On Friday…

I have been dying to sit down and type out so many thoughts from last Friday and over the weekend.  So many many thoughts and probably far too many for one post.  Friday and Saturday was the Made South Holiday Market.  This was technically my first show other than this tiny booth I had some 7ish years ago at a church where I knew hardly anyone and sold not one thing…it was just as sad and lonely as it sounds 🙂  So Friday was a big day in so many ways, but one was my first show and I have to say it was crazy fun.  It was so good and so fun and I smiled and laughed and gave out hugs like candy.  It was really really great.  So great it made me want to do more shows, but I am in full on recovery mode first because a 2-day show wore me out…like for realz.  And it probably had something to do with pouring myself out for the entire month prior to the show and a lot of big emotions so everything caught up to me Saturday night.

Josh Kelley was the amazing mastermind behind my setup.  He did all the background work and I just made away…makers gonna make, am I right?!?!?  When I stepped back to look at the final set up it made me just want to cry because it was everything I dreamed up in my head.  It was so pretty and white and colorful and dreamy to me…just what I was going for.  When people would ask about the set up I loved it because I got to brag on ole’ Josh Kelley.  Dude is quiet and humble and doesn’t get the props he deserves for much so I loved bragging on him….and especially when he was there and people raved about him to his face.  Made me beam.

I sold lots of things, but definitely over made.  I’m having a big sale this week of all my leftovers, but after I posted on Instagram some pictures, things have been being snatched up which I totally love.  Keep your eyes peeled this week for goodies just in time for Christmas…buntings, word towels, burp cloths, some prints, canvases and key fobs.  If you just cannot wait for the sale shoot me an email.

I definitely learned a thing or two.  1)  278 key fobs is waaaaaaaayyyy to many key fobs.  Hahahahaha.  Thankful for all you crazy good customers who have been buying them up.  And 2)  Burp cloths are not show material.  I think I sold three.  Three lonely little burp cloths out of like 100.  Okay, not 100, but 21. Surprise…I’m having a burp cloth sale!!!!!!!!!!!  Please buy burp cloths or

Dear All My Friends,

Birth or adopt more babies and I will gift you with personalized burp cloths forever and ever amen.

Love, Laura

My favorite part of the show hands down were the people.  I was sandwiched between Prohibition Popcorn and Salemtown Board Company and we had the best time.  Crazy good people who are kind and funny and making amazing products which knock your flippin’ socks off.  I told my brother I was ticked he put me next to the Prohibition Popcorn people because I have a major love affair with popcorn.  I am shocked I only bought two bags…one of which I did not share at all and ate in its entirety while having a 15 minute conversation.  Do not get between me and my popcorn.  This stuff is insanely delicious.

The Salemtown Board guys were too fun and kind.  We laughed so hard and just had a great time together.  They hand make all their skateboards which…who does that?!?!?!  And they are ridiculously beautiful boards.  Within an hour of setup on the first day I had already purchased a shirt from them for my nephew Coop who skateboards.  They also higher at risk youth and help provide jobs in the community.  Well, yeah, I’m all in!

I met so many new people and blog readers and also saw lots of sweet people I already know and love.  It was so fun laughing and chatting with new people I just met.  I of course provided plenty of awkward moments and told embarrassing things about myself…it’s just what I do…a gift really.  I told anyone who would listen all about Ngungwane and even invited several complete strangers to come with us…including one lady’s sister who wasn’t even present.  Again, it’s a gift you guys..don’t ask how I do it 🙂

My brother and SIL, Chris and Kim, did a killer job on executing this thing.  I mean #attentiontodetail  It was the big and small things, but what I really loved were the small things like providing lunch for all the vendors and sending my niece McKinley around with a wagon full of free snacks for the vendors.  It was all so well done and put together and everyone knew it and voiced it and rightly so!

I also stepped up my profesh level by using a square reader for the first time ever.  Oh man.  That was a tad nerve wreaking and it didn’t help to fully voice my nerves and joke about my “professionalism” while trying to take people’s money via credit/bank card payment.  I didn’t exactly give off a “you should feel completely comfortable while I swipe this card which takes money directly out of your bank account and puts into mine” vibe.  But alas, I didn’t botch anything up too bad.

The most popular item in my booth I thought were the tea towels.  I had fabric printed with some of my Maw-maw and Mom’s recipes and some with my Bible journaling pages then turned them into tea towels.  I was pretty smitten with how they turned out and I think people dig a backstory about things…and I’m not one to pass up telling someone why they were so special to me.  Maybe the love behind them convinced people to purchase because I have zero left.  Right on!

And Friday was 4 years since we lost Mom and that night after I got home from the show we all loaded up in the car together…all 7 of us…and took our littlest home for good.  We drove away just the 6 of us.  Lots of thought processing still going on with that, but what completely struck me was God’s goodness and mercy and redemption in my life on so many levels and in so many ways I never even dreamed.  That’s what He does right…the unimaginable…the things we never even dared to dream about.  Geez.  Makes me all joyful weepy just typing it out.

So in conclusion…it was a big, emotional and crazy good weekend.  Thanksgiving is coming and we sure do have a lot to be thankful for.

Happy Monday!


  1. Loved reading about the weekend market and all the excitement and then BAM! The last few lines…anniversary of Moms death, and brought the littlest back home. WOW! The good, the bad and the hard all mixed in to this recipe called life. And you are giving thanks! Your mom would be so proud of you.

  2. LOVE, LOVE, this post!!! I’m like Mary Jo, was reading along, and seeing All the Beautiful items you have worked so long on, and then the last paragraph, WOW, pulled at my heart!! Tears.. Thanks for your post, and wish you and your sweet family a Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

  3. Wow – what a weekend it’s been for you!! It is always amazing to me to see the ways things get woven together by God over time into the fabric of our lives – it’s a marvelous thing to see. The pain, sorrow, joy, and love all get mixed up and it’s remarkable. And we give thanks for it all. I wish you a great Thanksgiving!
    (And on a selfish note, I cannot wait for your sale!)

  4. Sure enjoyed seeing you at the show. Plus your husband is quite a guy.

  5. If you need to find a home for a burp cloth..we’ll gladly take one. We just adopted Abraham Jacob. He is 3 months old now. Thanks!

  6. I am so happy for you. We have had our two foster girls for a week and a half now and I can’t even imagine giving them back! I know it’s selfish, but they are just the best two little ladies!!

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