Ice Cream Helps

Last night was like redemption.  Everyone went to bed early, I broke out my paints and ate a chocolate dipped ice cream cone while watching baseball.  Much needed.  Especially the ice cream.  Ahhhhh.

I wish I would just always have a good attitude, but alas this is just not the case.  Even today I already thought I was going to lose my mind.  Our current youngest is cutting teeth and is ticked at the whole wide world.  I text Josh Kelley and informed him today might be the day I officially lose it…you know, just giving him a heads up.  If only Harper could stay home all day and make the littles happy, happy, happy!  She’s the best…I’m not.

I did clean up my Currently Available page…took off items that sold and added 2 new canvases, but one already sold.  Thank you!!!!  You guys rock!

Some more work completed…some even already delivered.

12×12 “this is not our home” canvas

I still have 7 spots available in the May Bible Journaling class.  Email me or message me HERE if you would like spot.

 Harper got two singing birthday cards for her birthday and right now they are appeasing the two littles and it’s like magic.  And we’re going to meet Josh Kelley for lunch.  WE MUST GET OUT OF THIS HOUSE…God save the queen!  So glad it’s Friday.  Here’s to a grand weekend.

Happy Friday party people.