted and His glory known.

Plenty of Room

July’s Bible journaling class is just around the corner and right now I’ve got a pretty low number 🙂  I know it didn’t help me being all MIA around here while in Africa with no connection to the inter webs.  So here I am to remind you of the July 25th class.  I wanted to re-post all the details and let you know there’s plenty of room for you and the money earned from this class will be flipped right around and headed back to Swaziland…buying sewing machines or cabinets or going towards our big goal of putting in a playground for all the kiddos.  I’m waiting to get number’s for one of the projects and then we’ll go from there on figuring out what to do first.  I’m pretty giddy about it.

(I Bible journaled while driving into Swaziland from South Africa and I kept cracking up because Marcie was “before my eyes” the whole way.  She helped me out with the picture.)

This class is seriously one of the highlights of my month.  I absolutely love meeting all the ladies, teaching about what God has been teaching me about His word and all the creative tips, tricks and ideas I’ve learned and use while Bible journaling.

You can read my original post HERE, but here are the main details again.

When:  Saturday, July 25th

Time: 1pm-4pm

Where:  Our house.  Near Nashville, Tn

Cost: $50

This class will be 3 hours in length and we will talk about the process of Bible journaling and I will share how I go about this each day.  We will also talk about supplies and tips, tricks and techniques I use.  There will be time for questions throughout the class as well as time for you to do some of your own Bible journaling and practicing.

Each person will bring their own supplies.  You can read about the supplies I use on THIS POST, but please feel free to bring the items which work for you.  YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PURCHASE THE ITEMS I USE.

There are 11 spots still available for this class.  If you would like a spot email me at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com or Message Me Here.  You can reserve more than one spot, so gather up your family and friends and make it a girls time.  This will also be a kid free time…sorry, no kiddos.

I do hope you will join us.  Can’t wait!

Happy Thursday!