Car Vending Machine

When traveling with the kids we try and make it as easy as possible.  We don’t let them take a ton of stuff, but they each have a small backpack with books, paper, scissors, glue stick, tape, crayons, pencils and a few toys to keep them occupied on the road.  We also take their tag reader & books and the iPad.  They take turns using these rotating between the three of them.  For our latest road trip I also went ahead and stocked each of their backpacks with all their snacks.  So when it was time to have a snack I just told them to pick any snack they wanted out of their backpack.  And since they all have their own scissors there was no need for me to open the package for them either.  Boom.

At one point during our travel I looked back and Harper had taped all her snacks to the window beside her.  I totally cracked up.  She said, “It’s like one of those machines you buy snacks from.”  When it was time to have a snack she would just reach up and pull one down.  And so she invented the car vending machine…minus the money.  I like where her head is.

Happy Tuesday.

Va-to the-Cay

Well I’m just plain tired.  Like exhausted.  I think I could sleep for days.  I guess that’s what vacation does to you…or the fact that Amon decided to grace me with his presence every single morning of vacation at 5:30ish.  Rude.  Crazy rude.  In real life he does not get up this early and I was solo parenting since Josh was in Nicaragua.  Ummmmm, I’ve decided I do not like babies at 5:30am.  There, I said it.  He’s cute and all, but I need more sleep.  I digress.

We seriously had a great time.  So much stinkin’ good fun.  Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom are those really kind people who just smother you in hospitality and love and yummy food and fun.  They’re those good type of people.  Like really good.  It was wonderful to be with them and spend every day on the beach.  I’ve decided I would like to live on the beach.  I could do it.  Can you imagine how amazing it would be?!?!?!?!  Sigh.

The kids loved every single thing about the beach.  No fear at all which was amazing to watch/scary to watch.  I was on high alert, but didn’t want to scare the crap out of them, so I just played it cool with educational beach/wave/under toe information.  And Ashley and I kept our eyes on them.  Right now I’m doing the Meet the Fockers v-shaped finger eye point Ben Stiller and Robert De Niro do at the red light near the end of the movie.  Yep, that was us.  Eyes on those wee Kelleys.

Huddy did some serious ninja chopping of the waves.  He literally spent 99.9% of the time in the waves…deep and fighting them.  It was quite the Boy VS Nature battle.

There was sand castle building of course.  And Ashley wore herself out on some serious sand castle building.  It was intense.

Amon was hilarious.  He adored it.  He would run straight into the ocean and would have easily drowned himself if Ashley and I weren’t so dang good at picking him up.  We finally dug him a hole and put him in it.  He liked this very much.

Amon’s favorite thing about the beach was easily the people watching.  You see, he’s a creeper.  A little tiny cute creeper that wants to get all up in your business.  It’s just how he rolls creeps.  Example A:  This family got some chuckles and big smiles out of him.  He did some serious creeping on them.  Lucky family.

Amon’s other favorite thing about vacation was Uncle Tom…or Baba as the kids call him.  Amon + Baba = BFF.  Amon literally just followed him around the house.  He wanted Uncle Tom to hold him the whole time and if he wasn’t holding him Amon just creeped around Uncle Tom’s legs.  Yep.  Amon enjoyed hanging out with Uncle Tom’s legs a lot.

We had quite the time and everyone was sad to leave, but I know we wore Nina & Baba out.  They were so gracious and sweet to us, but I know if I was tired, they had to be too.  I’m so glad we decided to venture their way and I’m even more glad they were cool with welcoming us in.  A sweet, fun time was had by all.

Thanks again Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom for always being crazy kind and opening your home up to us wild Kelleys.  Thank you for loving us so well.  We totally appreciate it and think you guys are really stellar.

Happy Monday.

Friday {Beach Edition}

We enjoyed a beachy vacation this week.  I love vacation/don’t love vacation.  It’s lazy and fun and chaotic and everyone is totally off their schedules and we eat far too much sugar…if there really is such a thing…and when we get home we have to pull a few days of damage control to get everyone whipped back into shape.  The memories made and enjoyed and cherished are so very much worth it though.  Serious fun was had.

Josh was out of the country so the kids, Ashley and I all drove down to see my Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom.

