School & Groceries

Yesterday the boys started mother’s day out.  Huddy went last year, but this is Sol’s first year.  They were so crazy cute getting ready.

We did all our school shopping before I left to go get Amon just in case everyone started before I got back.  The boys LOVE their backpacks and picked out their own lunch boxes, thermos’ and folders.  Back-to-school shopping, although a little stressful at times, is one of my favorite shopping trips.  It’s just fun!

Harper still has not started school.  Our county is still working out school budgets, so none of our county’s schools have started yet.  Yesterday it was just Harper, Amon and me!  Harper was super stoked to have Amon all to herself.  We celebrated such a rare day with doughnut holes.

After doughnuts we took Amon on his first grocery shopping trip.  Turns out life doesn’t slow down one bit with your 4th kiddo 🙂  Harper was excited to pick out all our cereal on her own.  We eat a lot of cereal.

Harper is completely smitten with Amon.  She absolutely adores him and wants to do everything for him.  I have yet to pick out his clothes…Harper picks out all his outfits and PJs.  She gives him his bottles and gets out diapers and wipes for me.  She just loves him…like really, really, loves him.

My kids are totally normal kids in most areas.  They fight, pitch fits sometimes, talk sassy, don’t always share, won’t eat all their veggies, but some how, some way, they did not receive one jealous bone in their little bodies.  The boys adore Amon just as much as Harper.  They all love to give him his bottle, but Sol has a complete big, teary meltdown if he doesn’t get to give him his bottle first.  We have been really blessed with wee Kelleys who adapt well to new siblings.

So yesterday was a good day.  The boys LOVED school, Amon was a piece of cake at the grocery store and Harper relished in her time home alone.  It was definitely a Sonic happy hour kind of day.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Awesome! Don’t ya just love those kind of days? They really make up for the other not-so-fun days! And I don’t blame Sol one bit for wanting to feed his brother first! 🙂 Pure sweetness!

  2. love the bottle lined up for happy hour. yeah a-man! so happy for your family and that the “waiting for him” is over!!!

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