Rather Lengthy Randomness

1. Josh’s sister Jen lives just down our street.  Sometimes she comes over and then we party…and by party I mean we usually play games and enjoy cocktails & queso…until crazy late while all the kids sleep.  It never fails that intense, meaningful conversations happen ALWAYS!!!!  It’s seriously one of my most favorite things.

Documenting said intense and meaningful conversations.  One day we will all look back and be so happy I over documented our life here on this little piece of the internet.  One day.  Hahahahahaha.

2.  We have been crazy sick the last 2 weeks and I just can’t figure out why.  It couldn’t be that some of our children sit like this ALL.THE.TIME or that we send 5 kids out into the school world where it’s a germ free for all or that maybe some people in our house are still trying to remember to wash their hands!!!!!!  Nope, definitely not why.

3.  We recently marched in the Women’s March here in Nashville.  I know, I know, I know…here’s where people either cheer or click unfollow.  Hahaha.  I shared a photo that day of our littlest on Instagram with the following words:

“I got teary every time people cheered our kids on…especially our little queen bee with her “strong” sign.  I thought about how there was no way all those people and myself agreed on every single issue in life, but before they encouraged us or our kids they didn’t stop me and say, “Now before I choose love & kindness, can you tell me your stance on immigration, health care, Black Lives Matter, abortion, DACA, LGBQ rights, Trump, etc?” Nope. That didn’t happen. We can choose love and kindness without agreeing on everything. We do not have to be 100% on the same page to stand with one another and love deeply. Today I marched because I believe in the stories & hope that dwell within both my daughters and sons. More than anything I long for them to be kind, loving, generous, compassionate and respectful. And I never want them to doubt the power & bravery that lies within themselves.”

And that was when people got really bold hiding behind their computer screens sending me ugly messages.  And that was when I simply deleted those mean comments.  Let’s all be kind in person, but also on the internet.  I know we can do it.

Let’s also enjoy some cuteness while we’re at it.

By the way, have you seen Wonder Woman?!?!?  If you haven’t, add it to your list right now and watch it asap.  Incredibly good.  I cried maybe 32 times.

Josh’s brother Andy sent me this picture afterwards and it instantly became my favorite photo from the day.  Seriously could not stop laughing.  Oh Josh Kelley, we love you and all your introverted ways.

4.  Marcie and I took a Southern Belle Biscuit Class a couple of weeks ago and YOU GUYS!!!!!  It was insanely fun and eye opening…yes, biscuit making can be eye opening…and well, I totally recommend this to anyone and everyone.  There we’re Nashville people in the class, out of state tourists, men, women, seasoned biscuit makers and newbies to the biscuit world and everyone had THE BEST time!  You might feel like I’m punking you right now, but this is not a drill…it’s legit and amazing and if you take the class you’ll love it!  And this is not sponsored and I wasn’t asked to talk about the class, I just had that much fun learning how, eating and making biscuits.  Marcie actually scored the class on Groupon and we we’re both so giddy afterwards.

5.  Valentines pretty much sucked terribly this year.  Josh Kelley and I had gone out of our way to really try and make it a special, fun day because it seems that every single holiday right now, no matter how big or small, sucks without Everett and our kiddos feel this big time too.  Well, by the end of the day Harper and I had the flu and our littlest had strep.  And there we’re lots of tears from pretty much everyone.  We did however continue on in our tradition of books and beans (jellybeans) for Valentines and one of my all time favorite cookies ever!!!

And the day before Valentines…when Harper and I weren’t feeling like death yet, we both gasped when we saw this card and stopped just to pick it up.  Everett Kelley, goodness do we miss you every single day.  We see you and feel you in everything and everywhere we go.

6.  So we basically just passed flu and strep around for about 2 weeks.  It actually became comical minus the fact that our co-pay went WAY up and that blows with 7 people in the house who are passing around germs and need for real medication.

During our sickness we relied heavily on the Olympics, Gatorade, ramen, popsicles, movies of all varieties and sleep.  Being an adult with the flu was WHOA!!!  One night I told Josh he had to take me to the hospital, instead he loaded everyone up and we went the the Kroger Minute Clinic 🙂  It was crazy and I honestly couldn’t recall much of what happened the first 48 hours.  I sent texts I didn’t remember sending and even made some purchases on Amazon.  What in the world?!?!  Our Amazon cart had like 10 toiletry bags in it…all different…so glad I didn’t make that delusional flu purchase.  On a really just yuck feeling, sad day Hudson gave me this and all was right with the world again.  He’s such a ham with such a funny personality and I just couldn’t love him more.

7.  If you need an awesome marinade for some meats in your life you have to try THIS ONE!  I know, totally weird random thing to share with you, but we’ve used this recipe approximately 57 times and it’s always so good.  We love to use it on steak for some steak fajita bowls…hold the dinner phone.  Crazy good.

And while I’m at it you must must must MAKE THESE too.  Marcie shared the recipe with me and every single person devoured theirs.  Giant crowd pleaser.

And 8.  Sunday we hit the 7 month mark since Everett died.  It was a doozy.  There was some sickness still floating around, the prior week had been so wonky, we’d had to change our Chinese New Year plans, we’d had to postpone some other things and moral was just low.  It’s been raining constantly, but that morning the sun was out.  It was the first time in a long time we’d seen some good solid sunshine so I dragged my body from the bed and we all finally went to the cemetery to hang the solar lanterns we had purchased to hang for Chinese New Year.  The big kids took their bikes and skateboards, Josh’s dad came by with donuts and it ended up being really special.  We’re figuring out our new normal without Everett and that is really hard most days.  Josh and I later talked about how that seemed like just the right way to do the cemetery for us.  No one left crying or really extra down and everyone felt it was nice to be there and to celebrate Everett and such a special holiday with him.

This grief thing is a beast.  Not having our son and brother with us will be something we work through and heal from for a long time.  We’ll always walk with a limp.  I just can’t explain how much we miss him and how we long to be with him, but this visit was our first cemetery visit that wasn’t terrible and actually felt sweet.  Maybe it was the sunshine.  Maybe it was the rainbow lanterns.  Maybe it was the donuts.  Maybe it was the flu 🙂 but maybe it was our first glimpse at some healing.  Whatever it was, we’ll take it.


  1. Lovely thoughts Laura. You shoulsywrire a book!

  2. keep going girl. the spirit is leading and carrying you. i can hear it here.

  3. Andrew Marsh says:

    Kelley’s, I just love you all!!

  4. Wow.

  5. I have been thinking about you alot lately!! Sooooo great to hear from you and so happy you are over the sickness! And sounds like you had a glimpse of new normal Everett visits which is crazy good news! ❤ Where is this biscuit class?? Sounds amazing!!! XOXO

  6. Love your random posts – feels about right to me for any given day. Glad you’re all feeling better and the day at the cemetery was an uplifting one. What an unexpected and beautiful gift, just like the day of sunshine in the midst of rain. Hugs, as always, to you all!

  7. Nap time but staying woke! LOOOOOOVE. I would pound that pavement with you guys in a heartbeat. Good job deleting the mean. Sorry you had to deal with that!

  8. Thank you for sharing such special moments. My heart hurts for you all, especially with the days to come. We were with you all 1 year ago on the plane and on that very special day to come next week. We continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers.

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