Afternoon Countdown

I have approximately 25 minutes until the big kids school lets out which means I have approximately 20 minutes to sit here and peck out some possible sentences and cross my fingers they make sense.  I feel like I am in a constant state of “loss of words”…just give me all the emotions and all the confusion of the world.  It is mine.  Amon and our littlest are currently throwing every pillow off the couch and “making a fort”.  Their fort isn’t very good, but it sure is cute.  Today I might have pitched a big fit to myself.  In all my human angst and tired of never being alone feelings I waged war on myself with a giant pity party.  Oh the drama which it was.  Truth be told, I dream of a day alone and in the same breath I am reminded by Him that this gig is an honor.  I use to think we got one shot at this life, but now I know that’s just not true.  We get so many shots.  So many tries.  So much grace dumped directly on top of our heads.  And I for one am crazy thankful for this truth.  I need it everyday, but extra on days like this one.  God invites us into these adventures and what an honor it is to be by His side…doing His work…loving in His name.  So I shut the pity party down and moved on.  I folded laundry and replied to emails.  I wavered in and out of wishful thinking about being at the CAFO conference just down the road, but that’s not my season right now.  I have a sweet firecracker in tow all the time now and she’s a special one…her mom and dad are special ones.  And we march on.  I finished up another order.  Read this post by Jamie which so resonated with heart right now…like I want to move to Austin and join their group.  Jamie, will you have me???  I’ve been thinking about so much of the heaviness of the world and in the same thought trying to think about Teacher Appreciation gifts for next week.  Such an odd string of thoughts.  The world seems far too complex most days.  Dinner is sitting in a giant pan in the refrigerator.  Tonight we have shockingly nothing on our agenda and it makes my heart swoon a bit.  I’m starting to package up canvases to ship out.  There are 5 still available to purchase if you want to snag one HERE.  And now I’m down to 8 minutes until dismissal.  Tonight I plan on breaking out my paints which I haven’t done in years, cleaning out our closet and making sure Harper gets a bath.  And I think that sounds pretty grand.  5 minutes.  Time to load up these two wild ones.  See you tomorrow.

Happy Thursday.

1 Comment

  1. I’m brand new to your blog, as of tonight, via Meg Duerksen’s blog. Wow, I love your posts so much. They are funny and real. What amazing work you are doing as a mother and foster mother to many, and an artist and giver! I have zero comprehension of how you accomplish anything at all in addition to raising five children, two toddlers among them. Wow! May the Lord continue to make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto all of you. I’m excited to follow along (and make those sugar cookies). 🙂

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