
It’s no new news that I do not shy away from color.  I just don’t.  I love it.  The more, the better.  The brighter, the better.  When given the opportunity to make things, unless someone requests all neutrals, I lean towards full on color.  No combination is off limits.  No color untouched.  Beware.

I have been working like crazy on lots of orders.  Thank you!  Thank you for placing all these custom order and purchasing things from sales.  Right now all the money I make is going directly to Full Count Ministries to help pay for our trips to Nicaragua this summer.  I am so excited.  Can’t wait to see what all God has been working on.  So honored to work with this ministry.

Brace yourself for the color overload.

I never intended to start making name pillows, but you guys asked and how could I say no 🙂  All these lovelies are headed to customers in Geaorgia, Indiana and here in Tennessee.  Thank you ladies so much for your orders.

This 12×12 was ordered for a teacher who was retiring.  The initials around the apple are all the previous schools she taught at.  Hope she loved it.

And this camera strap made it’s way to Illinois.  Thanks so much Hollis!


Also, I have a few items that have become “re-available” from my last sale.  One claim did not work out, so there are three news items available again.  I know someone else emailed me about the “Oh darling” canvas, but I cannot find the email for the life of me.  If you would like to purchase any of these items shoot me an email at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com and let me know.

Also please only claim an item or items if you plan to actually pay for them (said in a mannerly tone 🙂

 *SOLD* Key Fob Set F $36  *SOLD*

*SOLD* Key Fob Set K $36 *SOLD*

*SOLD* Key Fob Set M $36 *SOLD*

*SOLD* 6×6 “Oh Darling Let’s Be Adventurers” canvas $65 plus shipping *SOLD*

9×12 “Stand Up Now and Face The Sun” canvas $150 plus shipping

Okay that’s about that.  Thanks for stopping by and hope you have an amazing weekend.

Happy Friday!

Taking Orders & April Craft Class

Happy Friday!

I am officially totally all caught up on custom orders and open for more.  If you are interested in placing a custom order just send me a message HERE.

I loved working on this graduation gift 10×10 canvas that’s headed to Louisiana and this custom shirt which headed to a customer here in Tennessee.  I have not done a custom tee order in quite some time, so this was super fun.  Thank you ladies so much!

If you are interested in Mother’s Day gifts, end-of-the-year teacher gifts/key fobs or graduation gifts, please get you order in as soon as possible.  It never fails that this time of year just gets swamped.  Cannot believe we’re almost to summer.

And April is apparently a super busy month for everyone.  I have 12 spots available for my Friday, April 25th 5:30-9:30 craft class.  If you would like to claim a spot(s) please send me a message HERE.  Spots for the class will go first come, first serve.  For April’s class we will be making a text canvas and a wreath.  All supplies will be provided along with food and drink.  This is a really fun girls  night.

And yesterday we had major fun.  Things like bike riding right after school and book fair action and Mom & Harper/Dad & Hudson & Solomon dates.  The dudes went to baseball practice first and Harper and I went spring/summer clothes shopping because I realized she had zero warm weather clothing.  Amon got to stay home with our lovely babysitter Anna.  No Amon meant we stayed out late and did crazy things like eating out in the actual restaurant of choice after bed time and getting dessert afterwards in a different location.  I’m not going to lie…things were crazy good.  We love Amon…to pieces pieces, but it was really sweet being with just our big kids and having one-on-one time with just me & Harper.  And they loved every minute of it.

It’s been a pretty decent week.  And it’s Friday.  Here’s to a great weekend.

Happy Weekend!


I cannot tell you how good it feels to be back to taking orders.  I love it.  I love making things because I want to make them or because I just cannot get an idea out of my head, but I also love to make exactly what a customer had in mind.  These orders will be headed out to Georgia, Texas and to some local Tennesseans.

Thank you guys as always.  I am constantly amazed and grateful to God for the opportunity to do something I truly love to do.

6×6 “W” monogram canvas

Camera straps for two lovely ladies.

12×12 “Mom’s To-Do List” canvas

If you are interested in placing an order please read my “Pricing & Info” page at the top and then shoot me a message HERE.

Have a great rest of the day.

Happy Thursday!

Order Love

I’m happy to report I was in bed by 10:30 last night…baby steps folks, baby steps 🙂

The boys started MDO today.  They are excited and I am excited for them.  Josh is home for a bit this morning and then it’s just me, Amon and packaging a ton of key fobs to ship out all over the U.S today.

We have raised $3,280 so far towards our $5K Heart Walk goal.  You can read about it HERE.  There’s still plenty of time to make a donation on our fundraising page HERE .  And if you make a donation of $15 or more, as a thank you, I will mail you a rockin’ key fob.  After you donate just send me a message HERE and let me know your mailing address.

Orders have been hitting the mail.  I love sending out all these pretty packages.  If you order something from me, you will absolutely know when it arrives.  Pretty, bright, fun packages are the best kind.

This 8×10 canvas headed out to Ruth in Texas.  Love the map.  Love the colors.  Love the simplicity and depth to the words.  Hope it’s just what you were wanting Ruth.  Thank you!

Susan in Iowa ordered this 9×12 canvas.  Hearts and an anchor and polka dots and chevron and bunting were all on the docket.  Thank you so much Susan.

Two sweet baby gifts for Cheryl here in Tennessee and Becca in Texas.  Baby lovelies for sure.  Thank you ladies and hope the mommas to be love their goodies.

This camera strap and key fob set is heading out this week to June in Florida.  Thank you June…hope everyone loves them.

My friend Erica ordered this 11×14 canvas.  It was absolutely fitting for their sweet girls…newly sisters…and sure to be world changers.  I hope it’s treasured for a lifetime.

And this 8×8 headed out to a couple here in Tennessee who rightly so deserve some extra love in an incredibly tough season.  People need to be blessed.  People need to be loved on and encouraged.  And sometimes, by people who don’t really “know” them all that well.


Excited to get started on more orders and happy for these to have left my hands.  Thank you so much for your continued support and business.  It’s an honor to get to do something I completely love and enjoy.  Thank you!!!!

Have an awesome Tuesday!