This weekend I made up some fun mini Christmas buntings. Each strand is over 8ft long and includes 50 flags. They are $25 flat. Shoot me an email (pitterpatterart at gmail dot com) or send me a message HERE if you are interested. I have 5 available.
I’m also working on getting some key fob sets made up, but also working on orders as they come in, so if you know you would like a set, send me a message and I can make sure I get them made up for you. More name pillows, key fobs and a 4×12 canvas headed to their new owners. Can’t say enough how appreciative I am for your business.
I also still have some canvases available for purchase HERE or click on the Currently Available button at the top. These are ready to ship.
In other news…2 things:
1.) The kids school had their Trojan Trot to help raise money for school equipment. I seriously could not love this school more. It was super fun getting to walk for an hour with both the kindergarten and second grade classes…my kiddos and all their friends who they spend so much time with 5 days a week. Amon rocked his stroller after his legs were toast. Toddler stamina is pretty low 🙂
While walking with Harper’s class Amon drew quite a crowd and of course brought up lots of kid questions about why are family looks a little different. I don’t mind these questions at all. I like that kids want to know and I like to help and assist with answers and the processing of them. I also feel like our kids are pretty equipped to answer these questions on their own as well. “So you wanted another kid and he needed a family and God put you together…” Another friend chimed in, “I’m adopted too.” I said, “And what a blessing you are to your mom and dad.” And then I really started crying like a big lady baby. They all giggled at me and one little girl even said, “Oh I didn’t mean to make you cry.” I told them all sometimes I just cry happy tears.
Adoption is hard and laced with all kinds of loss and brokeness for the birth family and the child, but God is sovereign and mighty and only He can bring restoration. I have all kinds of complicated feelings about it. I hate that I will never fully understand how Solomon and Amon feel as they grow and process their stories. I’ll never be able to fully grasp the loss they grieve because I haven’t experienced it…so sometimes all I can do is beg God to be all their answers and all their heart needs and in the same breath praise His name and shout prayers of gratefulness that I get to be their Mom. What a privilege and honor. I walked away that day beaming with gratefulness that 4 crazy good kids call me Mom and for the opportunities we are given to be apart of this community.
2.) On a less emotional note…we got our Christmas on this weekend. Josh Kelley could wait no longer. Our past, much fuller, but much older Christmas tree finally bit the dust last year, so this year we pulled out this skinny guy and you know what, I love it. Harper was super skeptical at first. Especially when it was just like a stick…no limbs spread out yet, but then it came alive and we’re all digging the skinny tree this year. And honestly it works great for our small space.
Doesn’t everyone wear toboggans and gloves while placing ornaments on their Christmas tree?!?!?!?
And Full Count’s Christmas tree lot is opened early. So you can go ahead and get your live tree now. They’re located at Foxx Pools in Hendersonville…780 W Main St. All money raised goes towards sending kids on mission. An easy win/win. We would totally get one, but alas my allergy kid would probably die. Ha. No dying on Christmas. Go check them out and let your Christmas tree purchase mean something extra this year.
That’s all I’ve got. A random smorgasbord as always. Thanks for stopping by and hope your week is off to a grand start.
Happy Monday.