Awww, Snap! {It’s A Giveaway}


As promised I am here to deliver a pretty rad giveaway to kick off this new year and to say a big “Thank You” to all you crazy kind folks who read my little tiny piece of the internet.  And especially for all the love and encouragement and prayers you have sent our Kelley family this past year.  I can’t say thank you enough.  Really and truly.  You are all too, too kind.

So check it out.  I got creatively busy this weekend and made up 3 different canvases for 3 different winners.  The more the merrier, right?  I think so.  Here’s whats up for grabs:

11×14 Mary Oliver canvas “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life.”

8×10 1 Corinthians 16:14 canvas “Do everything in love.”

5×7 2013 canvas

There you have it…3 canvases and 3 different winners.

Here’s how you enter:

Please leave a separate comment on this post for each entry.

Entry #1 Tell me about one of your goals or hopes for 2013.

Entry #2  Share this giveaway on your personal Facebook status or Twitter.  You can now use the snazzy Facebook and Twitter button at the bottom of this post.  Boom.

Entry #3 Subscribe to PPA to receive posts by email.  Check out the right side bar and enter your email address under Email Subscription.

Entry #4  Become a fan of PPA on Facebook HERE

Again, please leave a separate comment on this post for each entry.

Giveaway will end this Wednesday, January 9th at midnight and I will announce the winner in Thursday’s post.  Canvases will be mailed directly to the winners.

Thank you again so much.  I really appreciate you stopping by and reading about our crazy little life.

Happy Monday.



  1. I don’t really do the resolution thing, but I pray that our little family of 5 stays healthy and happy this year. We will celebrate our oldest turning 5 (in September), our twins turning 1 (in June), and our 9th anniversary in August. It will be a GREAT year!

  2. melissa fiske says:

    My big goal for 2013 is to finalize the purchase of our first home to bring more consistency to our children- moving 3 times in 2 1/2 years is not fun and has been a huge stress to our 5 year old.

  3. melissa fiske says:

    I already subscribe via email! 🙂

  4. My hopes for this year are to find a better job, and just for continued happiness for my family.

  5. One of my goals for 2013 is to run a half marathon. I also want to be more giving and do more for others. Love your artwork!!

  6. I subscribe via email 🙂

  7. I am subscribed via email. 🙂

  8. I am a Facebook fan.

  9. My goal is to keep myself healthy with regular exercise and better eating habits 🙂

  10. I just tweeted your giveaway. 😉

  11. We just found out we are expecting! So my hope for this year is to have a happy, healthy baby.

  12. My goals for 2013 are to be more consistent about praying, to be nicer, and to attend bible study with my husband!

  13. I am already subscribed via email!

  14. Tweeted!

  15. My only real resolution this year is to be more intentional… with my time, my money, my walk with God.

  16. I am hoping for much better year financially than last year!

  17. I already subscribe via email!

  18. I don’t have a Facebook account – one of my goals for 2012 was to minimize distractions. Sorry :(.

  19. My main goal for 2013 is to finalize our adoptions!!!! My word for the year is OPEN, open to change, disruptions, people, ideas. Open to whatever God puts in my path!

  20. I already follow on FB!

  21. I already subscribe via email at!

  22. Shared on FB!

  23. My hope for 2013 is that we will get a referral from Ethiopia!

  24. I am a Facebook fan!

  25. I subscribe via email!

  26. Chrissy vAS says:

    Working on being still for Him more. That and a little more calm:) Easier said than done, I know.

  27. Chrissy vAS says:

    Already subscribe via email

  28. One hope is to bring our son home from India. We should literally get the call any second. I’m praying that 2013 brings back some joy and a new normal around this house!

  29. I like you on FB!

  30. I get PPA emails!

  31. I hope to date my husband more this year!

  32. My goal in 2013 is to focus on happiness!

  33. I am a facebook fan 🙂

  34. My goals for 2013 are to find a job and hopefully get out of the financial bind we are in and to work on loosing some weight in the hopes of getting pregnant next year 🙂

  35. another Laura says:

    already a FB fan

  36. I am now a FB fan!!

  37. another Laura says:

    finding more of a balance between being “mom”, being “wife” and being ME is my goal for 2013

  38. Lindsey Gerdes says:

    Goals for 2013: To memorize 24 scriptures!

  39. Lindsey Gerdes says:

    I already subscribe!

  40. I am already a Facebook fan!

  41. Lindsey Gerdes says:

    Im already a FAN 🙂

  42. Cindy Bean says:

    My #1 goal for 2013 is to spend more time in God’s word.

  43. Mission trip to Nicaragua with the WHOLE family in 2013!!!

  44. Tammy fABER says:

    goal for 2013 – get in better shape both spiritually and physically

  45. Lindsey Gerdes says:

    Shared on Facebook!

  46. Already a FB fan! YAY!

  47. I already recieve emails! 😀

  48. Now receiving emails! Can’t wait!

  49. Tammy fABER says:

    already a facebook fan

  50. And I shared your post on FB! Love all of the things you make! Love your story and testimony more!

  51. Tammy fABER says:

    already subscribe

  52. Tammy fABER says:

    Tweeted the giveaway!

  53. My goals and hopes for 2013 are for good health, harmony and love. I find those three to be so important to every aspect of my life. I know the only way to achieve any or all of these is through the Lord. He is my source, my strength, my all.

  54. To find a place to live on my own and become more healthy.

  55. Shared on Facebook!

  56. I am a subscriber 🙂

  57. brianne griggs says:

    Shared on FB

  58. laura power says:

    Shared on fb!

  59. Shared on facebook

  60. brianne griggs says:

    I like PPA on FB

  61. Shared on FB!

  62. laura power says:

    I love this! One of my goals for 2013 is just to be a better person, a better me, a happier me.

  63. I shared on fb 🙂

  64. Shared this delightful giveaway on Facebook! 🙂

  65. One goal for 2013 is to say “yes” to my kiddos more that “no!”

  66. brianne griggs says:

    I hope to remain a positive influence for Christ at work and at home.

  67. I’m a big fan!

  68. Already follow on FB 🙂

  69. brianne griggs says:

    I subscribe to your emails.

  70. Lisa Russell says:

    I subscribe through email!!! Never want to miss a post!

  71. Resolution for 2013, live in every moment… Don’t take anything for granted, especially time….LOVE the ones I love <3

  72. Just subscribed for email posts!

  73. I’m a fan on Facebook!

  74. Lisa Russell says:

    I am a Fan on Facebook!!

  75. I subscribe to emails!

  76. Subscribed to your email list 🙂

  77. Lisa Russell says:

    My goal is to eat less processed foods and not to be lazy about it!

  78. Heather Stennett says:

    One of my many goals this year is to enjoy being a mom more and stop stressing about the little things! I LOVE being a mommy, but I haven’t quite figured the balance of schedule/housework/wife stuff/mom stuff. I’m pregnant with my second baby due in July, and I want to really really enjoy this time with my sweet 2 year old boy and not worry if my house is a mess. I want to have fun with him, and be a more laid back mommy with my second baby.

  79. Heather Stennett says:

    I shared this on my FB!!

  80. Lisa Russell says:

    I shared this giveaway on twitter!

  81. I don’t do resolutions but do set goals. I want to be a better friend, visit sick/shut ins more, random acts of kindness, read my bible more and try to be a more patient parent. Thanks for the chance to win! You are such an inspiration on how to be a giving person.

  82. Michele Rees says:

    My first wish of 2013 is for my husband to find a good job. He has been out of work since October.

  83. Heather Stennett says:

    I subscribe to your sweet emails!

  84. Michele Rees says:

    My first wish of 2013 is for my husband to find a job, he has been out of work since October.

  85. My goal for 2013 is to lead a healthier life spiritually, mentally, and physically!

  86. Heather Stennett says:

    I am a fan on fb!

  87. I shared the post on fb!

  88. One thing I am hoping to accomplish this year is all the Pinterest projects that I have pinned to do! I made it a goal to do 1 a week. This week I am tackling this

    Happy Crafting!

  89. Shared on Twitter!

  90. Fan on facebook! 🙂 have been forever.

  91. Shared your giveaway on my Facebook page. Hoping some friends check it out too!

  92. My resolution is three-fold. 1) As a new mom, its to be a good, godly mother for my son. 2) Part of that is to include more kindness and goodness in our lives by doing more for others and 3) spending more time with God and my family.

  93. my goal is to spend more time as a family and get healthy…december was awful for all of us. less work, more kids 🙂

  94. I am a fan on facebook too .

  95. I am officially subscribed via email.

  96. My 2013 “resolution” is to take things slow this year, enjoy every day as it comes, and embrace the opportunities I have been given in life. There is no reason to try to change, but to grow:)

  97. Shared on FB:)

  98. I am a fan of PPA and have been following these gems on Instagram too! 🙂

  99. My goal this year is to be in the Word more. I teach kindergarten, so you know how routines get crazy and life happens and then I become not so great about spending time with God every day. Of course, this is usually when I need him most!

  100. I subscribe to your emails:)

  101. I already like you on Facebook!

  102. I receive your email updates as well! Thanks so much!

  103. Carolyn Phillips says:

    Shared on twitter. Tried on fb but it keeps saying link not found

  104. Carolyn Phillips says:

    Signed up for emails 🙂

  105. My goal is to try and find help and get healthy. My daughter who is five and myself just got diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis and are in for a fight!

  106. I subscribe via email!

  107. I’m a fan on Facebook of PPA too!

  108. Carolyn Phillips says:

    For 2013, I plan to have gratitude, perspective & and love as my main goals

  109. Shared on Twitter!

  110. In 2013 I look forward to our referral call for our next sweet blessing or blessings (we are open to siblings), from Ethiopia.

  111. One of my goals for 2013 is to memorize more scripture – I’m doing Beth Moore’s Siesta Scripture Memory Team!

  112. I ‘liked’ your FB page, because it’s always a great dose of ‘pick you up’ and a reminder to ‘spread the kindness’. Thank You for keeping it real!

