Home [2 Years]

Our journey and story about how God has stitched our family together…created our tribe…is one I love.  I love the details of Harper, Hudson, Solomon and Amon’s arrivals.  Each different and unique from the others.  Each containing God’s love and grace and mercy.  Each story continuing to grow our family and show us there was definitely more love in our hearts…one small human at a time.

Yesterday was Amon’s Gotcha Day and Amon’s story is crazy special.  I hope one day I can share all the details with his permission because it’s a good one.  When we were in the process of bringing Amon home my mom unexpectedly was diagnosed with an aggressive brain cancer and died just 10 days later.  Our world was flipped, turned and rocked…never resembling what it once was again.  And then we got matched with Amon…the wait was over and we started the final decent to bringing his sweet little baby self home…heart in need of repair and all.

I remember finally having him back in my arms once again that crazy special August 10 just two years ago.  My dear friend Ashley by my side and I hugged him the tightest and breathed his sweet smell in deep.  We were in Ethiopia less than 48 hours because of his special heart…back on planes and US bound quickly…the most stressful plane ride of my life…and I would say Ashley’s as well.  So many things to watch for while in flight…so many rules the doctor had given me to remember.  When I walked off the plane into the Nashville airport with backpack and oxygen machine in my hands and Amon strapped to my chest it was one of the most bittersweet days I’ve experienced.  Amon was home.  We made it.  He made it, but Mom was missing.  She was the first to hold each of our children after their unique arrivals and I’ll never forget the moment she snatched Solomon out of my hands at his airport arrival and just wept over his special life.

Yesterday I listened as Josh talked to Amon about our journey to him.  Our hearts were all a bit broken…some more than others, mine and Harper’s probably the most.  Amon had open heart surgery just a month after landing in Tennessee.  God has brought about so much healing in our entire family with Amon.  He used the wisdom and expertise of our local doctors to fix Amon’s heart and He used Amon to fix ours.  He sent healing and joy and hope through this incredible baby boy.  He sent laughter and smiles which sadly had been missing.  The way He used Amon to help Harper heal is something which still makes me weepy.  She was so sad and God sent her joy.

Amon’s Gotcha Day is a huge reminder to our family of hope.  That God is hope and He does not leave us hopeless.  He is enough and He is love.  And He comes through.  So we celebrated with donuts and cookies and with time just together.  It was a day to remember God’s goodness and mercy on our family.



Amon Kelley you are one special kid.  You are wild and energetic and crazy and fun.  You are sweet and good and joy!  God has already used your life to change the world and He will continue to do just that over and over again.  You are a world changer.  Thankful you are apart of our family.  Honored to be your mom and dad.  And grateful to God we get to celebrate your life again.  We love you tons!


  1. Charlie herndon says:

    I rejoice with you today! : )

  2. What a Strong, Beautiful post! Your Little Man truly IS a Gift from God. I love how He knew exactly when your Baby Boy would become a part of your family. I have enjoyed watching him grow and change and I look forward to seeing ALL that he is to become. I know, I just know, that your Mom is watching this journey, too. What a Blessing to know that you will get to be with her for Eternity!
    Love You, Sweet Laura. Hugs to you & All of your Little Ones. ~ Jo

  3. So incredibly beautiful. I love that he had used that special little bit to heal your hearts. Only God!

  4. *guy* not bit 😉

  5. So sweet! Two years already…I remember following along that adventure. God bless your future tomorrows little Amon!

  6. Aunt Linda (Nina) says:

    You made me cry again. What a sweet boy with a sweet story. All of your kids are special. I just watched “Harper Meets New Baby Brother” on youtube and it made me cry, too. I can’t remember Harper being that little…nor Hudson being so young. I just wish we could have been there when you landed with Amon so we could have had some video of Amon’s arrival. But, we have pictures and more important, we have Amon! Love you

  7. Such a precious post! As we approach our one-year gotcha day, it’s simply amazing to see God’s hand in the details. Thanks for the reminder to appreciate my boy’s arrival to our family for the miracle that it was. Congrats to your family!

  8. Happy Gotcha Day, Amon!

    Loved this post, and waiting with hope for a gotcha day of our own.

  9. So, so sweet. What a great story for a special boy and family 🙂

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