This past weekend I attended Created For Care as one of the break out sessions. I taught some of my Bible journaling class. It feels like I’ve taught this class a million times at this point and yet, I still get all sweaty and nervous. The weekend proved the same. I went solo not knowing anyone except low and behold one of my cousins was there. That was crazy nice to see a familiar face. I took away several things:
A) Created For Care is a class act. I had never heard of it until this year so I had no clue what to expect and I couldn’t have been more pleased. The ladies who run this…WHO ARE ALL VOLUNTEERS…are kind and thoughtful and caring and oh my goodness do they put a crap ton of work into this event and it shows. It was seriously just lovely.
B) People are kind. 99.9% of feedback I heard from ladies over the weekend could not have been any kinder and encouraging. Kind people are kind of the BEST! You crazy ladies who read this insanely random blog written my an even more insane person couldn’t have been nicer. Hearing from you made my heart freakin’ soar. I love putting faces to names and handles in this age of the internet. Thank you for grabbing me and saying hello. You made my weekend. I’m dead serious!
C) Parenting is hard and guess what…everyone else thinks the same too. Add adoption and foster care and waiting and loss and grief and special needs and kiddos who come from hard places and all the other big emotions which take up space in this realm and man oh man, isn’t it nice to know we are not in this gig alone. I love hearing from other moms that I’m not the only momma out there struggling, I’m not the only momma out there making grand mistakes and I’m not the only momma just trying to stay afloat most days.
D) All weekend this verse kept running through my brain from 2 Peter 1
19 We couldn’t be more sure of what we saw and heard—God’s glory, God’s voice. The prophetic Word was confirmed to us. You’ll do well to keep focusing on it. It’s the one light you have in a dark time as you wait for daybreak and the rising of the Morning Star in your hearts.
There are families out there on really hard and difficult journeys. May God be our light in the darkness as we wait for daybreak.
And E) I love ladies who are taking what they know…what they’ve learned from their journey and all their rights and wrongs…and who then pour into the ladies around them. I love this community where comparison is shifted to the side and camaraderie takes front and center. Ladies who just want to love on each other, listen and lift each other up. It’s pretty damn good.
I am totally looking forward to March. And the venders were awesome. I’m going to touch on them another day when I can really share the details, but you all know I love a good purchase with purpose and I met some amazing women doing amazing things.
I arrived home Sunday afternoon, dropped off my bags and we all loaded up in the car to head to one of Josh Kelley’s brother’s house for a Super Bowl/birthday/Chinese New Year party. My sister-in-law Becky is Chinese and throws a mean Chinese New Year party. Things might have gotten a tad out of hand 🙂 We had quite a blast, the food was ridiculously good and she even taught us how to make pot stickers. Whoa.
Yesterday rolled around quite early and there before us were two sick Kelley kids. These are never good signs.
Today was a snow day. We kicked off a full on movie marathon promptly at 9am sharp. Everyone picked their favorites. We’ve snacked and lego-ed and played games and snacked and fought and laughed and snuggled. Feels like we’re in recovery mode and deemed this day “lazy”.
And I am officially done with 2 Peter. Every time I finish another book in the Bible I feel as if I should throw a party. Me…a non Bible reader…pretty much a non reader of all books…reading another book of the Bible…it’s a miracle. Seriously nothing short of Jesus. 2 Peter was fabulous. I really liked it. A lot of goodness.
Happy Tuesday party people. Hope your week is off to an awesome start.