  113. Shared on Facebook!

  114. Jen Bundy says:

    I follow you on Facebook and twitter

  115. Jen Bundy says:

    I tweeted about ur giveaway

  116. Jen Bundy says:

    I shared on Facebook

  117. My hope for 2013 is that we get to bring our son home from Ethiopia! We are getting every day! So ready to be a family of 5!!

  118. Resolved to love more and worry less

  119. I love getting your posts in my email! They always make me smile!

  120. Jessica R. says:

    I subscribe via e-mail! Love getting your posts delivered to my inbox! 🙂

  121. Jen Bundy says:

    One of my goals of 2013 would be to serve My Lord and Savior more

  122. Fan on fb!

  123. I’m a FB fan too!

    Love these pieces! You are so talented and generous! We LOVE the M&S one I gave my hubby for Christmas! He was so surprised! 🙂

  124. Email subscriber.

  125. Subscribed to emails

  126. Jessica R. says:

    One of my 2013 goals is to take care of myself. I can be stubborn about going to the doctor, and many other things, but now that I have a child, I want to keep my family in better shape/health. My other big 2013 hope is to be prayerfully considering and following God’s lead with our adoption plans that were put on hold last January when we discovered we were pregnant.

  127. Jessica R. says:

    I’m a Facebook fan!

  128. One of my goals/hopes for 2013 is for my Dad to get out of the hospital. He suffered several strokes over the Christmas holidays which affected the use of his left side. He is working very hard to regain the use of his arm and leg and is already able to walk without assistance! That is #1 on my list right now! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity Laura… I love each and every piece of art you create! Many blessings to you! : )

  129. Like you on FB!

  130. I shared the giveaway on Twitter!

    Glad you are feeling better!

  131. You’re already on my blog reader, does that count as email sub?

  132. Jennifer smith says:

    Shared on FB

  133. i’m a fan on FB!

  134. I shared your awesome giveaway on Facebook too! : )

  135. Jennifer smith says:

    FB Fan!!!!!

  136. Shared you on FB!

  137. one of my goals for 2013 is to yell/raise voice less at my children.

  138. I am subscribed to your emails!

  139. And… I am, of course, already a fan on Facebook! : )

  140. First goal of the new year is to find the hubs a full-time job where he can use the gifts and talents God has given him!

  141. FB fan for sure!!

  142. Nita Reid says:

    My goal for 2013 is to Grow in knowledge and Stand Up for Christ More….

  143. This is my “resolution”:
    “I want more of Jesus in our house.
    I want to show more of Jesus’ love outside our home.
    I want to wake up each day with an expectant spirit for what He will do in our lives this year.
    I am excited about whatever path He chooses for us, praying to always be in joyful obedience to His will.”
    I LOVE reading your blog. THank you for sharing your heart and creativity with us!

  144. Jennifer smith says:

    I hope this year will be a good year for my family! Health and happiness! I hope this year will bring me a sense of peace and comfort for my Mother’s passing this past year!

  145. goals … i’m running a 5k in march! eek. and i actually ran two miles … without stopping … slowly … last night. so i’m getting there. :]

  146. I already follow you by email! 🙂

  147. Jessica Robertson says:

    My goal this year is to love more and serve others. I really want to keep my complaining to a minimum and enjoy the blessings of everyday life! And I would like to simplify my home and declutter! Thanks

  148. I posted on my fb!

  149. shared link on fb!

  150. i subscribe to your posts my email. by the way, thanks for this awesome giveaway.

  151. &&& i like ya on the facebook.

  152. For 2013 I would like our family to be more ‘uncomfortable’ in our giving to others, physically, financially, emotionally, but most importantly, spiritually. If it doesn’t stretch us toward being more like Christ, then it’s not enough. Plus, I turn 40 this year! Aackk!!!!!!!!

  153. One word theme for me this year… BOLD. BOLD with my art, BOLD with sharing the Word, BOLD with relationships. BOLD. Thanks for the awesome give-a-ways… Sharing on my page 🙂

  154. Nita Reid says:

    I already receive your daily emails. Really look forward reading them!!!

  155. I am a fan on facebook!


  157. Shared with my facebook friends

  158. I subscribe via email!

  159. Somer larson says:

    Already a facebook fan!

  160. Nita Reid says:

    I already Like you FB page!!!

  161. I hope to become more organized, less stressed and more patient this year. These are lovely.

  162. Somer larson says:

    already subscribe to ppa:)

  163. In 2013, I’m going to stop trying to work everything out and trust God to do it. So far, so awesome. 🙂

  164. For 2013 my resolutions include organizing my life. I work full time and have two kids and I NEED to get more organized so that I can have more time with my family and less time trying to clean up the messes my disorganization brings on me….

    And to teach the concept of random acts of kindness to my children. They are only 3 and 5, but I know they can do random acts of kindness.

  165. My husband and set our running goal at 600 miles this year. Are we crazy? Maybe. But we love spending that time together after work and on the weekends, and it has become my favorite “thinking” time … never thought I’d say that, but it’s true! I also have a goal of reading 15 books this year. Happy New Year!

  166. My hope is that both of my children and my husband feel so loved that they each think that they get the most and best of me every single day. I’m praying for patience with this and peace. I want kindness overflowing from my house!

  167. And just shared on Twitter (which will also feed into my Facebook timeline). Fingers crossed! I need some of your art in my house. Like yesterday.

  168. Somer larson says:

    i shared on facebook

  169. shared on fb. :]

  170. Somer larson says:

    my prayer is for a stronger and happier marriage

  171. Shared the art on Facebook! 😀

  172. wes gordon says:

    My hope for 2013 is that we bring our MAX from Ethiopia and that (Re)claimed Project is able to help mor eorphans around the world.

  173. wes gordon says:

    Shared on FB

  174. One of my hopes for 2013 is that my husband and I will be able reach out to those who are in need. I’ve been praying for the courage to truly learn to love those who need it.

  175. wes gordon says:

    Tweeted it!

  176. I’m a fan of PPA on FB! 🙂

  177. rachel judd says:

    My goal is to take better care of myself…exercise, eat right. Also to be an example of the fruits of the spirit to my children.

  178. Michelle Wray says:

    I have several goal for 2013. My first is to run my first half-marathon in April. I will be pushing a child with disabilities along the course! My next is to finish PTA school and start a job that will allow for more family time! Excited about what is ahead!

  179. Aaand, I am a fan on FB. 🙂

  180. rachel judd says:

    I shared on facebook

  181. Rebecca Childree says:

    For 2013 I hope to add to our little family. Either another biological child or begin the adoption process!

  182. rachel judd says:

    I also joined your email list

  183. Olivia brey says:

    shared on my facebook page 🙂

  184. Olivia brey says:

    shared on facebook 🙂

  185. Heather Stephens says:

    This year, after 3 surgeries for myself last year and my father in law being in the hospital for over 5 months now, due to a messed up surgical procedure…I am praying for good health and happiness for our family and loved ones. I realize that, good health and love is more important than anything else in the world.

  186. In 2013 I hope to become a better steward of everything God has given me (including time!). This is also going to involve giving away so much of the “stuff” I have but don’t use, hoping it will bless someone else. Gonna be a great year!!!!

  187. andi engler says:

    My main goal for 2013 is to not sweat the small stuff, enjoy every minute and opportunity presented to me, and show my gratitude as often as possible.

  188. Olivia brey says:

    2013 goal:
    be braver. stop worrying so much. do what I can. let God take care of the rest.

  189. I get your emails and Love them!

  190. Olivia brey says:

    2013 goals:
    be braver. worry less.
    do what I can. let God take care of the rest.

  191. I am already a subscriber via email! 🙂

  192. Olivia brey says:


  193. I’m also a fan on FB 🙂

  194. My goal is to be consistent/disciplined with exercise and my time spent in the Word and prayer.

  195. I subscribed to email notifications.

  196. My goal this year is to live boldly for God and not let fear of His big plans influence me. Mainly, I think that means taking the next step with our ministry in Kenya to establish 501(c)(3) status..

  197. I’m a FB follower. 🙂

  198. I AMA FB follower:)

  199. My 2013 goal is to be more present with the fMily. I will de-plug and give all my attention to them.

  200. Lisa boyer says:

    Shared on fb

  201. My goal for 2013 is to not get so caught up in the craziness that comes with a newborn and 2 year old and just enjoy my sweet girls! And to trust The Lord and His plan for our family in 2013!

  202. Shared on FB!

  203. Lisa boyer says:

    Subscribed to email updates

  204. Lisa boyer says:

    Liked PPA ON FB

  205. My goal for 2013 is to be the best Mommy I can to our three beautiful children. #3 is less than three weeks old right now. Also, to be the best teacher I can be to my students as well.

  206. Lisa boyer says:

    This year I want to be more intentional in all my goals, whether it is parenting, being a good wife, daughter, sister, friend and mom. Getting reorganized and getting into a daily routine of exercise and healthy eating habits

  207. Chris Bakker says:

    My goal this year is to take better care of myself physically and spiritually. Starting with working out and getting my butt in God’s word daily.
    Love your art Laura and following you!

  208. Catherine black says:

    Want to give more and help others more in 2013!

  209. Catherine black says:

    Sharing this on my Facebook page!

  210. Rebecca Childree says:

    I shared on FB!

  211. Rebecca Childree says:

    I am already a fan on FB. Does that count?

  212. My goal is to bring home our almost three year old daughter from India! Her third bday is in may and so we hope to bring her home by then! I’m already a fan on fb and I get your blog daily and love it! Would love the 2013 one as I hope this will be a fantastic year for us!

  213. One of many goals: So cliche, but get back on the health train. Just be nicer to my body!

  214. I’m subscribed!

  215. Chrissy Kemp says:

    In 2013 I pray we are able to add to our family of 3 either by getting pregnant or starting adoption process. I also want to find a church home & strengthen my relationship with the Lord.

  216. … and I am a fan on facebook!

