In Other News…

Amon is changing so much.  He’s so crazy and so fun.  He’s had a big week and will be starting some new therapies soon.  I’m especially anxious to see how speech therapy goes for him.  Right now he really wants to talk, but just cannot communicate so he does this ear piercing scream…like screams when he’s excited, happy, sad, mad, laughing, etc.  It’s got some serious pitch to it.  We’ll all be a tad happy when it’s gone and words are there in it’s place.

He also got some shoes finally.  Yep, he’s been walking since March and I just now bought him shoes.  He loves them.  I figured it was definitely time when I was reprimanded by our friends’ 4-year-old for Amon not wearing shoes at the ball park.  #4thkid

He’s an eater…just like Huddy.  They will have many fond memories of food together.  I love that he loves to eat…especially when it’s at Chick-fil-A.

And upon taking some photos of my friend Natalie’s Hooked On Consignment sale this week, I discovered Amon loves those little Fred Flinstone cars…like true love.  I was there for about an hour and he stayed in the car almost the entire time.  I so need one of these at our house.  #icouldgetsomuchdone

By the way, Natalie’s sale starts this Saturday for all you locals.

I’ve actually made some goodies this week.  Made up a baby gift for a friend and some Minnie shirts for some cute little girls I know.  It was really nice to sit and sew.  It’s been too long, but summer is winding down and I know August will hold a lot more time for creating.

And we enjoyed a family date night this week.  This is so rare for us to be spontaneous and just up and do something randomly fun.  This is in huge part because I’m a planner.  Now I love me some fun, but I have extreme OCD tendencies most of the time, so I like a plan…you know, preparation.  But I am trying to be more care free and wild and spontaneous.  We decided to head out to our local mall, which is ginormous and it was almost bed time…that’s me being spontaneous.  We ate dinner at home, so we let the kids pick out some candy at one of the candy stores.  I may have cried as we walked around the mall watching them eat their random bags of candy they picked out.  It was just a lot of fun and they were super cute and thrilled and I could tell they felt special and loved.  That made my heart swell…which resulted in tears in the mall.  I am a complete lost cause at this point, so I just welcome the random tears at this point.

At the Lego Store.

Candy and Sol who is king of “I’m always going to make a strange face for pictures.”

Bass Pro Shops

And my personal favorite moment of the night was in Bass Pro Shops.  They have tons of taxidermied animals through out the store and we had lots of conversations about killing animals and “stuffing” them and what all taxidermy entails.  Very enlightening stuff to two 4-year-old boys.  Then as Huddy sat there in that canoe with Sol he pointed behind me and asked, “Did they really kill the people too?”

“No, Huddy.  No they did not kill any people.  That’s called a mannequin.”

Happy Thursday.