A Bake Day

I know everyone deals with grief in their own way…goodness knows that is one things I’ve learned…coping can be done in so many ways.  I still think about Mom all the time.  The other night I was sewing and found myself just so focused on her and how it’s just a part of my life now…just thinking about her.  I still miss her every single day and find myself carrying this feeling that it’s up to me to keep her spirit alive.  Like it’s my job to remind people of her…I just sooooo don’t want her to be forgotten.  I know it’s not my job, but I still have this heavy feeling that it is and I take that seriously.

Her 66th birthday is coming up and I had been racking my brain about how I would celebrate her this year.  Last year I mailed out 65 encouraging cards to lots of different people.  This year I landed on giving baked goods to 66 different people and then realized that I didn’t think I even knew 66 people.  Ha.  So I sent some texts to her boss Brian and asked if I could set up a crap ton of baked goods in her works lobby for all the different people and clients who came through their branch to enjoy in honor of her…to celebrate her.  She loved to cook and bake and I just want to do something that she would have loved…something that would have made her feel special and proud.

Today was my bake day.  It was crazy…hence the 11pm blogging.  And I didn’t even finish.  Tomorrow I’ll knock out the last two yummy treats and I’ll be done…DONE!  Strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and mini red velvet cheesecakes are on my To-Do list for tomorrow.

So today I started with this crazy amount of ingredients and got my bake on.


Cookie Brownie Oreo Cups (I did not make the cookie dough homemade…subbed break and bake cookies instead)

Gooey Butter Cake

Rice Krispy Treats

Whoopie Pies

Andes Mint Cookies

Nutter Butter Balls (I used white chocolate instead)

Chocolate Chip Cookie Bars

Sugar Cookie Bars

Triple Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Bites

And Funfetti Cookies

The bigger kids enjoyed helping some, but spent most of their time playing outside…doing who knows what.  Amon spent most of his time by the Kitchen Aid mixer.  Huddy was really into helping though and had two big teary melt downs about missing his Grammy.  We had some good cries together today.  Kids and grief are so tricky.  We’re still figuring our way through it 18 months later.  Crying and sweet treats help.

I know it may seem crazy or off or weird, but this is how I’m dealing right now.  I want to love big in honor of Mom…I want to spread kindness to a bunch of strangers with baked goods to celebrate her life…a phenomenal life lived…one that was full of love and kindness and generosity and showing people Jesus in the best way.  I think she would truly love it and I really like to think she would be proud.  I think she would totally agree…baked goods can change the world.

Now I’m off to sleep and probably dream about butter and sugar and cream cheese and eggs…and cake mixes.

Happy Wednesday Night!


  1. Laura one cookie that makes one other persons day changes the world . (As I munch on homemade bread from your sweet Martha. I hope it helped your grief but as a mom- she knew- one idea is to tell a story about your mom in 66 words so those wonderful kids share your memories and stir their memories of her. Bless you -how wonderful to have had someone you miss so much. If we can love our parents and kids so much- can you imagine how much God can love us?

  2. Laura,

    Everyone deals with grief differently. What a great way to celebrate your mom’s life … with the people she cared about, doing something she loved to do. Will be thinking about you this week.

  3. Amy Collins-Buckner says:

    You’re awesome 🙂

  4. Sara Sparks says:

    I think it’s a most beautiful way to remember and honor your mum. I hope on the day your heart is full and heaps of people are happy, surprised and over stuffed on baked goods! Love you.

  5. Dear Sweet Sister,
    I pray today that you will experience the loving touch of our heavenly Father. He knows how to reach into your heart and bring healing. What a wonderful tribute to your mother! She was SO blessed, Laura, to have such a loving daughter. May every mother and daughter relationship have the joy that you have known! Thank you for sharing such a positive approach to grieving. I am sure many people will be encouraged by your post to remember loved ones as you have done. 🙂 You are one amazingly gifted young woman!!

  6. That all looks very delicious and I know you will make many people very happy! 🙂

  7. Laura,
    You are right, your mom would’ve loved this. Just being around her brightened people’s day (much like the sweet treats you are going to drop off at the bank!). I see her in you more and more as we get older, so in that way, for those of us who knew her, she will never be forgotten. Love you and praying for you.

  8. Cinda Nordin says:

    My mom would have celebrated her 70th birthday recently, and it was a hard day for me. She died when she was 35 and I was 13. It has been many years and I still miss her so much. I love seeing how you celebrate your mom on her birthday.

  9. I just love the way you turn hard situations into positive moments for all those around you. You are seriously a reminder of how to live making a positive impact. That bank’s not gonna know what hit ’em!

    Also, I want one of everything!!!! MOUTH IS WATERING!

  10. I think baking is a great way to show love!! What a beautiful way to honor your mother’s life by spreading love to others…she would be proud!! Keep baking and keep giving-it does a heart good!

  11. aunt Peggie says:

    There isn’t a doubt in my mind that your Mom would love what you are doing to honor her…and that she IS so very proud of you!!

  12. Kristine wells says:

    My mom died six and a half years ago and I still miss her everyday. My greatest fear when she passed away was that people would forget her or not remember her greatness. I love what you do in memory of your mom. I’m sure she is watching and so proud of how you honor her and also how you love your children!!!

  13. Laura, you are just so sweet & full of love for your mom and your family. I admire how you share it with others. I teared up thinking about your grief and how hard it must be seeing your kids hurting, too. I know your mom is smiling down on you and must be so proud.

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