MJ + The Village People + Build-a-Bear = Magic

You guys, I just have to tell you I have gone flippin’ crazy on our house today.  We were going to go swimming and then I called a cease swim because I got this smothering feeling and then myself along with the wee Kelleys have been going through each of their rooms and cleaning out…purging like no others.  I have felt it brewing…this happens quite often to me…and when it reaches the tipping point it just has to be done.  We’re getting rid of stuff left and right.  All that to say, now my house is an even bigger disaster…it has to get worse before it gets better…this isn’t my first great purge…I know how it works.  So with that, I will leave you for the weekend with these golden pictures of Amon.  Some are blurry, yes, but seriously, they are amazing.  Doesn’t everyone let their older children dress their youngest toddler child in Build-a-Bear Clothes?!?!?!  So what if I assisted in pushing his tiny squishy body threw those even tinier fireman bear pants.  It was the most hysterical thing ever.  He was channeling his inner Michael Jackson/Village People/Mr. June 2014 of a fireman calendar.  My favorite part might have been when he stopped to pick his nose.  It’s just too much.

And if you want to see him getting his groove on there just may be the cutest little video over on my Instagram.  You can find me at pitterpatterart.

Enjoy your weekend.

Happy Friday!

1 Comment

  1. Hysterical! Love it! Enjoy the purging and your weekend!

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