Order Love

I’m happy to report I was in bed by 10:30 last night…baby steps folks, baby steps 🙂

The boys started MDO today.  They are excited and I am excited for them.  Josh is home for a bit this morning and then it’s just me, Amon and packaging a ton of key fobs to ship out all over the U.S today.

We have raised $3,280 so far towards our $5K Heart Walk goal.  You can read about it HERE.  There’s still plenty of time to make a donation on our fundraising page HERE .  And if you make a donation of $15 or more, as a thank you, I will mail you a rockin’ key fob.  After you donate just send me a message HERE and let me know your mailing address.

Orders have been hitting the mail.  I love sending out all these pretty packages.  If you order something from me, you will absolutely know when it arrives.  Pretty, bright, fun packages are the best kind.

This 8×10 canvas headed out to Ruth in Texas.  Love the map.  Love the colors.  Love the simplicity and depth to the words.  Hope it’s just what you were wanting Ruth.  Thank you!

Susan in Iowa ordered this 9×12 canvas.  Hearts and an anchor and polka dots and chevron and bunting were all on the docket.  Thank you so much Susan.

Two sweet baby gifts for Cheryl here in Tennessee and Becca in Texas.  Baby lovelies for sure.  Thank you ladies and hope the mommas to be love their goodies.

This camera strap and key fob set is heading out this week to June in Florida.  Thank you June…hope everyone loves them.

My friend Erica ordered this 11×14 canvas.  It was absolutely fitting for their sweet girls…newly sisters…and sure to be world changers.  I hope it’s treasured for a lifetime.

And this 8×8 headed out to a couple here in Tennessee who rightly so deserve some extra love in an incredibly tough season.  People need to be blessed.  People need to be loved on and encouraged.  And sometimes, by people who don’t really “know” them all that well.


Excited to get started on more orders and happy for these to have left my hands.  Thank you so much for your continued support and business.  It’s an honor to get to do something I completely love and enjoy.  Thank you!!!!

Have an awesome Tuesday!

1 Comment

  1. Wow! These are some especially awesome pieces! I love the owl onesie, the simplicity of the map piece, the anchor piece, the new sisters piece …. all of them! Wonderful work! Way to get to bed at a decent hour, except you were probably up at the crack of dawn! My littles are for the first time in a place where we actually have to wake them up some days for school. That hasn’t ever happened before. I’m finding it great for my sleep but a bit more rushed in the morning routine. Have a fantastic week!

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