  217. We are hoping to adopt again in 2013.

  218. My plan for this year is to read the Bible through and to de-clutter/clean out “stuff” from my house. We’re having a mission sale and I hope to stock much of it with unneeded/unused “stuff”. Love you and your sweet family.

  219. I don’t really do resolutions, but my big goal for 2013 is to get our garage cleaned out finally and make it a useable & functional space. I’m also going to work on my blogs more, I’ve really let that slide.

  220. Oh, and definitely a facebook fan!

  221. I shared on twitter.

  222. And shared!

  223. I’m a FB fan.

  224. Chrissy Kemp says:

    Shared on my facebook page 🙂

  225. Chrissy Kemp says:

    I’m a FB fan!

  226. I already am a fan of your face book page!

  227. Catie Hendricks says:

    One of my goals for 2013 is to practice more patience. Especially with my kids and husband. 🙂

  228. Catie Hendricks says:

    I follow on FB!

  229. I already get you’re email alerts! I love following pitter patter…but not in the creepy stalker way!!

  230. Catie Hendricks says:

    I also subscribe via email!

  231. Amanda Means says:

    Entry #1 – Goals
    This year I want to be more organized (I have 4 kids also) and start living a healthier lifestyle!

  232. Catie Hendricks says:

    Shared on my FB page. 🙂

  233. Amanda Means says:

    Entry #2 – Shared on Facebook

  234. Chrissy Kemp says:

    Now receiving updates via email 😉

  235. Amanda Means says:

    Entry #3 – Signed up for emails (But i think I already get them)

  236. Amanda Means says:

    Entry #4- Already follow you on FB

  237. My hope for 2013 is first and for most that I would grow closer to my Heavenly Father, then to my amazing husband… That I would be a mom who is consistent and handles my kiddos hearts with love and respect.
    That our ears would be open to hear Gods call for us and that we would see ministry everywhere not just inside a churches walls.

  238. Stephanie D'Amico says:

    My goal for 2013 is to take a mission trip to Haiti to work for a non profit clinic to help those in poor health. I am in school to be a nurse practitioner and my life goal is to help improve world wide health care, one village at time!

  239. Juliealice says:

    My goals for this year are to spend more “intentional” time with my family. We do spend a lot of time together, but I need to slow down and pay more attention to the little things. I also want to spend more time studying GOD’s word and living His example. You are such an inspiration!

  240. Shared on my Facebook page..

  241. Juliealice says:

    I already subscribe to your emails. 🙂

  242. Juliealice says:

    I follow you on FB. 🙂

  243. whitney wymore says:

    Subscribed! (:

  244. whitney wymore says:

    Facebook fan!

  245. whitney wymore says:

    One of my goals for ’13 is to forgive people who have done me wrong or hurt me and to not hold grudges.

  246. Kristen WILLIAMS says:

    I already subscribe to your emails and look forward to when they are in my email! I just got my first smart phone and now I can read them wherever I’m at!

  247. Kristen WILLIAMS says:

    One of my goals for 2013 to is think more of what I can do for others. 🙂

  248. Entry 1…my goal this year is to volunteer with our church’s outreach program for a proverty area. I wasn’t involved last year because last year we moved from TN to AZ all because my husband almost died from a massive heart attack.

  249. Stephanie D'Amico says:

    Subscribed to emails!

  250. Stephanie D'Amico says:

    Shared link on fb and liked on fb’

  251. Kristen WILLIAMS says:

    Shared on Facebook

  252. My main goal for 2012 is to be a better mother, to try and have more patience and not let everyday life distract me from spending the important time with my kids 🙂

  253. I already like your FB page 🙂

  254. And already subscribe 🙂

  255. I love all of these canvases, but my favorite is the “Do everything in love” canvas! I really, really want to win it! 🙂 My main goal for 2013 is to abide in Christ continually and consistently. This is what our sermon was about at church yesterday and it really spoke to me. Our preacher said that if we do this, we will receive from Christ what we need to be fruitful…your fruitfulness depends on you abiding in Christ. If we abide in Christ our lives will be filled with the fruit of the spirit and we will hopefully bring others to Jesus. We will know what to pray and we will be able to pray in God’s will. We will have joy as a Christian, confidence as we anticipate the second coming and spiritual sustenance. Who doesn’t want all of those things, right?! I really needed to be reminded of this and am making it my goal to try really hard to do this.

  256. Margie Braidfoot says:

    I saw my friend Amanda’s post about this. I especially like the one about the “wild and precious life”, cause that’s definitely what I am living!! I definitely think we need to focus more on LOVE in 2013. Thanks for doing this and have a GREAT day ~

  257. Liked on facebook


  259. My goal is to enjoy the simple things.

  260. Mary Deye says:

    In 2012 I’ve had trouble with self confidence, believing in myself, and trying new things. My goal for 2013 is to expand my horizons and be me without fear. I am beautiful and a great person and this year I am going to do whatever it takes to be the best me I can be. I’m going to tell myself everyday that I am wonderful and try something new every chance I get. I hope you have a wonderful 2013 Mrs. Kelly and thank you for sharing your story with me.


  262. My goals for 2013 are to begin the adoption process again! Also, to be more intentional on showing the love of Jesus to others.

  263. Shared on Facebook using the snazzy button!

  264. I already subscribe to PPA posts by email!

  265. I am a BIG fan of PPA on Facebook! You are amazingly talented!

  266. Mary Deye says:

    Entry #2: shared on Facebook 🙂 hope my friends and family love it as much as I do!

  267. Mary Deye says:

    Entry #3: I subscribed!!! I’m so excited and hope it works 🙂

  268. Mary Deye says:

    Entry #4: I have been a huge fan on Facebook for a while and absolutely love it! That’s how I found this sweet little blog 🙂

  269. Among others, this year my goal is to run at least ten miles a week. Knowing that I will miss a few times, that will get me to a really cool number on my nike plus for the year: 500 miles!

  270. Already a fan and subscriber–love your art and love your sharing. It’s challenging and inspiring all at once. Love that!

  271. My main goal in 2013 is to be content in all circumstances.

  272. I like ppa on fb!

  273. Bre Leibering says:

    I do goals in 6 different areas of life. My biggest challenge will be to spend time in the bible daily amd read the entire bible, begining to end, given that we are expecting our first born in May!

  274. Signed up to get posts via email!

  275. ALlie Kasari says:

    I didn’t make any resolutions this year because I know I won’t be able to keep them, but of course there are things I want to do even if I didn’t make them official. First: I want to stop procrastinating my school work so I can go to our community college next year.
    Second: I have been training in karate for almost 5 years and I am going to try to earn my black belt this year.

  276. This year I would like to learn to praise God. I would also like to know his will concerning selling our house and adoption.

  277. One of my goals for 2013 is to be Jesus with skin on. I love this expression! Our new pastor, Alex Kennedy, says that we should all be Jesus with skin on. If I approach each day that way, I know I’ll be more in His will!!

  278. Rebecca Childree says:

    I am subscribed!

  279. ALlie Kasari says:

    Shared it!!!

  280. ALlie Kasari says:


  281. ALlie Kasari says:

    already a fan on Facebook 😀

  282. I’m not a big resolution type of girl but I want to be more graceful this year, draw closer to God through scripture and pour myself into my one little one as we wait for our next one to come home.

  283. I subscribe to PPA through email 🙂

  284. I’m a facebook fan!

  285. My goal for 2013 is to live a more fulfilling and healthy life. No Resolutions…I’ll just break them. This way I don’t have to dissappoint myself!

  286. Entry #1 Tell me about one of your goals or hopes for 2013.-That my family starts our nonprofit in India.

  287. I shared this on my fbook.

  288. Entry #3 Subscribe to PPA to receive posts by email. Check out the right side bar and enter your email address under Email Subscription.

    I just signed up.

  289. Entry #4 Become a fan of PPA on Facebook HERE

    I am already a fan. Yippee!

  290. Shared on facebook.

  291. Kathy moon says:

    My goal is to pay it forward to all I encounter by leaving people with a feeling of joy and gods love.

  292. Jade ruiz says:

    Entry #1: Tell me about one of your goals or hopes for the year:

    My goal is to make all A’s in my college classes!

  293. My goal for this year is to get healthier both physically and spiritually.

  294. Jade ruiz says:

    Entry #1: Tell me about one of your goals or hopes for the year:

    My goal is to save my money so that I can trade in my car and pay cash for a new Nissan Altima before I move to College Station in May.

  295. Jade ruiz says:

    Entry #1: Tell me about one of your goals or hopes for the year:

    My goal is to better my study habits and my time.

  296. Melanie Hobbs says:

    One of my goal’s is to involve God in my life more in 2013!

  297. Kathy moon says:

    It won’t let me share on Fb 🙁 says link not found

  298. Melanie Hobbs says:

    I shared this on Facebook!

  299. Melanie Hobbs says:

    I subscribed to PPA!

  300. Melanie Hobbs says:

    I became a fan of PPA on Facebook!

  301. Jade ruiz says:

    Entry #2 Share this giveaway on your personal Facebook status or Twitter.

    I shared it on twitter! 🙂

  302. I would seriously LOVE to lose some weight and tighten up this almost fifty year-old body of mine! Thank you so much for the chance to win!!!

  303. 2013 resolutions/goals
    –Be more grateful
    –Be more intentional with the friendships God has given me
    –Drink more water, less diet coke 🙂

  304. Jade ruiz says:

    Entry #3 Subscribe to PPA to receive posts by email. Check out the right side bar and enter your email address under Email Subscription.

    I am subscribed to PPA via email!

  305. Jade ruiz says:

    Entry #4 Become a fan of PPA.

    Already a fan. 🙂

  306. I shared this giveaway on my Facebook 🙂

  307. Kristy smith says:

    I shared on fb!