{I’d like to insert a small bragging portion here:  A)  We made it in 6.5 hours.  Uncle Tom said it was a record.  Boom.  I like holding records.  And B) We only stopped once…like for reals.  Turns out, the wee Kelleys have bladders made of steel…champion bladders, if you will.  I was proud.  End bragging portion.}

Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom’s house was probably our most visited vacation spot growing up, so I adore being able to take my kids to their house now too.  We love our time with them.  It’s a lot to take on 4 kiddos ages six and under…they’re loud (I am too), messy, crazy, energetic and sometimes irrational (I am too), so it always is so good for my heart to see how patient and kind and loving Nina and Baba are to our sometimes insane children…and me.  I adore it and it reminds me of how Jesus treats me.

I have so many more vacation pictures to share.  I can’t wait to sit down and go through all of them.  Everyone loved the beach…a lot.  Amon was crazy fun and ate a lot of sand and drank a lot of salt water with a happy little smile on his face.

Now to get ready for the re-settling, some laundry and getting everyone back into our routine.  Luckily, we’ve got 2 weeks left of summer…what shall we do?!?  What other fun can we have?!?

Happy Friday.

The Awkward Couples Aqua Spa Treatment

How’s that for a post title?  Boom.  This is going to get heavy.

When Ashley and I booked each of our DR vacation stays we got free Aqua Spa Treatments for all of us…including Josh and Chris.  It was some kind of incentive for booking in January.  We both thought we were getting massages which thoroughly excited both of us.  I have had a handful of massages, so I was super pumped, and Josh has never had one…ever.  I spent the following 5 months talking it up to Josh and telling him how great it would be, etc, etc, etc.

When we finally arrived for vacation Ashley quickly found out that the Aqua Spa Treatment was not a massage.  There was a period of mourning, but Ashley had determined the aqua spa treatment was actually just free access to things like a fancy whirl pool, plunge pool, sauna and other various spa gym like features.  We lifted our grief veils and decided this would be fun after all.  Clearly, it was not going to be a massage, but Ashley loves locker rooms and I do like a good hot tub, so all was right with vacation world again.

Josh and Chris were not down with attending, so they headed to the real gym while Ashley and I checked ourselves into the luxurious spa house.  It was super peaceful and zen and insert any of those other spa-ish words you know.  Lots of trickling water.

Now we were in the Dominican and the spa staff did not speak a whole ton of English and Ashley and I are the same with Spanish.  Needless to say, the communication was quite broken.  We didn’t really care because we were just kind of excited about hanging out and chatting while we spa-ed it up.  As the nice lady is showing us the locker room she points to the gym lockers and says, “1 key?”  And this should have been our warning.  Ashley and I were like “sure”…we didn’t care to share a locker, so we nodded our heads yes.  The chic left and we just kind of stood there for a bit admiring the nice ladies locker room.  Ashley liked that they provided razors and shave gel, you know, just in case she needed to shave.  After standing around for a bit, we realized maybe we should go look for the spa lady, so we walked out and she was outside of the door waiting for us.

Here is where the fun begins.  She walks us into the big spa room and immediately ushers Ashley and I into a private shower stall.  “Go in.”  So we go in.  She closes the door and then we just stand there.

I feel like I need to stop here and clarify that we were not naked…we have on our bathing suits.  Okay, I feel better now with that all cleared up.

We have now realized this is not what we thought it was and we are actually now going to experience what is meant to be a “couples” aqua spa treatment…and Ashley and I are the couple.  We stand there and immediately start to laugh…now thinking back to the “1 key?” question.  We are also so confused about what to do because there is no water running…we’re just hanging out in the shower stall together.  I open the door and go find the lady and tell her we have no idea what to do.  She looks confused…and so do I.  I ask again trying to ask differently and she tells me “middle button, middle button.”  Okay.  I got it.  I go back in and push the middle button and Ashley and I then commence in, what was labeled on the outside of the door as a Tropical Mist Shower.  We are very confused as to how our couples treatment is going to go.  Do we just hang out until the lady comes back for us or do we go on out whenever we are done misting ourselves?  It was all comical and confusing.  Finally after some time in the mist shower, we just decide to go out.

She immediately takes us into another shower stall and I don’t even ask what to do, I just hit the middle button and we then just stand under basically a regular shower.  We hang for a bit and then go out.

