Friday {Beach Edition}

We enjoyed a beachy vacation this week.  I love vacation/don’t love vacation.  It’s lazy and fun and chaotic and everyone is totally off their schedules and we eat far too much sugar…if there really is such a thing…and when we get home we have to pull a few days of damage control to get everyone whipped back into shape.  The memories made and enjoyed and cherished are so very much worth it though.  Serious fun was had.

Josh was out of the country so the kids, Ashley and I all drove down to see my Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom.

{I’d like to insert a small bragging portion here:  A)  We made it in 6.5 hours.  Uncle Tom said it was a record.  Boom.  I like holding records.  And B) We only stopped once…like for reals.  Turns out, the wee Kelleys have bladders made of steel…champion bladders, if you will.  I was proud.  End bragging portion.}

Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom’s house was probably our most visited vacation spot growing up, so I adore being able to take my kids to their house now too.  We love our time with them.  It’s a lot to take on 4 kiddos ages six and under…they’re loud (I am too), messy, crazy, energetic and sometimes irrational (I am too), so it always is so good for my heart to see how patient and kind and loving Nina and Baba are to our sometimes insane children…and me.  I adore it and it reminds me of how Jesus treats me.

I have so many more vacation pictures to share.  I can’t wait to sit down and go through all of them.  Everyone loved the beach…a lot.  Amon was crazy fun and ate a lot of sand and drank a lot of salt water with a happy little smile on his face.

Now to get ready for the re-settling, some laundry and getting everyone back into our routine.  Luckily, we’ve got 2 weeks left of summer…what shall we do?!?  What other fun can we have?!?

Happy Friday.


  1. Bekah K-T says:

    You’re so lucky to have your Nina and Baba! Sounds like you’re having a magic summer!

  2. looks like you guys had a blast. lots of fun memories.

    and i agree about post-vacation with kids. getting back into the groove takes a few days. i call it their vacation hangover!

  3. Oh that is so great to have the beach and a safe place to go. I feel like they might be in Florida where I am right? Your kids are growing too fast… yikes mine our as well.

  4. Jamie j. says:

    Awesome beach pics! I have yet to go to the beach this summer. I live in California. How sad is that?! Enjoy the last couple of weeks of your summer, Kelleys!

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