  308. I subscribe to PPA by email.

  309. I am a fan of PPA on Facebook!

  310. Entry #1: One of my goals for 2013 is to continue to save money to (hopefully) be able to put a down payment on a house when we move back to our hometown–where we want to be permanently– in December. We’ve already saved a substantial amount, but over these next 11 months, we plan to budget and save even more/spend even less in hopes of attaining our goal!

  311. Entry #2: I shared on both my Facebook AND Twitter accounts. I’d love to win a canvas!

  312. I signed up for e-mails!

  313. Entry #3: I subscribed to PPA through email 🙂

  314. Entry #4: I am a fan of PPA on Facebook.

  315. One of my goals of 2013 is to just be the kindest, nicest person that I can be. I know that sounds a little corny, but its true! And I have to admit, you are a good role model! Thanks for that!!

  316. Shared on facebook!

  317. One of my goals is to simplify. I am hoping to do that by preparing freezer meals. I want to have more quality time with my girls where I am not distracted by daily tasks. fingers crossed that it works!!

  318. Michelle Wray says:

    I shared on FB:)

  319. amy herrick says:

    In 2013 I hope to get myself healthy and get my house more organized!

  320. amy herrick says:

    Shared on FB!

  321. amy herrick says:

    Been a FB fan of PPA for a long time! Love your work and your beautiful family!

  322. Jennica Conklin says:

    My goals this year are to finish getting out of debt (we have been working on it for 7 yrs and are getting So close! $48,000 in debt paid off!) And to lose 15 lbs. and to get more disciplined with time in scripture.

  323. amy herrick says:

    subscribed to email!

  324. Jennica Conklin says:

    I am already a facebook fan. Plus I Love your new one of what are you going to do with your one wild and precious life. That is just beautiful.

  325. Michelle Wray says:

    I subscribe to email:)

  326. Jennica Conklin says:

    Subscribed to email.

  327. Jennica Conklin says:

    Shared on facebook.

  328. My best friend of 32 years now told me about your blog in the Fall and I have enjoyed reading it regularly (try to daily, but at least several times a week). I think we could be great friends, if you lived near us 🙂 LOL Such an inspiration to all who read your blog. I even gave the Salvation Army guy a box a chocolates b/c of you 🙂 Thanks!

    Entry 1 – As far as 2013, I would say I would hope to be a better Christian Mother and Wife. I just love watching how the Lord works in our lives, but I just pray that he would help me serve him and be a light to others (especially in my home) in this dark world we live in.

  329. My goal is to spend less and budget so that I can stay at home with my son.

  330. Entry #2 – shared link on Facebook

  331. Entry #3 – Signed up to receive emails

  332. My goal for 2013 is to keep my kids happy, healthy, & focused. Enjoy my relationship with my husband. Budget better then I did is 2012 and stay financially stable

  333. subscribed to emails.

  334. Hannah l. says:

    I’d like to add a little one to our growing family (God willing) and start doing more ramdom acts of kindness!

  335. shared on facebook 🙂

  336. and I also liked on FB
    All 4 entries. thank you

  337. Christy haston says:

    My goal for this year is to learn how to sew!!!

  338. Hannah L. says:

    I’d like to add to our growing little family (God willing) and start doing random acts of kindness more! 🙂

  339. Hi Laura, I made a list of “30 in 2013” – things my husband and I want to do, places we want to go, and projects we want to tackle this year. I am a BIG list maker, so I thought it would be fun to do something different this year. I am hoping to tackle all of the list, but we’ll see!

  340. Shared on Facebook!

  341. Hannah L. says:

    Shared on fb! 🙂

  342. GOAL: to get our #4

  343. Already a facebook fan!!

  344. Already subscribed via email 🙂

  345. Love hearing my iPad “ding” with my Pitter Patter Art blog post notification.
    I subscribe to post via e-mail!

  346. Big Big Fan on Facebook!

  347. Nita Reid says:

    Shared on Twitter!!!!

  348. 2013 Hope: We just started therapy for anxiety for our just turned 8yr old, and I really, really, really hope it makes hers and our families’ lives calmer, less stressful and more joyful. I also hope we find the “just right” house for our family in our new town and we can move out of our not quite right rental and settle in for what is hopefully many many years of not moving!
    Happy 2013 Laura!

  349. Rachel hardcastle says:

    You have a God given talent I truly envy!!!!! Your pieces bring Him glory and are gorgeous!!! I want them all!!!

  350. My hopes this year are all for my daughter who will graduate High School. She is my only child and I am extremely fond of her! Although I am happy for her I can’t stand to see her growing up SO fast! My hope if for her future plans and that life will be what she hopes it will be.

  351. Became a fan! Why I wasn’t one before is beyond me… 😉

  352. I have too many hopes to count! I just graduated from college for the first time at 30 with two kids.. a job where God can use my talents is first on my list for sure!!

  353. Beth Koehler says:

    My HOPE for the year is that my husband gets orders back to Alaska this year. My GOAL is that no matter what, we will grow closer to God and each other as a family.

  354. I shared on FB!

  355. Signed up as a email follower.

  356. Rachel hardcastle says:

    Tried to post the giveaway link but could only share your actual web page 🙁 but I’m a bit computer illiterate! Hope I’ll be hanging an original on my walls this week! Ha!

  357. I liked you on FB too. I’m so glad my friend posted your giveaway. I love your blog!

  358. Heather Stephens says:

    I shared the giveaway post and I am already a recipient of the emails

  359. Heather Stephens says:

    I am already a recipient of your blog emails and your website. I would love to decorate my children’s new art room (we converted our formal dining room), with your awesome artwork and a reminder of God’s love!

  360. My new year’s resolution is once and for all to walk 4 days a week!!

  361. Nicki ford says:

    I already follow you on fb!

  362. Nicki ford says:

    Just subscribed!

  363. Nicki ford says:

    Just shared on fb!

  364. Nicki ford says:

    I’m not making any set-in-stone resolutions, but some of my goals for this year are to just be more optimistic for myself, my husband, and my 3 crazy littles! We have a bunch of huge life changes coming our way. Another goal is to work on finding my way back to a relationship with God. I have strayed in recent years and lately my heart has just been hurting to find Him again.
    Just want you to know, from a SAHM mom in South Texas, I have been following your blog since about the time you were having massive garage sales to raise funds to bring your sweet Amon home andyou are an inspiration and you blog brings just a little more joy to my life everyday! ( wow! Can you say run on sentence

  365. My goal is to read through the whole Bible this year and have a daily devotional with my kids each morning before school.

  366. Shared on fb!

  367. I subscribe by email. 🙂

  368. I became a fan of PPA on Facebook

  369. My goal for 2013 is to be paper ready for adoption #3 and hopefully even receive a referral!!!

  370. I’m a fan on fb.

  371. I subscribed to emails

  372. I shared the post on Facebook

  373. I’m a fan on Facebook!!!! LOVE PITTER PATTER ART!

  374. I became a fan on Facebook

  375. I also subscribe to your posts!

  376. My 2013 goal is to take steps to eat preservative free! It might kill me 🙂

  377. Subscribed.

  378. Shared on FB

  379. Liked on FB

  380. Andrea mcgeary says:

    Shared on FB

  381. Andrea mcgeary says:

    Liked PPA on FB

  382. Andrea mcgeary says:

    signed up for PPA emails

  383. emily raney says:

    My goal this year is to finish up school so I can be accepted into the RN program spring 2014.

  384. emily raney says:

    I already subscribe to your emails and I enjoy reading them so much!

  385. Andrea mcgeary says:

    One of my goals for 2013 is to try to enjoy living where I am at now and not be constantly thinking about the future. I love these canvases, especially the Mary Oliver quote!

  386. emily raney says:

    I tweeted your giveaway!

  387. emily raney says:

    I liked ur fb page!

  388. My goal and hopes for 2013 are to enjoy every moment I can with my friends & family, to be a better listener and to grow in my walk with God.

  389. I’m already subscribed via email…and LOVING YOUR BLOG!!!

  390. I’m also a BIG fb fan 🙂

  391. I shared on fb! 🙂

  392. Laura~my~goal~this~year~is~very~simple~~I~want~more~than~anything~to~be~right~smack~in~the~center~of~God’s~will~~Doing~what~He~wants~me~to~do~~saying~what~He~wants~me~to~say~and~going~where~He~wants~me~to~go~~~~~And~doing~it~ALL~in~an~Abundance~of~LOVE~~~2013~is~Mine~and~God’s~year~to~SHINE!

  393. I~definitely~shared~AWESOMENESS~on~my~FB~page~You~are~special~Laura~Kelly~You~are~Loved!

  394. I~am~already~a~fan~on~Facebook:)

  395. Subscribed

  396. I have been a facebook fan for a while! 🙂

  397. Shared on facebook!

  398. Can’t~go~a~day~without~my~PPA~fix~Via~email~I~already~am~a~subscriber:)

  399. Ashley Mills says:

    My goal is to be at a healthy weight and to love more!!!!

  400. Ashley Mills says:

    Shared on Facebook!!!

  401. Ashley Mills says:

    I already receive e-mail notification 🙂

  402. Ashley Mills says:

    I am a fan on Facebook 🙂 Love ya homie!!!!!

  403. My goal is to grow this little baby in my belly to be healthy and make its way into this world wonderfully.

  404. [Already] Subscribed!

  405. [Already] A FB fan! Now my fingers are crossed for one of these beauties!! Thanks for the contest!!

  406. My biggest goal for the new year is to share more time with my family. Time management for the ones I love!

  407. Already a FB fan!

  408. Subscribed!

  409. Marilyn Gregory says:

    I made 4 resolutions for 2013-
    1) keep my desk clean — or cleaner
    2) read more
    3) exercise 3 – 4 times a week
    4)finish things that have been started

  410. Marilyn Gregory says:

    I am a facebook fan

  411. These are great! I hope to focus on gratefulness this year…my one little word.

  412. I’m a fan on FB.

  413. oh my word! over 400 comments already!!!! i just shared it on FB using that snazzy lil button;)

  414. hmmma goal or hope for 2013.. 1. is to read all the books on my bucket list. 2. is to seek God more intentionally 3. is to see a miracle in the relationship between me and one of my kiddos

  415. i already Like you on FB woot woot!

