Confession Day

Every now and then I take a day to confess some things publicly here on the inter webs that are typically things I should keep to myself.  I usually come to the realization that this truly is a sharing moment after I look in the mirror at my appearance or confess to a friend via text at just how humorous the whole situation is.  I’m normally a hot mess 97.6% of the time.  That’s pretty high.

I present to you my last confession of 2013:  Just this morning I finally changed out of the puke stained, beyond smelly tshirt I wore to dinner Sunday night and then had the worst case of food poisoning in ever.  Insert brief backstory:  I went to dinner with some friends Sunday night at a nice little restaurant.  Yes, I did in fact wear a tshirt to a nice restaurant because that is my standard attire.  To help my case just a bit the first tee I was wearing initially, did get puked on by a Kelley child who was having issues with taking Tylenol…for the love…right before I was suppose to leave.  Although I’m not sure if that tee was really that much nicer than the second tee. but I digress.  I wasn’t feeling great after dinner so I went to bed shortly after getting home.  At 11pm I woke up abruptly and proceeded to be violently sick until around 5am.  It was a long, long night.  I will spare you all the details, but there was lots of sweating and what’s that saying about “burning a candle at both ends”…is that even right…could that be applied to this situation?!?!  I think so.  I know it means you’re working really hard, but I think it could be applied to severe food poisoning as well…if you know what I mean…wink, wink, nod.  Violently sick.  The worst ever.  It was bad.  So bad that even though I didn’t get physically sick at all after 5am on Monday, it completely wiped me out for the day.  Josh had to take off work and I spent most of the day in bed.  This morning as I stood staring at my puke stained shirt and tangled hair with bits of dried vomit and sticky chocolate cake from dinner, I realized I had to confess to someone…AKA…you guys…I have zero shame.

As I was showering this morning I also realized, to your surprise, my kids have not been bathed in an ungodly, ungodly amount of time.  Typically I go with just a single ungodly, but apparently where some people take the holidays to fancy up their kids which includes bathing, I take it as an extended vacation on not bathing my kids.  Amon’s hair?  A hot flippin’ mess.  Now I did spray it down with a squirt bottle to give him his recent “holiday hair”…also known as his curly mullet, but other than that, yeah, it’s bad.  To combat my bad mothering hygiene, I would like to say they did each get a new bath puff in their stockings in hopes of kick-starting one of my 2014 resolutions:  Better bath hygiene for the Kelley kids.  Geez.  We’re kind of a wreck around here.

I’m still feeling weak and not up for eating much of anything which does have it’s perks.  I’ve already kickstarted my 2014 weight loss goal.  Boom.  What’s that saying about being “one good stomach bug away from your goal weight”?  Mine needs to be along the lines of “two good violently sick food poisonings away from my goal weight.”  Josh had to go back to work so I had to suck up my nauseous pity party and dig my heels into the day.  I feel like I already punched the day in the face since I changed my shirt and took a shower.  I almost feel like I should quit while I’m ahead, but I may shoot for “overachiever status” and do some other crazy things like bath my kids, rewash the washer full of already pre washed twice now clothes, fold the ginormous pile of laundry in our bedroom floor and put said already already washed clothes sitting in our washer into the drier after they are washed again for the third time.

I must admit, I feel better…not physically, but it’s just nice to confess every now and then.  Now I’m off to wrangle Amon who over the course of the last 48 hours has helped himself to far too many treats from our treat drawer without us knowing because he can now perch himself just right on the drawer of our stove, see into the treat drawer and help himself.  No joke…not even kidding…I just heard what could only be unmistakingly the sound of jelly beans being dropped all over our kitchen floor.  Also our kids have watched so much TV lately…we’re in survival mode…and Sol just told Huddy, “Huddy, I’m getting you the NoNo Pro for your birthday.”  The joys of fine parenting.  Peace out 2013.

Happy Tuesday.


  1. Hey Laura, it really sounds like you had norovirus. It would be worth calling the restaurant and letting them know, or at the very least call your local health department and let them know. If others have gotten sick at that restaurant, it’s an outbreak and the health department needs to know! Hope you feel better! 🙂

  2. AUNT PEGGIE says:

    Laura…I needed a good laugh this morning and just got it!! I love your sense of humor even when things are not going well. I do hope you get to feeling great very soon…the baths can wait if you don’t feel like doing them. I have done the same thing you did about your laundry…more times than I can count. Your clothes should be nice and clean after having been run through the laundry so many times…at least that is what I tell myself. Happy New Year to you, Josh, and the kiddos!! Love you…

  3. Food poisoning is the worst! I’m sorry you had to endure that, but I’m glad you’re on the mend. 🙂

  4. Margie Novota says:

    I laughed so hard at your confession. All of your confession just goes to prove what a super talented person and mother you are. God has given you the boldest to be what He created you to be.
    Love your blog!
    Margie Novota

  5. Margie Novota says:


  6. Pictures. I wanted pictures. It seriously sounds awful. I’m glad you’re on the mend!

  7. Glad you’re feeling better! Silver lining – food poisoning isn’t contagious! 😉

    I had to crack up at the NoNo Pro comment. What little boy doesn’t want one?!

  8. Hope you finally feel better! Just so you don’t feel too bad about your confessions, I don’t bathe my children on a regular basis either. Bathtime and I are not friends. I’d rather have a root canal. Also, I do the rewash the washed clothes trick too. And the giant pile of landry sitting in the bedroom trick.

  9. Oh man! That sounds awful!!! So sorry you were sick :/ Annnddd, what restaurant did you say that was? Remind us all to never go there… Ha.

  10. Laura you made me smile as I lay in bed watching the snow come down again! I remember the days of just “of just doing what it takes to survive” the next hour, the next few hours and on and on! Now at 70 I have the luxury of laying in bed and being lazy before tackling Sundays Children’s lesson for Sunday School! Feel better!

  11. Trish Scott says:

    Just catching up on the blogs I missed while I was sick. This one made me chuckle. I can SO related to taking the holiday season to let a bath or two slip. LOVED the “holiday hair” comment. Made me LOL!!!!!

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