The Big 2

Yesterday was Amon’s 2nd birthday.  There were donuts and cupcakes and balloons…lots and lots of balloons.  Amon digs a good balloon and holy cow…you should have heard him lose his mind at Kroger on Valentines day in the floral/produce department.  The sea of balloons blew his mind.  He legit loves balloons.

Harper helped me make strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese frosting.  And I gotta say…they did not disappoint.  I let Harper pick the cupcake liners from my rather large collection and she picked 12 different liners.  Super fun and then we doused them in sprinkles.

Birthday door action.  We kind of rocked some balloons this year.

Donuts for breakfast.  And singing of “happy birthday” 5 different times.

The rest of the day was filled with cupcake eating, a Joanns trip, new flip flops and there was even a birthday bath that ended with him projectile vomiting into the bath water.  I even got a picture…of him…mid projectile puke…it’s the funniest/grossest thing you’ve ever seen…I’m having stationary sets made…but I couldn’t bring myself to post it…I did share it with some friends via text though.

Oh Amon.  If I could only begin to say what all you mean to our family and how God has used you to renew our joy and hope.  How He has used you to heal our hearts.  You are one incredible kid to say the least.  You are crazy and insane and wild and busy and fun and sweet and incredibly joyful.  You make us laugh every single day.  And I can’t imagine our family and life without you.  We thank God every single day for your birth mom & dad and what an honor and blessing and privilege it is to be your parents.

Happiest of birthdays to our ace of hearts!  We kind of totally adore and love you.


  1. MAriaNne cupples says:

    HaPpY BiRtHdAy, AmON!!!!!!!!!

  2. Melt my heart and put it in the freezer!!!!!!!!!!! ADORABLE is an understatement! Happy Birthday, Amon!!!

  3. Happy birthday, Amon!

    And I just want to say my son had the exact same mind-blown reaction to the Valentine’s cornucopia of balloons at our grocery store. He usually cons his dad into buying him a balloon each time we are in the store. And he knows how to get to the floral department from the entrance, so if he runs ahead of us, we’re never worried because he’s just going to get his balloon on there and wait for us. The floral clerks know all of us by name, too.

  4. Happy Birthday Amon! 😀 His expression in the second balloon-door picture is great. 🙂

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