We find our lady and she moves us next into a steam room and it was hot.  Like waaaaay hot.  And this is where we run into another couple, except they are actually married…and a couple.  We quickly torched any romantic vibe with our school girl laughter after we slide over the steam room bench and one of our bathing suits makes a very flagellant noise.  Oh the laughter.  The spa lady opens the door after a bit and gives us towels that have a bunch of ice in them and motions for us to place them on our foreheads.  She shuts the door and we follow instructions.  The other couple leaves after a bit, but we are still unsure if we just go on out or stick it out until they give us more instructions.  We stay until we can’t take the heat any longer.  And we continue on in our aqua spa ritual.  We go out, find our spa chic and she ushers us along through the next door.  It became a fun game.

Now it’s time for the sauna.  She hands us new towels stuffed with ice as we walk into the sauna and oh wow…hot to the hotness.  We find our couple friends laying on the hot wood bunkish beds and make some small talk.  The heat is instantly too much.  We’re  getting brain freezes from the ice towel, but you get all smothery, I-can’t-breathe-hot if you don’t put them on your head.  So we let the other couple move on and we quickly leave too…except this time our spa chic is waiting for us and she tells us “no, 10 minutes” and makes us go back in.  As she’s herding us like fine cows back into the sauna Ashley is pleading with her “but I’m so hot” and “we don’t want to do this anymore” and she shuts the door.  We laugh and lay there and sweat some more and pray to God that the sauna part of this couples treatment will be over soon.  Our chic never comes back for us…we figured she left us to sweat it out…or die.

We made our escape again and she moved us on through the next door and into the Primitive Shower.  This is another shower stall with a giant bucket above you and a rope hanging from it.  The door closed behind us and we assumed we just pull the rope.  We did.  And the giant bucket dumped cold water onto us.  It was just as un-spa like as it sounds.  We ditched this part pretty quick and hoped for the giant whirl pool next.  And we got lucky.

Our couple friends were finishing up, so we hung out for just a minute and then Ashley and I moved into the ginormous whirlpool.  This is the only part of the entire experience that is even remotely normal.  We tried to max this time out.  And did until we had to move on.  Next up is the awkward lounge chair treatment.

Our couple friends had disappeared.  Maybe they got a legit massage, so we had no clue what to expect with our lounge chairs.  A new spa lady was now our escort and she placed towels over our eyes.  We laid there…silent…no one else is in the room and I didn’t hear a thing.  After a few minutes I started to whisper, “Ashley”…pause…”Ashley”…pause…”Ashley”.  No answer, so I raised the corner of my towel and looked to my right where Ashley was laying and she was getting a very intense neck/chest massage from our new spa chic.  I covered my eyes and waited for my turn.  Soon my neck and chest were covered in lotion and getting the rub down.  Then it stopped.  We sat silent for a few minutes then I am sprayed in the face with something that smells like Febreeze and then just as I am getting used to the smell I get sprayed in the face with a peppermint smell.  This is all just as strange as it is reading.

Then again with the silence and waiting.  I don’t hear anything at all and begin my “Ashley”…pause…”Ashley”…pause…”Ashley” all over again.  Same thing happens…raised my towel and this time Ashley is getting a very intense scalp massage.  My hair is a hot mess…I mean a hot, hot mess and knotted up tight in a hair band, so I immediately go into self-conscious mode and wait for my scalp love.  Then she begins.  I enjoyed my scalp massage.  My scalp rarely gets love accept when I wash my hair and I never spend much time doing that, so this was nice.  Then she begins to try and take my hair down.  I immediately go into my “I’m so sorry”, “It’s a hot mess”, “Let me help you with that”, but she didn’t want my help.  So she just worked pretty darn hard and finally got my hair down and then she began braiding it.  Yep.  She braided our hair and topped it off with a red hibiscus flower.  She then walked us out into the back yard of the spa house and we laid on a thatched roof bed and drank lemon water.

After she left, we laughed…and laughed and laughed and laughed.  I kind of loved being sprayed in the face with Febreeze and peppermint the best.  Josh and Chris came to find us shortly after and we recanted the whole last hour of our lovely couples aqua spa treatment.  We realized that since each of us got a treatment Josh and Chris could have gone back and enjoyed one together too.  It didn’t happen, but if it did, I bet it would have made for a great blog post.

Happy Wednesday.

Vacation: What We Did

Well hold onto the seat of your pants because we’re about to get crazy.  Josh and I stayed at one of those all-inclusive places, so you go ahead and pay up front and then don’t pay for a darn thing when you’re actually on vacation.  It was so fun.

