So Long Fall Break

So bummed…so incredibly bummed.  Today Harper went back to school and it is officially the end of fall break…which we lived up.  When I was clued in about fall break…just a few days before it began…we immediately started scheming.  How much fun could we pack into a weeks worth of freedom…a lot I tell you, a lot.

I also promised Harper some girl time.  She’s a good kid.  She has a sweet heart.  And she lives for girl time.  It’s not easy being the only girl with 3 little brothers, but she wears it well and with more tolerance than I probably would.  I wanted to make sure I followed through and delivered.

Playing outside every single day.  Fall break held amazing weather.

Lunch outside almost every day as well.  High-5 on less crumbs under our table.

Lots of crafting and painting.

A playdate with a sweet, easy friend…collaborative fall mural, lunch at McDonalds and ice cream included.

The Heart Walk.  A whole other post coming on this event.  My heart almost burst and my sunglasses hid my tears well.

Smorgasbord lunches and dinners because who has time to plan what their cooking on fall break?!?  Not me.  Leftover pizza, black beans & chicken, broccoli and applesauce…it’s whats for random refrigerator finds dinner.

Sleepovers which included girl time and crafting and popsicles.

The circus…which was amazing and creepy all at the same time.  The glowing butterfly lady acrobats were her favorite.  When they did their super fast spin gig they released glitter…it was whimsical…and she was hooked.  Huddy’s favorite part was the tigers  and Sol’s favorite part was the dogs.  Yep…the dogs.

Oh and The Color Run.  What, what!  Third time it’s been to Nashville…third time we’ve rocked it out.  We’re addicted.  It’s officially a Kelley tradition.

And now we’re coming down off our fall break high and it’s a hard habit to quit…all that fun…ugh, we’re already jonenen for more.  Bring on Christmas.

Happy Monday!


  1. OMG Amon’s face in the color run picture is hilarious. He looks like he is thinking, “Seriously?!?!” Haha. Classic.

  2. Love Amon’s face in the Color Run pic!!

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