First Swim

We adore the pool.  During the summer it’s kind of where we live.  Last week we did our first pool day of the season and it was most excellent.

The day was super cloudy, with a few rain spurts so there was quite a bit of complaining by two boys because they were chilly at times, but we stuck it out for 6 hours.  Harper and Campbell were like fish.  They stayed in the water the whole time.

Amon has officially ruined any tanning/lounging on a pool chair I thought I was going to do this summer.  I suppose it’s okay when you’re this cute.

Apparently a toddler…dang, I have a toddler now…has to be watched ALL.THE.TIME at the pool.  Especially when this toddler likes to leisurely walk around the pool and then run directly towards the edge of the pool and then stop abruptly each time as he yells at the water…yep.  He was crazy funny and most enjoyed when the kids would squirt him with water…even directly in the face was okay with him.  He’s insane.

In true 4th kid fashion he napped on a lounge chair.  The cutest little napping kid on a lounge chair ever.

And the thing about a really long pool day is the end of the day crash.  It’s phenomenal.  We’re talking, like 6:00ish bedtimes and sometimes they even fall asleep before dinner, sitting up with their legs crossed and with their hands laid politely on top of one another…with their rifle close by…you know, just in case something goes down.

Oh, swim days how I’ve missed you.  So glad you’re back.

Happy Monday!

PS:  Almost forgot.  Giveaway ends tonight at midnight…I’ll announce the winner tomorrow.  CLICK HERE or scroll to the post below to enter to win the camera strap, key fobs and canvas that are up for grabs.


  1. Swim days are the best! I wish it would get warm enough here and not rain so we could enjoy the pool!

  2. melanie says:

    I love your adorable give away items! I am having a BIG birthday this year and going to Key West for a looong weekend with my two best friends! Celebrating at the end of the country!!

  3. rachael hartline says:

    I want that canvas!!!

  4. Love the summer time with family and friends around the pool.

  5. Like and Shared on Facebook 🙂

  6. Sharing summer with my kids 🙂

  7. HEATHER CLARK says:

    We had our first pool day of the season today and it was great! We were only there 2 hours (I forgot to bring a lunch), but we’re planning on going back later this week and I’ll definitely bring food so we can stay.
    I LOVE that canvas.

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