I Blinked…

Do you ever have those days when it feels like you blink…and the day is gone.  You realize it’s 4:45 and you have no clue what’s for dinner, you cannot not recall the tornado that swept through your house and wreaked havoc, but clearly one did and you got practically nothing accomplished that you really needed to.  That was my day today.  I have no clue where the day went…no clue, but here I sit and the day is gone.

So how was your weekend?  Ours was good and full.  Friday Harper had awards day at school.  The boys were so intent…a little fidgety, but clapped their hearts out for their sister.  She was so stikin’ cute and so proud.

I let them pick out their own little bag of chips afterwards at the Dollar General for part of their lunch.  You would have easily thought they won the chip lottery.  And oh the time…they both debated and talked out their options and debated some more.  Finally a decision was made.

Amon enjoyed his first ever ride in a grocery cart without his seat.  He was a wee bit tipsy, but thoroughly enjoyed himself.

This is kind of my most favorite plastic mug ever.  It was mine when I was a kid and now it’s Harpers.  She loves it.  And I love that she loves it.  We played quite a bit of kitchen this weekend.  I make a mean plastic egg, fabric lettuce and wood bread sandwich.

Hudson has been practicing his name a lot lately.  He loves to write and draw and cut and glue and he’s quite the determined little go-getter.  He’s pretty much nailed it.  I completely heart him.

Today I do know I scooted across our floor a lot trying to keep distance between my camera and this little dude.  When my camera comes out Amon wants to get as close as possible.  It’s like a fun little game…I’m pretty smitten.  We’ll probably play it again tomorrow.

My Erin Condren life planner arrived today too.  Oh sweet bliss.  I have felt lost for the last 14 days and now, well now I’m not so lost.  This is the best planner ever.  I know I could keep things planned out on my phone, but I like writing things down, so this is the perfect lovely solution.

I also made lunch.  I do know my boys ate at some point.

We also made a quick trip to Target for Amon’s formula + a few other things, after picking Harper up from school.  I snagged a new running toboggan clearanced.  Way prettier and colorful than my old one.  Holla.

And we rocked some shaving cream.  The best activity or boredom buster ever and our table smells delightful.  They will do this for forever…perfect thing to do while I’m trying to figure out what the heck is for dinner.

So how was your day?  Did an unknown tornado visit your house?  Hope it was a good Monday.

Happy Beginning of the Week.


  1. whitney wymore says:

    Could you post pics of your life planner’s insides? (: I’m a little skeptical of spending that much money on something if I won’t like it.

  2. Super cute kiddos! His mercies are new each morning! Enjoy that precious scooting machine!

  3. My life planner should arrive tomorrow! I. can’t. wait! Feeling somewhat OCD about the two weeks that I’ve missed already though.

  4. Happy Monday! I cannot tell you how many people I know who have recently raved about those planners! They say they are worth every penny for pretty-paper-lovers who are OCD and still like to write things down! I hope you enjoy yours. It is gorgeous!

  5. I would love more info on your life planner – can you share the inside of it?

    And, Amon is definitely the lovie-doviest kid I’ve ever seen. If I ever run into you at Target (I am a frequent shopper there; headed there today in fact) and I run up to you guys waving my arms and squealing, grab Amon and hug him til he gasps for breath, please forgive me. It’s just love.

  6. Goodness. I have to sneak and read your blog posts – if Van catches me it seriously takes us about 20 minutes to make it through a post! We look at every picture and discuss every detail – twice. He seriously loves your kids, which works out because I don’t mind looking at all the pictures again and again!

  7. i.must.know! do you put the shaving cream directly on your table?

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