We really had a mighty fun time and now I’m going to highlight what we did.  Seriously, I’m just not sure if you can handle it.  Maybe you can.  There are probably some pretty crazy 30 somethings out there who cut lose every once in a while…let their hair down…live on the edge…go a bit crazy.  I’d like to meet you…maybe go on vacation together…because that’s exactly what we did.

We read.  I know, I know, things are already getting out of hand.  I’ve never proclaimed to be a reader…ever.  I can read kids books like they’re going out of style, but not big people books.  Hence why I even call them “big people books”.  I’m lame.  And I’m okay with that.  But I did however read two books over the course of 6 days and I was thoroughly proud of myself.  Okay, so I may have already started one of the books, but honestly was only like 3 chapters or so in, so for my “big girl reading a book” pride, I’m still saying I read two whole books.  Some of you so called “readers” are asking yourself about the number of pages…I just know you are.  They were no Harry Potter’s, but they were Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed by Glennon Melton and Love Does by Bob Goff.  Both were good, but Love Does rocked my world to the core.  Possibly the best book I’ve ever read.  That’s for a whole other post of its own.

We slept.

Laura Kelley Fun Fact #10:  I usually run on 4-5 hours of sleep and it’s not fun.

This was the one thing my mom constantly got onto me about through out my entire life…how much sleep I was getting.  And you know what, I know I need more sleep.  So on vacation, we slept.  We still rocked some late nights, but I got a minimum of 8 hours of sleep each night.  One night I got 10.  Holy Cow, it was amazing.  And we even…wait for it…Napped.  Did that give you chills?  Yeah, me too.  Napping…such a sweet word.  And in these cute little thatched roof huts on the beach or on a lounge chair by the pool.  Just random napping.  Geez.

We ate.  Ashley and I called our “no sweets during the week” rule totally bogus for vacation.  So we lived it up.  Actually, we weren’t too terrible because the desserts, sadly, were not that grand.  The ice cream was crazy awesome though and I did have some killer chocolate cake and truffles too.  There were 8 different restaurants we could eat at and they all were delicious.  We even had breakfast in bed and an extra fancy anniversary meal.  I love food.  #noSHAME

Oh and all the drinks were in fancy glasses.  Everything.  It made me feel very refined and well, fancy.  They even made coke look fancy…and boy did I enjoy some coke.  This week is going to be hard coming off of our vacation sugar bender.

We drank tropical fruity pretty drinks.  Oh it is so true.  And they were yummy and fresh.  We watched a dude chop open legit, for reals, coconuts with a machete.  He soooooo almost lost a finger.  I don’t even like coconut, but I had to see what was in that coconut and what kind of yummy something the dude was going to make with the insides of the coconut.  It was beyond fun.

We boogie boarded.  Way too much fun.  Josh and Chris both almost gave themselves concussions…no one should get concussed on vacation.  I played it a bit safer than them, but still took some nice thrashings.  Ashley was the safest of all and came away with just a minor bruise…she bruises easily.

We swam.  Lots and lots of swimming…aka relaxing on floats.  It counts as swimming as long as you are in the water.  We did have some pool races which got waaaaaay out of hand.  There were major errors in the race director and clearly I should have won, when I apparently “lost”.  What’s losing?  I don’t even know.  Whatevs.

We did exercise.  You are as shocked as I am, but Josh and Chris were pretty pumped about the crazy nice gym this place had, so I decided, what the heck.  I ended up logging some good miles on a tread mill…and it sucked.  I haven’t run on a tread mill since college so it was super hard for me to balance and not look down at my shoes the entire time, but I eventually got the hang of it.  It was nice to get our sweat on.

And we watched shows.  Our resort was pretty tame with actually lots of old people, which I loved.  So we totally rocked some after-dinner shows.  Like a rock-n-roll cover band, a Michael Jackson impersonator complete with break dancers and a circus show that was off the hook.  We were thoroughly impressed.

And that’s for real all we did.  It was A-freakin-mazing.  Loved it all.  Loved how chill everything was with absolutely no agenda, just hanging with some of our favorite peeps.  Thanks for coming along for the ride Ashley and Chris.  You were fine vacaying buddies.

We miss you guys.

Happy Tuesday.

