Hi. {from Fall Break}

Thank you for putting up with my writing and encouraging me and just being kind.  The internet is not always nice, but I appreciate how even if we do not meet eye to eye about something, love and kindness and respect can still reign here.  Thank you, thank you, thank you for that.  My heart is still all over the place and it’s fall break around here for all 4 kiddos.  I’m sitting on our couch thinking about just about everything and scarfing down some McDonalds for a few more minutes before the wild Kelley 4 come running through the door.  I am apparently taking on night writing this week.  Fall break has been very uneventful so far.  No big plans or trips…too bad the beach did not call our name and that Josh Kelley has zero vacation days left.  There has been some slumber partying at their Aunt Jen’s and we did accidentally make 1000 cookies.  Okay it wasn’t quite 1000, but I completely underestimated just how many more cookies would be made by doubling some recipes.  We ended up with a crazy amount.  I wish I counted them.  That far back cooling rack has 5 and 6 deep stacks of cookies.  Never underestimate the power of doubling a recipe.  And sadly when you make 1000 cookies by accident you proceed to eat 10 in one day <—- that is not an exaggeration and I really wish it was.  It may have been more than 10.  Sigh.

I did successfully give away almost all the ones we did not devour ourselves.  God is still getting after my heart, so on today’s “Who’s That Creeper Driving Around Our Neighborhood” drive I met 4 new people…John, John, Washington and Ray.  They were not all hanging out together…if they were, it would have made this much easier.  Knock out this uncomfortableness in one “Hi.  I’m Laura and I live just a street over and…”  We got to know each other a bit, talked about life, I did my awkward praying over them and Ray and I even hugged it out afterwards.  It turns out it’s nice to meet new people and learn about their stories…just have to get past my nervous introduction.

In other fall break news I tackled a trunk full of paper ‘keepsakes’ I’d been holding onto for some reason or another.  Some I still kept, but I was shocked at what was not so significant to me anymore…like a black trash bag full of paper.  I did find two gems…this is me…in high school..in my high school parking lot…and that’s my sweet blazer of a ride.

I would later total this car when I hit a patch of ice on a back road while eating dry Cheerios from the box.  My glasses flew off in the wreck, Cheerios everywhere and my Mom drove up on the wreck.  When she came to my driver side door which was stuck I was freaking out “Mom, I’m blind.  Something’s wrong with my vision and help me I’m stuck, I can’t get out.”  To which she calmly replied, “Laura pick your glasses up off the floor board and get out on the other side.”  Genius.  But I digress.  What I love about the picture is Mom always put those giant cardboard things in our cars.  You were suppose to fold it out on your dashboard to try and keep your car cooler.  I don’t believe they even worked and I only used it for pictures like this.  #useful  Also I love the other little hand holding up the right side because I had to have one hand on my hip to make this picture worth it.  And please note the VHS tape I was obviously returning to the Blockbuster down the road.

This is the other little gem I found…me, Josh Kelley and Ashley.  We were just younglings.  I talked to Ashley tonight and I have to give her a shout out on her Noonday sales…the girl was #3 in sales last month.  This is awesome.  There are tons of ambassadors…like over 800.  I could not have been more proud of her.  Keep her in mind as you’re doing Christmas shopping this year…all you have to do is choose “Ashley Mills” as your ambassador at check out.  And Noonday’s winter line launches tomorrow.  Cannot wait to see it.

Amon’s not the only one who pulled out a “random sleeper” moment.  His slumber party wore him out.  We were just hanging out and I looked down…boom…asleep…and with the ankle grab for style points.

The kids have been discussing Halloween costumes.  I still want Amon to be Michael Jackson, Sol has no idea what he wants to be, Harper wants to be a witch and Hudson wants to be a ghost…and not just any ghost, but in his exact words “one of those ghosts that’s the sheet with the two holes cut out for my eyes.”  Alright.

I also started prepping for my 32nd birthday…which is really just my 31st because clearly something has gone terribly awry with my age.  This year I’m celebrating with 32 packages full of random fun for people who could use a bit of encouragement.  Dana…my digital genius…over at Lifelines Designs created the most awesome print for me to share.  It’s swoon city.  You’re crazy awesome Dana.  Thank you!

 This guy.  I just feel like there’s really no need for any more words.

And since I shoot for honesty, let’s go ahead and make that 11 cookies for today because I ate yet another one mid post writing.  The truth is not always easy, but today it’s been delicious.

Hope you enjoy the rest of your night.  I’m sure to be up for another 4 hours because that’s just how fall break is rolling.

Happy Wednesday.


  1. Keep up the Blogging!!!!! Always enjoy reading. Amon is the cutest, and Love your young picture of you and Josh!!!!!!

  2. I love memory lane. I drove a 1986 2 toned beige Blazer! My mom also made me use a cardboard sunshade. And my dad made me use The Club!!!!

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