Dear Hudson

So I woke up with that fiery feeling still ablaze.  Last night’s post, yep, them there were fighting words.  For reals.  Here’s the post which was planned for yesterday, but yesterday went crazily awry.  God has a serious sense of humor.  I dig that about Him.  Anyways.  Huddy’s birthday was Sunday.  It was grand and fun.  Enjoy!

Dear Hudson,

You have been anticipating your 5th birthday since almost way back at your 4th.  It’s just how you roll.  I prayed you wouldn’t suffer from the dreaded birthday hangover.  You know..there’s the holiday hangover too…especially after Christmas…when you’ve anticipated something so much and when it’s over you’re slightly depressed it’s ended.  This could have easily been you, but I would like to think this was your best birthday so far.

I have never met a kid like you.  You are quirky and you’re own individual self.  You let nothing stop you from being you.  You are kind and sensitive.  You are brave and courageous and yet, lean towards the side of caution.  You have the most tender heart towards others and it shows as you take your roll as son, brother, cousin and friend seriously.  You are compassionate and empathetic…almost to a fault.  I love this about you.  I love you are this fierce, wild little boy, whose heart leans and bends and breaks for others.  Your compassion…your ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes will take you far.

You love weapons.  Any kind.  Any type.  Does not matter.  This is extremely entertaining to your dad and I.  The fact that we bought you a 360 page book on the visual history of arms and armor and the fact that you loved it…not just liked, but loved it, was the absolute best.  We adore watching you passionately form new loves and interests.  I love how God designed you.

You love Jesus.  You really and truly love Jesus.  You have asked Him into your heart several times now…quite possibly every time you have gone #2 in our bathroom.  And you know what, I think He’s there Hudson.  You pray the most sincerest prayers.  You mean every single word.  You even prayed yourself out of your egg allergy.  You believed in God’s power, you petitioned Him to take it away and He did just that.  You have the faith God speaks and teaches about in the Bible.  You soak Him up.

You are an amazing brother.  You have your little brother tendencies which drive Harper crazy, but you are really a fantastic little and big brother.  You humor Harper and encourage her.  You take time to get down on Amon’s level and I’ve never heard anyone speak as good toddler/Amon talk as you do.  And Solomon adores you.  Your dad and I have the sheer privilege to watch you and Sol grow and change and the bond and friendship you share is unmatched. Even though you are only 4 months older than him, you are a great big brother to Sol.  He looks up to you and you have always been his biggest fan.  Since the beginning, there has been no rivalry because you Hudson, chose to cheer Sol on.  Even when Sol figured out how to do something before you, you were always thrilled for him.  It makes me all mushy and teary.  I promise to always pray for your brotherhood with Solomon…and Amon and Harper.  Always.

You make me a better mom.  You teach me new things all the time.  God reveals himself to me through you.  I hope one day you fully understand how absolutely in love I am with you and your heart.  You amaze me.  You make me smile.  You make me laugh.  You drive me wild.  You make me feel good.  You make others feel good.  I think your spiritual gift will be encouraging others or teaching them how to load a gun.  Time will only tell.

Thank you for being you Huddy.  You are my most favorite 5-year-old boy.  I can only say this for the next 4 months, but I will tell you often in that time.  God has blessed us far beyond our imaginations with you.  I never could have dreamed the little boy you have become.  I am anticipating the man God will form you into.  He will use you to change the world and I will be cheering you on every step of the way.

Happy 5th Birthday Hudson.  I love you tons.

Love, Mom