Pretty Tech Savvy

Happy Friday everyone.  I am so glad it’s the weekend and to celebrate on my PPA Facebook page I’m having a little giveaway for this sweet little 5×5 canvas.  Head over and enter to win.

I had a dream this week that we got our referral.  It was one of those dreams that you have to think about when you wake up…like did that really happen.  Needless to say I was a tad bummed.

So what does any rational momma do in this circumstance…well, I went and bought stuff for my sweet little boy.  We trucked through several stores looking for the perfect blanket and a small ‘blankie’.  All my kiddos have a larger blanket and then a small ‘blankie’, so this was how I dealt with my disappointment when I awoke 🙂  It needed to be done eventually…I’m just ahead of the game.

Harper starts MDO in about 2 weeks.  Huddy is going to go this year as well, but Sol is going to hang with me at home on those 2 days a week.  I think he’s not going to know what to do with himself.  Huddy needed to get a backpack (that would hold a folder…hence the backpack is almost bigger than he is) and a lunchbox.  I know lots of people loathe Walmart, but I on the other hand, embrace Walmart.  $15 for both and we were done.  Huddy is quite smitten with Buzz Lightyear…this is his impression of Buzz with his Buzz backpack and Buzz lunch box.

He walked all through Walmart sporting his new backpack and lunchbox and yelling “To infinity and Beyond”…even if he doesn’t dig school maybe his backpack and lunchtime will make it all better.


And hold onto your horses for this one.

Laura Kelley Fun Fact #8: I have never had a ‘cool’ phone and I have never had texting for my phone and there is no way I could probably even get the internet on this bad boy.

Shocker, I know.  Josh not too long ago got texting and ever since then I have been a bit jealous when his phone makes that lovely little beep alerting him he has a text message.  I adored the ease at which he was able to get an answer to something or tell someone something without having to have an entire conversation.

All my friends and most of my family have texting, so I was left out of mass text messages and completely out of the socially cool loop.  When customers are local, they are more than welcome to pick up their items…one time a lady was coming to pick up her piece.  She called my cell phone and said, “I tried texting you, but it didn’t go through.”  I was thinking, “that’s because I don’t have texting.”  I just laughed and said, “Oh, really.”  I felt like the girl eating all alone in the school cafeteria.

And then my mom called me this week and said this, “I want to get texting for my phone.”  She is just as tech savvy as I am apparently.  My response, “Me too!”  And so last night we ventured off to the Verizon store together to finally enter the twenty first century.

My mom knows lots of people and those people usually have connections…so no big wait at Verizon for us.  Badda Bing, Badda Boom and just like that we were turned into texters.  Mom even got the snazzy hot pink cover which completely matches her personality.

We entered that Verizon store technically challenged, but left texters.  Well almost…

The rest of the night we sharpened our texting skills and today I even texted some pictures.  I feel as if I have arrived.  Tonight we are having movie night and we bought some much needed jelly beans to accompany our movie.  I was able to snap a picture and text it straight to Josh.  I would be a liar if I said I wasn’t kind of proud of myself.

Here’s to many, many more texts at 140 characters or less.  Happy Friday!


  1. SOOOO excited for you! I absolutely love texting and you will too and your want her # so I can just text “HI Sandra..:)

  2. awesome! now, just wait until you enter the world of mobile twitter and facebook!

  3. Carrie Elliott Logsdon says:

    I love your momma!!! And this is just funny!!! Welcome to 2004!!! ha ha ha

  4. sragland says:

    Your children are so precious. I love seeing their pictures!! Mine are 20 and 16 and simple times, like picking out their lunchboxes, are the things that I miss terribly.

  5. Hi Laura,
    I can so relate to your post right now about your reaction to your dream….God’s delays are not God’s denials. This is so true! Thanks for your post today, I really needed to hear that. We are also adopting from Ethiopia and we are too in the “wait”. However, with two adoptions pending at one time, it keeps me busy.
    Kelly Waite

  6. It’s official!! I’m going on a diet.

  7. I think you might have been talking about me picking up my piece…and I think I might have even teased you about not having texting, tee hee…You are hilarious girl!

  8. My husband and I just got those same phones and a texting plan. We were like the last people in the world to get cell phones in 2003 and we just now got texting. You’re not the only one! Your kids are so cute. My 2.5 year old is starting preschool in September. I am excited, but I’m not sure how she will feel.

  9. You picked a good phone for texting. Love VZW…it is a great company to work for.


  1. […] got me an iPhone for my birthday.  Now you may recall I just recently entered the world of texting.  So a smart phone was waaaay out of my league, but apparently Josh thought I was ready.  I have […]

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