Vacation: No Kids Allowed

Josh Kelley and I will be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary at the end of this month.  One of my goals for 2013 was to plan a vacation for just us.  Me and him.  No kids allowed.  Ashley and her husband Chris were game to join in our kidless fun as well, so we did some research and agreed upon a June trip to the Dominican Republic.  We booked it at the end of January and boom…vacay was in the works.

Last Saturday we made our 3 hour road trip to Collierville to drop all four of the wee Kelleys off with some family and then Josh and I drove back home and hit the airways the next morning…like 6:30am style.  That meant our friend Susan being at our house at 3:45am.  Crazytown.

Let me pause to give a major shout out thank you to my cousins Amy, Tom, Rachel and Hannah.  Oh and Becca and Brian too!  The wee Kelleys are clearly no easy task, but throw in allergies and daily meds and heart conditions and I realize this was a huge, energetic, way too busy piece of cake to eat.  Right before we left the kids and headed back to Nashville I told Amy, “As long as everyone is alive when we get back we don’t care what you do while we’re gone.  Do what you gotta do to survive.”  And they certainly all survived.  They had the best week and were spoiled rotten.  We’re pretty tough on our kids, so we figured they could use some spoiling 🙂

  Back to the D.R.  Best trip ever.  I have so many funny stories and can’t wait to share what all we did.  It was deliriously magical, but for today I thought I would post far too many “us” pictures.

I particularly loved this stand side-by-side evening picture.  I would like to point out a few subtle differences from your typical vacation couples dinner photo you ask a stranger to take of you and your love.  Ashley decided to go artsy and include a large portion of the dark air above us and dark bridge area to the right and cut off our legs.  Those two details really make this a keeper.  She really should be a photographer.  {Ashley is going to call me very soon now…I promise.  I’ll let you know how the phone call goes.}  I really do love this picture though.  Just messing with Ashley a bit.

Marriage is hard…kind of like late night photography 🙂 I’m serious though…anyone else think it’s hard as hell?  If not, then don’t tell me cause I’ll get all super envious and the ugly kind of jealous and then I’ll have to repent.  Josh and I are always working at it and changing things and trying to fix things and then throw in a bunch of yahoo kids and good Lord…what a messy life it can be.

Here is his Father’s Day card I gave him this year.  I like Venn diagrams.

I saw it and was like, “YES.”  I mean seriously, it totally is pure insanity sometimes…the majority of the time.  On the inside it simply says, “Thanks for going through it all with me.”  And that’s the kicker.  Marriage and kids and life in general are hard, but I could never be more grateful…like the most sincerest of gratitude ever, ever, ever…than I am to have Josh Kelley along for this wild ride.  And taking a vacation…6 full days…5 glorious nights…with just us, was crazy, crazy good.  We needed it.  We needed that time for just us.  We laughed because it didn’t have to be the Dominican.  We could have just done the same thing at home and it would have still been pretty stellar.  Sunny weather and beaches are a plus though.


I feel like marriage will be something we work at until the day we die.  I can tell you easily how to make a marriage suck.  I’m a kid of divorce and if you want to know how to trash your marriage just ask me.  I can give you the whole run down real quick like.  From a very young age I knew I wanted something very different than what my parents had.  I know my Mom prayed like a freakin’ warrior for my brother and I to marry godly people and to make a real marriage…one that was full of Jesus and love.  She told me a million times over only by the grace of God did we end up not only being the people we are, but also with the people we married.

Marriage is work, but it’s good work.  It’s noble work.  It’s work that is totally worth it.  I feel like putting each other and our marriage above everything else, other than Jesus, is the best thing we could ever do for our marriage and our kids.  Sometimes I fail miserably at that.  Sometimes I put so much care and and kindness and love and thoughtfulness and time into others, and then completely forget about Josh.  Ugh.  Typing that makes me nauseous.  How foolish of me.  But I am working on it.  Like mad.  I’m changing.  I’m making the choice to not just see Josh as my husband and best friend and father to my kiddos, but to see him as Jesus does.  He is to be cherished and treasured.

And we deserve time for us.  We’re determined to make more time for us now than ever before.  He may have even searched Craigslist last night for me a mountain bike because that would be something else we could do together.  He may be a widower after my first attempt, but at least we were together in the end 🙂

So, I know that was a lot of random marriage/vacation/Josh&Laura pictures plus some random humor, but you know how I roll.  I hope you will also start to give you and your spouse time…time is good…and care.  They so deserve it and you do too.

Happy Monday!