  416. and i did subscribe to you- but needed to update with my new email so done did it:)

  417. Already a FB fan!

  418. Subscribed to e-mails now!

  419. My word for the year is PEACE! Seeking it and hoping to experience more of it this year!

  420. Shared your awesome giveaway on FB!

  421. Hopes for a healthy 2013 for my family and I!

  422. I want to share God’s love with Honduran youth and change lives for the better during my long term missions trip 🙂

  423. Shared this on FB

  424. Subscribed to your emails!

  425. Liked your page on FB!

  426. Katherine says:

    I am a facebook fan!

  427. Katherine says:

    I want to eat healthier and work out this year 🙂

  428. Hi Laura ~ I did a blog post about your Giveaway. My first post of the year! You can find it here:

    Hugs to You & your Babies! ~ Jo

  429. Liked on fb

  430. Subscriber:)

  431. My goal is to be more intentional with my family and to love well.

  432. This is/are my Goal/Goals for 2013:
    “I had only one real goal for 2013, and that was to take care of myself. I cannot cure the cancer in my body. But, there are so many things that I can do to function better. Not just caring for my physical body, but also addressing some emotional things. And, more/most important to me, is to make a real effort to connect with Jesus more. To make Him the Priority of every single day!

    And, there is something else that has been on my heart and mind, is to be intentional with giving Thanks to others. So, those are the goals and hopes for this New Year, 2013.”

  433. I already subscribe to PPA via email. I subscribe through my main email address, mkarenmoseley at aol dot com

  434. Instead of a resolution, I decided to go with the word trend this year because I figured that would be something more simple to keep in my mind this year. I chose “light.” I want to be more of a light to others this year (and focus less on myself!).

  435. Entry #2: I just tweeted it!

  436. Entry #3: I follow your blog via email!

  437. Entry #4: I follow PPA on Facebook! Thanks for the awesome giveaway! I hope I’m one of the winners! Love your blog!

  438. Jill Dupras says:

    My goal is to be more intentional about my time with my kids.

  439. Jill Dupras says:

    I’m a facebook fan!

  440. I am already a long time “Liker” on FB!

  441. I joked that my only resolution was to have baby#5…well he was born on Friday, so I guess I can cross that off my list! 😉 Some of my other goals this year are to improve in the area of menu planning/cooking more at home and purge/organize the house (taking 1 room at a time).

  442. Subscribed to your blog

  443. My husband and I have resolved to spend more deliberate, special time with each child : taking each one out to dinner once a month alone with us!

  444. Shared on facebook!

  445. became a facebook fan!

  446. subscribed to your e mails.

  447. Goals would be to have a happy and healthy year

  448. Subscribed to the blog

  449. Shared on Facebook

  450. Liked on Facebook

  451. MELODY kNIGHT says:

    one goal: stop saying “like” as much…I use that word…way too much. (and I almost used it again!)
    one hope: travel to Africa!

  452. MELODY kNIGHT says:

    I’m subscribed! I love getting the emails with all the pictures of your awesome children and especially all the craft-related things you do!

  453. MELODY kNIGHT says:

    I’m a fan on facebook!

  454. MELODY kNIGHT says:

    I shared on facebook! I really want the first one…love the map background, and that quote may be my senior quote… 🙂

  455. No formal resolutions here, but my goal is to challenge myself to trust God more, to understand what that means and to live in the freedom that comes with trusting God.

  456. Shared it on facebook!

  457. Emails coming my way!

  458. I’m a facebook fan!

  459. Jen5253 Range says:

    Some of my goals include drinking more water everyday, taking my vitamins every day, exercising for 20 min. at least three times a week, and reading my Bible every day.

  460. Jen5253 Range says:

    I’m a Facebook fan!

  461. Jen5253 Range says:

    I receive your blog posts by email!

  462. I subscribed to PPA!

  463. Already a Facebook fan 🙂

  464. My goal for 2013 is the stereotypical weight loss resolution but this time I’m committed. I’ve lost 20lb since Thanksgiving, and can’t wait to be healthy enough to have my own wee kids!

  465. For 2013, I hope to achieve the goals I set to create a better life for my daughter and I.

  466. I’m subscribed to email!

  467. I follow you on facebook!

  468. Already subscribe to your emails!! Love getting them!

  469. Already a fan on Facebook!

  470. One goal this year: read through the Bible. Love your art! Hope I win. 🙂

  471. Shared on Facebook too!

  472. goal: to read the bible in one year.

  473. will share on fb.

  474. already an email subscriber.

  475. I don’t really do resolutions but one hope is for my daughter to fall in love with her daddy again quickly because he’s been deployed for 7 months! He comes home in about a month and I can’t wait to see them reunite!

  476. Subscribed!!

  477. I am now a fan on FB!

  478. I hope to get back in shape since baby #3 was just born.

  479. I just liked your facebook page.

  480. To go on a missions trip!

  481. Melissa Unruh says:

    Shared the giveaway on facebook.

  482. Melissa Unruh says:

    I think this year my goals is to really focus on enjoying the blessings that God has given me.

  483. Melissa Unruh says:

    Facebook fan

  484. Melissa Unruh says:

    Subscribed to emails.

  485. Aunt Tootsie says:

    Subscribed PPA

  486. I want to complete foster paperwork and training in 2013!

  487. Aunt Tootsie says:

    My goal is to read the Bible through again this year.

  488. I’m a FB fan 🙂

  489. I’m an email subscriber!

  490. Aunt Tootsie says:

    I hope to lose some weight this year.

  491. Aunt Tootsie says:

    I hope to beat Linda in Bejeweled this year.

  492. My goal this year is to be a better person-to smile more, think of others more, to be more positive. To let Christ’s love shine through me.

  493. I’m already a FB fan!

  494. barbara elliott says:

    I want to declutter my house and my life this year……so I can look forward to spending more time doing what I want to do rather than what I have to do.

  495. Susan phillips-adames says:

    To be more patient and a better listener with my grandchildren, children and friends. I hope my daughter recovers fully and completely from her cervical cancer, surgery and that the radiation and chemo treatments for the next five weeks are “kind” to her! She has two beautiful children, boy and girl, who love her and are waiting to be reunited with her after a 2 1/2 year separation!

  496. Susan phillips-adames says:

    To get my garage cleaned out so I can park my car in it! I hope for peaceful but challenging walk with God!

  497. This year, I hope to get into shape.

  498. Shared on FB!

  499. Already subscribed to emails – read them everyday 🙂

  500. Already a fan on Facebook!

  501. Susan phillips-adames says:

    To read my bible each day beginning tomorrow. I hope for minimal distraction as I try to put reading first instead of the daily chores I know need to be done!

  502. Amy Collins-Buckner says:

    I’m already a fan of PPA on Facebook!

  503. Amy Collins-Buckner says:

    I shared the giveaway on Facebook! 🙂

  504. Amy Collins-Buckner says:

    I subscribe to PPA on my email and I love reading it and seeing all the pictures!

  505. Summer Jones says:

    I just shared your awesome giveaway on Facebook! Hoping others with follow the link and get registered!

  506. One of my goals is to clean less and play more!

  507. Summer Jones says:

    I am already an email subscriber on PPA!

  508. Summer Jones says:

    A Facebook fan too!

  509. Dawn Fegel says:

    To help other families adopt and be there for them physically, emotionally, and spiritually as they begin this journey!

  510. One of my hopes for this year is that I can find contentment in God’s “new thing” in our family. We’ve moved to a new town, and although I’m not thrilled, I know he has our best interest at heart. I also hope we begin puruing our second adoption!

  511. So, um, I’m already subscribed to PPA by e-mail…does this still count? I wanna win!!!

  512. And, um, I’m already a fan on FB 🙂 Pick me, pick me! LOL!

  513. And shared on my FB wall 🙂

  514. Summer Jones says:

    Oops my entries are out of order! One of my 2013 goals is to just take the time to enjoy the simple everyday things more.

  515. My goal this year is to fully Trust God and Love more!!

  516. I receive your posts via email and look forward to them.

  517. I shared about the PPA give away on Twitter:)

  518. 2013 will bring more focus on keeping myself and my family healthy and also spending as much quality time together doing good for others.

  519. Sharing on my FB

  520. Subscribing to emails – and look forward to them so much!!

  521. I’m a fan on facebook.

  522. I’m an e-mail subscriber.

  523. I am and have been a fan on FB… and love it!!

  524. I don’t really have a “resolution” per say, but I feel like God is refocusing me to be more intentional and purposeful in my relationships with family, friends, and coworkers. So I’m hoping to follow His lead in that moment by moment.

  525. Shared on facebook.

  526. Once our family completes the goal of returning to our mission field this Friday (whoo-hoo, 24 hours of non-stop travel with five young kids here we come!) then a special goal we have for this year is to lay the beginning groundwork for the first Christian crisis pregnancy center in our city. It is all in God’s hands and we can’t wait to see what He is going to do!

  527. Kendra Christiansen says:

    I follow on Twitter @kendrasen

  528. 2013– I hope to live more heaven minded and less worldly minded. Looking forward to eternal not just the temporal. In doing, it is my hope that we can work to get to the place where we can downsize our stuff and make room to foster children through county DFCS.

  529. Goal for 2013, Keep a positive attitude and remember that God does have a wonderful plan for my future.

  530. Like, shared, and a facebook fan…

  531. A goal for this year is to laugh more and not take things too seriously!

  532. One of our family goals is to focus on our 5. I’m excited to see where this goal will take us through the year. Thanks for your art, I think it’s beautiful!

  533. shared on Twitter!! 🙂

  534. Longtime fan on Facebook! 🙂

  535. I hope to be a better, more positive person in 2013.

  536. email subscriber

  537. Goal: have my first child + keep it alive + well!

  538. already an email subscriber

  539. FB fan!

  540. therese schulle stokes says:

    Shared on fb: Awesome giveaway at Pitter Patter Art!! THREE chances to win one of three amazing art pieces!!

