Crazy Blessed {Hope}

Crazy blessed…

by sweet wee Kelleys who are bad at fake sleeping…except Huddy…he nailed it.

…that this little ace of hearts should not be doing this, but is.  I am constantly flipping him back over all day long.

…by kiddos who can fight the hardest with each other and still love each other fiercely and adore each other and have just too much fun together.

…to be a part of their everydayness.

…by the possibility of one life event forever changing our life’s path.

…to comfort in the not-so-good parts of the day…even the accidentally-poking-yourself-in-the-eye-with-a-stick part of the day.

…by sweat pants and comfy house shoes.

…to be this kids mom.  Seriously?  He’s for real isn’t he?  He so is.

…to find dinner on our front porch.

…for groceries to be delivered to our house.  Such sweet friends are all around us and just smothering us in love right now.

Today was such an encouraging day…a day I found belief and hope in.  God is constantly reminding me of how truly crazy blessed we are.  Life is never perfect or easy or smooth…it can be pretty darn hard, but just the same it is full to the brim of blessings & is indescribably beautiful.  Hope is a wondrous thing God gives and I am deeply thankful for it today.

“But I’ll still believe though there’s cracks you’ll see.
When I’m on my knees I’ll still believe.
And when I’ve hit the ground, neither lost nor found.
If you believe in me I’ll still believe.”

-Holland Road by Mumford & Sons

Happy Tuesday.


  1. Oh, the Kelly kids are something else. Can you please send me your address, I found something you have to have! I told my mom and she said “for who?” and I said “the Waiting For You family.” and she knew who I was talking about 🙂

  2. Such a great reminder for all of us! God is so good. No matter what! And Amon might be the cutest little boy EVER! Like seriously, “I want to squish him” cute! 😉

  3. I love Sol crossing his legs in the “sleeping “picture… you know, just casually taking a nap.

  4. So happy you are home and all together as a family! Wish I could bring you a meal too!
    Love that you introduced me to the group Mumford and Sons, my 15 yo son thinks you must be pretty cool if you like that band. I totally agree!
    Stay in your comfy clothes all day today! you deserve it!

  5. I love the big grin on Amon’s face – ‘yeah, that’s right, I can do this tummy thing!’ 🙂
    (p.s. how old is he now?)


    Crazy blessed, indeed! I forward your updates to my mom and sister, and they enjoy them as well. Many are we who are pulling for thee! : )

  7. Susan Mello says:

    Wow, how amazing is our God. You and your family are so blessed, but, I have to believe those friends and family blessing you right now, have been blessed by you many times over. You, Laura Kelley, are a blessing to your loving family.
    I am praying for sleep and energy for you!!!

  8. sending you and the fam my love and prayers. I got you a little gift, it’s nothing major but saw it and thought you’d like it. Shoot me an email and let me know where I can send it. It will make your kiddo’s giggle. 🙂 Love that Amon is home, that Harper is going to be world renowned physician and that Huddy and Sol are going to save the world from all bad guys just like superhero’s do. 🙂

  9. Awww! You have some great friends! Glad to hear things are going so well,even if someone ended up poking themself in the eye… 🙂

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