  541. therese schulle stokes says:

    A fan on fb!

  542. therese schulle stokes says:

    Devoted email subscriber!!

  543. Fan on FB!

  544. therese schulle stokes says:

    Aside from the typical (and annual) lose weight, budget better, and all around be a better, more productive person. I really want to spend more time with each of the kids one-on-one, plan a date night here and there, get organized ((purge, purge, purge — hoarder in the making)) and do some home improvements this year!!!

  545. 2013-Grow stronger as a family and closer to God.

  546. My goal is to adopt a child god has planned for us. We have been waiting over 3 years now!

  547. My goal is to have courage in all things this year ~ with my family, in my values, in relationships, in my art, in my business. 🙂
    Love your sweet blog ~ keep it up!

  548. Dawn Callas says:

    My goal for 2013 is for my husband and I to purchase our first home. I hope to provide a home for our children in which they will grow and feel safe. 🙂

  549. Dawn Callas says:

    I am already a PPA facebook fan!

  550. Dawn Callas says:

    I subscribed to receive your posts by email. 🙂

  551. Dawn Callas says:

    I shared on FB.

  552. Rebecca L says:

    My goal for 2013 iz to become a consistent runner. I was well on my way on 2012 but I stopped because of stress and just straight out laziness. Ready to begin again!

  553. Rebecca L says:

    Shared on twitter!

  554. Rebecca L says:

    Already subscribe via email! Love getting them in my inbox!

  555. Goal: Read through the chronological bible!

  556. Love getting PPA in my email!

  557. shared on facebook!

  558. Already a fan of PPA on facebook!

  559. My hope is for better health for our family and for a year of great memories and great experiences!

  560. I just started subscribing via email! Whoot Whoot!

  561. I am already a fan of PPA on FB! YAY!

  562. MalloRy Carrithers says:

    My goals for 2013 are to strengthen my relationship with Christ, spread kindness to others, and graduate high school! Whooo!

  563. MalloRy Carrithers says:

    I shared on Twitter!

  564. MalloRy Carrithers says:

    I already receive email posts and I look forward to them! You have the most precious family and the best blog!!!

  565. MalloRy Carrithers says:

    I’m a fan on Facebook!

  566. One of my goals this year is to be a woman of ACTION, living out 1 Peter 4:10 every change I get. 🙂

  567. I follow you already. 🙂

  568. I am a fan on facebook (and instagram and twitter and everywhere possible). 🙂

  569. Lorie Smith says:

    I’m a FB fan!

  570. Lorie Smith says:

    One of my New Years Resolutions is to be more present when I’m at home… a lot less computer, phone, etc. 🙂

  571. Lorie Smith says:

    shared on FB!

  572. I hope to kick this post pardum depression once & for all this year!!!

  573. April Hunt says:

    To pay off more of our debt and to get our house more organized!

  574. April Hunt says:

    I’m a facebook fan already!! 🙂

  575. April Hunt says:

    I shared on Facebook!

  576. Shared!!!

  577. April Hunt says:

    I tweeted about the giveaway!


  578. Subscribed!!!

  579. Already a FB fan :o)

  580. April Hunt says:

    I’m an email subscriber!

  581. Amber Honeycutt says:

    One of my goals is to take a month – maybe my birthday month of February – and do a month’s worth of blessings to others. My 11-year-old always gets so sad when Christmas is over – I think this might be a way to get that “Christmasy” feeling all year, and remind all my children that you can give at other times of the year!

  582. My main goal is to convert my family to a plant-strong diet. Need to get my old self healthy for my 7-year-old!

  583. Shared on my Facebook page.

  584. Already a fan on Facebook.

  585. Fan on facebook.

  586. Goals for this year…..grow a deeper relationship with Christ, be a better wife and better mommy!

  587. shared on facebook. 🙂

  588. My goal is to spend more and more time with my teen and tween daughters (ages 14 & 11). I see the years slipping by with them more than ever. Love them so much and want to pass on my passions (cooking, knitting, sewing, reading good books 🙂

  589. I’m an email follower!

  590. Jennifer smith says:

    Already subscribed to PPA 🙂

  591. I subscribed to your posts by email. Thank you.

  592. I am a fan on Facebook. Thank you.

  593. I hope to abide with God every day in 2013.

  594. Dawn Post says:

    My ‘goal word’ for 2013 is ‘slow’…as in slow down, do things more purposefully, do it right the first time…This could be my goal word for years!

  595. Dawn Post says:


  596. I love getting PPA email updates!!

  597. I am a facebook fan.

  598. sara just says:

    My heart and goal for 2013 is to bring our Ethiopian son home.. been waiting for way too long now.. our dossier got to ethiopia a month after yours for Amon.:)So glad you are better Laura!

  599. I subscribe by email.

  600. Melissa jackson says:

    My 3 goals for 2013: Be a better wife; run my first 5K; grow a deeper, more intimate relationship with my Savior!

  601. Dawn Post says:

    love getting email alerts 🙂

  602. In 2013, I hope to complete the paper chase for our adoption!!

  603. sara just says:

    I love getting your updates!!! way love them!

  604. Dawn Post says:

    already a crazy stalker fan. you are awesome!

  605. facebooked it 🙂

  606. sara just says:

    I have been a PPA art fan for a few years now.. I actually talk about you like we are old personal friends…I am sure my family thinks I am crazy:)

  607. Melissa jackson says:

    Just shared on FB!

  608. Melissa jackson says:

    I am a Facebook fan 🙂

  609. sara just says:

    I gladly shared on fb.. I am sure a few more of my friends will fall in love with your art and life.. I have had quite a few converts:)

  610. Melissa jackson says:

    i do receive email updates

  611. Already a (super) facebook fan!

  612. Cindy Meiresonne says:

    My main goal for 2013 is trying to figure out this stay at home mom gig and do it as well as possible. We brought home our second son from Ethiopia and I am now staying home with a 4 year old and 20 month old. I am crazy grateful for my boys but it’s a serious adjustment for this working mom.

  613. Goals/hopes for this year are to finally start living life as our new family of 5. We have been waiting for a bit to finally be “done” with our family and now that we are I can’t wait to start living it!!!!

  614. Cindy Meiresonne says:

    Just subscribed to your blog as well!

  615. Cindy Meiresonne says:

    Already a fan on Facebook!

  616. Carol Short says:

    shared on facebook

  617. My personal goal for the New Year is to listen, and follow, God’s purpose for my life. I know there is something out there I am meant to do, been trying to figure out exactly what that is!!!!

  618. Carol Short says:

    I subscribe to play via email

  619. I posted my hope for my husband’s job, my goal to find my God given purpose. My other goal is to try to lead my children closer to God throughout the year. I have grown in my journey, I hope to lead them better in theirs.

  620. Carol Short says:

    I am a fan on Facebook

  621. Carol Short says:

    I was recently diagnosed with arthritis so my resolution is to lose weight and get in shape so I can do a fundraiser/walk to raise money for the arthritis foundation.

  622. I am turning 40 this year so one of my goals is to run at least 40 miles every month & to run more hills ( because now I am over the hill!). 🙂

  623. a fan

  624. shared!!

  625. I am subscribed via email.

  626. Already a fan on Facebook!

  627. And a FB fan!!

  628. Courtney Dorris says:

    My goal for 2013 is to birth and parent a sweet, healthy little girl without killing myself or my husband!

  629. I subscribed!

  630. my goal this year (one of many) is to be more creative!

  631. Courtney Dorris says:

    I’m a fan on Facebook!

  632. Courtney Dorris says:

    I subscribe to your website!!

  633. Courtney Dorris says:

    I shared on facebook!!!

  634. I subscribed

  635. I follow on fb

  636. Goal is to work less, play more

  637. Already a facebook subscriber to your page. Love reading about your talented and precious family.

  638. Tweeted

  639. Stephanie says:

    Facebook fan!

  640. To be obedient to the Lords leading and study His Word more deeply!

  641. Subscribed!

  642. Shared!

  643. Fan!

  644. Vanessa in Texas says:

    Goals for 2013: lose 25 pounds and be matched through the foster-to-adopt program here in South Texas. :).

  645. Michelle Wray says:

    I am already a PPA FB fan

  646. One of my main goals for 2013 is to read more! I have a long list of books to read, and I’m hoping to get them all crossed off. 🙂

  647. Hope to be a stronger, more confident mother. Also hoping to exercise more. 🙂

  648. Shared the giveaway on twitter!

  649. Vanessa in Texas says:

    I am a fan on FB!

  650. FB fan!

  651. Fan of PPA on Facebook!

  652. Vanessa in Texas says:

    I subscribe! 🙂

  653. Subscribed via email!

  654. While I was busy posting away I got an error message that said, “You are posting comments too quickly. Slow down.” That pretty much sums up my goals for 2013. Life moves at a crazy fast pace if you allow it, and I’ve been allowing way too much of that. So this year I want to slow it on down and enjoy life a little more with my almost one year old twins, amazing hubby, and wild dog Astro. I love this idea – you can’t get time back. I can’t get back what I’ve already given away, but I can sure make the most of the time ahead of me. Cheers!

  655. I actually just blogged about my goals for this year… #2 just so happened to be: Be more joyful.
    Spend less time stressing and more time enjoying.
    Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds. James 1:2

  656. I shared this on Facebook!

  657. I subscribe!

  658. I’m a facebook fan.

  659. Ashley G. says:

    One of my hopes for 2013 is to try something new at least once a month. It’s easy to get stuck in a rut but hopefully I can learn to be more adventurous!

  660. Ashley G. says:

    I tweeted about your giveaway!

  661. Ashley G. says:

    I subscribed to PPA e-mail!

  662. Ashley G. says:

    I already liked your Facebook page. Hope to win one of your amazing works of art!

  663. I am an email subscriber and enjoy your emails and pics of your adorable kids and your artsy-ness!

  664. I’m a follower of PPA on facebook!

  665. I shared the giveaway link on facebook!

  666. In this new year I want to explore the options and opportunities of beginning the works for my own bakery one day… and I want to pray a lot more with my sweet husband 🙂

  667. My goal is to lose 100 pounds in 2013! Cheers!

  668. Liked page on FB!

  669. Shared giveaway on FB!

  670. I am a fan on FB

  671. My divorce was finalized last month so 2012 was a whirlwind of a ride. I’m hoping that I can regain some equilibrium in 2013 and bring mre serenity to my life and the lives of my two peanuts!

  672. I shared this with the world… Well my FB world anyway!

  673. One of my goals is to reduce debt. But I’d also like to go back to school to work on my doctorate. I guess I’ll never really be debt-free. But great art will make up for that.

  674. Kendra Christiansen says:

    Our goals as husband and wife this year are to be consistantly in the Word and begin the adoption process. 😉 🙂 🙂

  675. Kendra Christiansen says:

    And I don’t know if my post about following on FB posted. So you can disqualify this one if I did further up. My scroll bar isn’t working too hot with the traffic here haha

  676. GleNda Troutt says:

    I am an email subscriber 🙂

  677. GleNda Troutt says:

    I’m a Facebook fan!

  678. GleNda Troutt says:

    Shared on Facebook 🙂

  679. GleNda Troutt says:

    My biggest goal for 2013 is to grow in my relationship with Jesus my savior! I also would like to get back into running…I was training for my first half marathon when I got pregnant 🙂 baby girl is almost 8 months so I NEED to get back to it!

  680. I’m already a Facebook fan!

  681. I already a subscriber!

  682. Shared on Facebook!

  683. I get email updates from PPA!

  684. Resolutions are: read my bible more, appreciate the wonderful friendships I have now & allow those relationships to grow in Christ & train for 2 half marathons!

  685. erin Martin says:

    Goal for the year: get closer to finding out what God has in store for my husband and I.

  686. erin Martin says:

    Fan on Facebook!

  687. 2013 goal for our family is to Bring Home Baby C #3! For me, to learn better self-control.

  688. Shared as my status!

  689. I follow on facebook!

  690. I am on the email list…!

  691. Already Facebook fan!

  692. shared on Facebook!

  693. I don’t do resolutions, but God has given me a word for this year “renewed.” I guess my “goal” is to allow God access to every part of me, so that he can renew and restore my health, my marriage, and the vision for my family.

  694. I’m a fan on Facebook!

  695. I receive your emails!

  696. I will be givign birth to my second child and first daughter in Feb. My goal or hope for this year to find happiness in the most hectic of times. I sometimes find myself looking the doom/gloom and not the bright side of a situation.

  697. I’m already a Facebook Fan.

  698. I’m an email subscriber.

  699. One of my goals this year is to read through the entire bible. Your art is so adorable! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  700. SAMAntha Spain says:

    One of my goals this year is to continue to grow closer in my relationship with God. And continue to realize when something isn’t going my way… it’s going the way he planned and that means it something much better!! Also overall health is a major goal for this year…. I’m too young to feel the way I do 🙂

  701. SAMAntha Spain says:

    My second tweet ever was about your giveaway!!

  702. SAMAntha Spain says:

    I am an email subscriber 🙂

  703. SAMAntha Spain says:

    I am a fan of PPA on Facebook! 🙂

  704. Eat out LESS….

  705. I am already a fan on fb:)

  706. Another one of my goals is to not be ashamed of our Lord. It’s hard as a teacher to know where to draw the line about what to share. But I hope that this semester His light shines through me.

  707. My hope for 2013 is that my little family would expand…. 😉

  708. I am a facebook fan!

  709. I subscribed by email!

  710. These are beautiful! One of my goals for 2013 is to spend more time in the Word.

  711. Kristy hicks says:

    One of my goals/hopes for the new year is to dig deeper into the Word, to really seek out who Christ is and where he is leading our family in this crazy life here on earth. I don’t want to be a stagnant Christ-follower, I want my heart to be an explosion for His kingdom. Seeking everything that is Him & living a life worthy of my calling! #worthylife
    Grace & peace,

  712. Kristy hicks says:

    Follower of Facebook. 🙂

  713. Kristy hicks says:

    Follower on Twitter 🙂

  714. Kristy hicks says:

    email subscriber =)

  715. Kristy hicks says:

    Shared post on Twitter. =)

  716. One thing I want to do in 2013 is get caught up on my scrapbooking 🙂

  717. Tweeted this! So hope I win!! 🙂

  718. Kelli Belt says:

    Twitter ~ done!

  719. Kelli Belt says:

    Facebook~ done!

  720. Kelli Belt says:

    My Hope for 2013 is that it will end our 2 year wait for our baby girl from Ethiopia and she will be home with us!

  721. My goal is to establish a better balance between work and family time.

  722. Subscribe to you through facebook.

  723. rhonda finchum says:

    Laura, I haven’t really made any resolutions, but I’m striving to learn and grow in 2013. Listen and talk to God more, and realize that everything is in his perfect timing, and not mine. I’ve got to let go of lots of junk!

  724. rhonda finchum says:

    Shared on FB!

  725. Email subscriber…for quite a while! <3

  726. my goals are to be more present when i’m with my little one. spend less time wasting time. and to run a 5k with my hubby.

  727. i (already) follow ppa on fb!

  728. I follow you on Facebook too. <3

  729. and now i’m a new subscriber! hooray!!

  730. I’m not really one for resolutions, but I do like to pick a word out for the year. My word that I am going to focus on is joy. I am getting married in March of this year and I want to enoy every little first thing that I get to experience with my new hubby 🙂 Also, I just want to celebrate and be JOYFUL for all the wonderful blessings that I have received. I hope that this year I can find joy even when it isn’t so evident in my life, and learn that true and real joy comes only from the Lord.

    Laura, you are awesome! I have been reading your blog for about a year now. Praying for you and your totally wonderful little family 🙂

  731. 2013 goals and hopes…the focus for our family is to take I John 3:18 to an even deeper level. 2012 found us just starting to scratch the surface on some amazing things God put before us. I believe 2013 is going to rock.

  732. I subscribe to PitterPatterArt posts by email.

  733. I’m already a fan on Facebook!

  734. My goals for 2013 are all about time management. I need to manage my time better. I get so wrapped up in work and my community I forget to take or make time for God, my husband, my kids and myself. I will do better! (Prayers appreciated)

  735. I like PitterPatterArt on Facebook

  736. I’ve signed up for emails!

  737. Shared on Facebook!

  738. One of my goals for this year is a lot like yours. I’m trying to let go more….to give up trying to control things I already know aren’t mine to have or do or worry about. It’s not about feeling hopeless or helpless, but more about taking a breath and relaxing my grip on things that I spend to much time worrying over. When I do creative things, I always take a step back, let it go for a bit, and come back to it later. So that’s the plan in other areas, too!

  739. Already “liked” on Facebook. (Not sure if this one counts, since I was already there.)

  740. Goal for 2013 find a cool new way to raise funds for our future adoption, by providing some type of service to others!

  741. I have a few goals for 2013. First is to be a healthier me, like 40 lbs. lighter, by my next birthday in December. A healther me, is a happier me…and everybody knows if Mama is happy…everybody’s happy!
    My 2nd goal is to finish up a couple of classes that have been lurking from the past. When I get these done, I will be done with the first phase of Paraeducator Certification. Woohoo!
    My 3rd goal is to get rid of the clutter. Going through boxes of clothes & just “STUFF” that I have, but that we don’t really need. Inch by inch…it’s a cinch, or so they say. So, my plan is to not look at the BIG picture, but to take it little steps at a time. This will free up space in my home & also just make everybody a little (STRIKE THAT!) a LOT happier.

  742. Dori Simpson says:

    My goal for 2013 is to lay up more treasures in heaven than last year.

  743. I shared on Facebook.

  744. Subscribed to email. By the way I love reading your blog! It’s encouraging to me as we prayerfully hope that The Lord opens the doors for us to adopt in the future!

  745. My goals for this year is to use some of my photography to make inspirational cards.

  746. I already follow…..and love…..your blog via email.

  747. I also already follow you on Facebook 🙂

  748. Entry #1: My goal for 2013 is to complete my Masters in Curriculum and Instruction.

  749. Love those canvases! My goal, other than losing some weight, is to continue working on my emotional health this year. I am glad 2012 is over! It was a rough year!

  750. Entry #2: I shared this great giveaway on Facebook.

  751. i follow you on Facebook

  752. Melanie franklin edwards says:

    I love all of them! thank you for sharing!!

  753. i subscribe via email

  754. Entry #3: I subscribed.

  755. Melanie franklin edwards says:

    Shared on Facebook!!

  756. Entry 1: My goal is to stay healthy and in shape by working out 2-3 times a week.

  757. Entry #4: I’m a Fan.

  758. i’ve shared on facebook!

  759. Lori Stark says:

    Trying to take better care of myself this year – laugh more, love more, and relax more!!

  760. Lori Stark says:

    shared on FB

  761. Melanie franklin edwards says:

    #3 I receive emails and love reading them!! So glad everyone is feeling better! How is Donatello?!

  762. Melanie franklin edwards says:

    #4 – I am a PPA Facebook fan!!! Whoop Whoop!!

  763. Cassie Kriete says:

    shared on fb

  764. one of my goals for 2013 is to learn to be a more well rounded wife & mama. not to crazy task oriented, to learn to live more in the moment

  765. Cassie Kriete says:

    already a fan 🙂

  766. Goal for 2013 is finish my child’s quilt. 🙂

  767. Cassie Kriete says:

    I set 12 goals every year… my fun one this year is to be part of a flash mob!

  768. I tweeted your giveaway

  769. i’ve subscribed to ppa email updates

  770. i’m a fan of ppa!

  771. Oh my hope for 2013 is to bring home our not-yet referrred daughter from Ethiopia into her forever family here in MO. (waitlisted 18 months) 🙂

  772. We have lots of adventure and change coming this year! Signing with an adoption agency, celebrating 5 years of marriage, putting our house up and going on a mission trip to Haiti!

  773. Sharing on facebook now. All 3 canvases are awesome, but especially that Mary Oliver quote… future daugher’s name is Chloe and it means “to bloom” and that is such a perfect quote behind the adoption idea.

  774. Want to know Jesus better this year, and be more open to what He has for our family.

  775. Shared on fb. 🙂

  776. Receive your posts by email.

  777. Just subscribed to email, but I’m nervous b/c I had been a subsriber already. And just now realized that I hadn’t been getting any updates……But I do follow the blog via my blogger too.

  778. Heather Kriete says:


  779. I already follow PPA on fb and love everything you do. 🙂

  780. Heather Kriete says:

    My goal for 2013 is to live more in the moment and allow myself to be more spontaneous.

  781. Amy roberts says:

    My goal for 2013 is to be present. I make goals and run from place to place. Sometimes, I miss the moments in between. I want to make every moment count with my husband, kids, friends, and students.

  782. Get fit financially and physically this year!! Love your blog 🙂

  783. Just liked you on facebook!

  784. Shared on facebook!

  785. My goal for 2013: be the best wife and mother to my beautiful family I can be and learn to walk closer to the Lord.

  786. Shared it on FB!

  787. My hope for 2013 is that permanency is found for our foster baby in a home where she is safe and loved.

  788. I’m a FB fan!

  789. And I already receive your emails. Does that count?!

  790. FB Fan

  791. New Year goal is for my husband and I to each have an individual planned date day with each of our four children.

  792. Dianna Kramel says:

    Love your items and am a fan on FB and get your emails too!

  793. Dianna Kramel says:

    My Hope for 2013 is to bring our little boy home from Ethiopia!

  794. Dianna Kramel says:

    FB fan

  795. My biggest hope for 2013 is to get my son HOME from Haiti SOON. We have been waiting for over a year and I NEED for him to be HOME. 🙂

  796. A goal for this year is to be intentional about what is on our calendar/schedule.

  797. I liked you on fb 🙂

  798. i shared this post on fb 🙂 i totally need one of these for my little girl who is getting baptized next sunday!

  799. i subscribed to ppa!

  800. 2013 goal: thinking strongly about going back into business as The Rosey Posey. Goal is to manage the business part as opposed to the fun part!!

  801. My big, huge, crazy-outta-my-mind goal is to complete the 10 class (30 credit hour) TESOL certification so I can Teach English to Speakers of Other Languages when we move to Ethiopia early next year. The catch? I have 6 kids and I am homeschooling one this year. DIVIN’ IN! That is what I am doing with MY wild life…

  802. Have been a fan on Facebook for awhile now – LOVE seeing all your new creations!

  803. It’s my privilege to share your giveaway post. I hope lot of people see your great artwork. Thanks for sharing them with us. And thanks for sharing your life story everyday. I love reading it!

  804. Just subscribed via email! 🙂

  805. Just shared this post on my Facebook page!
    As you said: BOOM!

  806. I subscribed to updates on both of my emails.

  807. One of my goals for 2013 is to make time to be silly with my two little boys each day.

  808. I’m a fan of PPA on Facebook!

  809. I get PPA updates in my inbox! And I love it 🙂

  810. Amy Lambert says:


  811. Angie kahler says:

    My goal I guess, I kind of don’t like new years resolutions, I think that we should be having hearts that are open to God removing our ‘idols’ all the time. So what God is showing me right now, is to be respectful to my husband, know who I am in Him, and love no matter how I feel or what has been done to me.

  812. I am a fan on Facebook!!

  813. Amy Lambert says:


  814. Amy Lambert says:


  815. Amy Lambert says:


  816. No formal resolution, but decluttering is going to be a priority.

  817. Shared on Facebook. 🙂

  818. Subscribed for email!

  819. My goal for 2013 is to focus on The Holy Spirit. To walk each day in cognizance of His presence. To immerse in the Divine relationship so that our communication (prayer) is ongoing and unlimited. Through work, through busyness, through all interactions. May I hold His Hand throughout the day.

  820. And I’m now a facebook fan. Thanks!

  821. I already subscribe 🙂

  822. Already FB fan. You are such a sweet, transparent, godly treasure!

  823. I plan to become closer with GOD in my one wild and precious life!!!

  824. ~*~ Shared on Facebook! ~*~

  825. One of my goals this year is to simplify my life.

  826. E=mail follower… Love your e-mails and comments.

  827. Fan of PPA on Facebook 🙂

  828. mamakendall says:

    My goal for 2013 is to be healthier, physically and mentally so I can be the best mom, wife and person possible!

  829. mamakendall says:

    I became a fan on Facebook!

  830. I get the emails. 🙂

  831. I am a fan on Facebook.

  832. My goal for 2013 is to continue on my journey of health and happiness and share the amazing journey that God has led me on!

  833. My New Year’s 2013 goal is art, aRt and ARt & ART! I’m painting an old hutch tonight to store all my “stuff”(papers to pom poms) I’m totally your biggest FAN LK (but in a sweet Jesus lovin’ warm fuzzy kinda way)! May the Kelleys have a HUGE FAB 2013 😉

  834. Donna pack says:

    My goal for 2013 is to finish nursing school!!!

  835. I follow PPA on facebook! Always excited to read a new post!

  836. I just signed up to follow you on email too! <3

  837. I shared the giveaway on facebook! Hope you gain more followers! 🙂

  838. and last but not least… My goal for the year 2013: To remember that god has a bigger plan for me than I know, so just breathe….everything happens for a reason. As a 1st grade teacher, I hope to remember “every student, every day”. Sometimes in the hustle and bustle of the day, not every child is reached on a one on one level! These littles deserve the moon and its my job to give it to them!

  839. Subscribed!

  840. Shared

  841. Goalfor 2013…get in shape to once again run the Country Music Marathon…the whole 26.2 miles 🙂

  842. Shared on FB 🙂

  843. Already get e-mails from you!

  844. I’m a fan on facebook!

  845. Stephanie augustus says:

    We are hoping and praying to bring home our little girl from Ghana this year!

  846. Stephanie augustus says:

    Subscribed by email

  847. Stephanie augustus says:

    I already follow PPA on facebook.

  848. Stephanie augustus says:

    I posted about your giveaway on facebook. Love these pieces, especially the “love” one. Hope I win!! 🙂

  849. One of my goals is to finish the dozen “mini” scrapbook albums I’ve begun over the last 7 years! Yes, all of them!

  850. Shared on facebook!

  851. Can’t believe I wasn’t a FB fan already? How did that happen? Am now!

  852. Subscribed! (Thought I’d done that before, too? Weird) Anywho, love these awesome pieces and know just where they would go if I were lucky enough to win one! Glad to hear you’re feeling better.

  853. pamela r. says:

    Find more smiles to put on my own face!!

  854. Susan ginia says:

    I’m a FB fan of PPA all the way!

  855. Susan ginia says:

    I’m receiving PPA emails.

  856. Meg troutt says:

    Love all of these canvases !! One of my goals for 2013 is to sell our house ad build a new one!! We shall see!!!!

  857. Craft more and love more.

  858. michelle Gregory says:

    Grow spiritually, mentally, and physically in my daily walk.

  859. michelle Gregory says:

    Post 2….posted on facebook

  860. michelle Gregory says:

    Liked PPA

  861. michelle Gregory says:

    Already receive emails.

  862. My goals for this year are to get back into shape: emotionally, physically, and spiritually. 🙂

  863. I’m a new facebook fan! 🙂

  864. I shared on my facebook page! 🙂

  865. I subscribed for email updates! 🙂

  866. I want to love more, feel His love more, dive into the deeper things of God. I want to be a mommy after Gods own heart. Who listens and lets Him lead me in parenting my 3 little monkeys.

  867. My goal for this year is to spend less time in front of the computer and more time in the Word.

  868. I shared on facebook!

  869. I follow your blog and it’s emailed me to almost every day! Love waking up to it every morning! Love praying for your family!

  870. I’ve liked your fb page for several years! Love your work!

  871. My goal for 2013 is to run a half marathon! Yikes! So inspired by your work…thanks for being willing to share a piece of your life with all of us.

  872. I’m already a fan on Facebook! My word for 2013 is healthy. That covers relationships both spiritual and personal, body, and mind. I’m counting on God to give me the strength!

  873. Just shared on twitter…my first tweet!

  874. My goal for 2013 is to smother my little girl and husband with love deeper than they could ever imagine, so that they feel it from each strand of hair on their heads, to the tips of their toes. I want to bless the heck out of other people even if we can’t “afford” to….I want to pray more….I want to love more deeply in general….I want to appreciate everything, even the little things.

  875. shared on facebook!

  876. subscribed through e-mail!

  877. and already a fan on facebook 🙂

  878. BETH STANFORD says:

    My goal for 2013: Make my kids breakfast every morning before school…no more throwing a cereal bar at them as they run to the bus!!! So far, so good 🙂

  879. I’m really trying to surrender to whatever God has for me in 2013 which is just not as easy for me as for others because I’m a control-freak! 🙂 Love your stuff, Laura!

  880. hope i m not too late

  881. One of our goals this year is to redo our bathroom. We still need to figure out how we want to do it though!

  882. Theresa Douma says:

    To trust a little more, let go of the control we think we have, and give God the reigns. Let Him plan our family.

  883. bEKAH K-T says:

    I’m already a subscriber and devoted fan. After a tough year, I’m choosing strength and joy for 2013.


  1. […] and the New Years/Thank You SO Much Giveaway is still going on.  It ends Wednesday night at midnight.  I have so loved reading all the […]

  2. […] Giveaway ends tonight at midnight.  So excited to see who the three winners will be.  CLICK HERE to enter.  […]

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