4th Childness

He keeps us on our toes.  He is by far the most active/happiest/most laid back baby toddler we’ve had yet.  And that says a lot because we were blessed with some easy small baby Kelleys.  Amon wins the award though.  How can a child be insanely active…in the toilet, in the cabinets, into everything and yet falling asleep under the table or in his chair or ummmm, pretty much anywhere else.

He’s the master at being that 4th laid back kid.  You know the one.

The entertainer.  He makes us all laugh and swoon and all 5 us are just smitten and gaga over this kid.  We think he’s the best thing since sliced bread and we have no shame…he’s baby Kelley…the littlest of them all.  And throw in his rad heart and scar and I’m afraid we have no chance.

Josh and I try to run a pretty tight ship around our house.  We really try and put the hard work into parenting.  When our kids are grown we want them to all be good adult human beings…kind, loving, generous, compassionate and respectful.  We want them to love Jesus and honestly, we’re trying not to raise kids who are bratty, disrespectful and feel entitled.  We want kids who care.  Not what you’re shooting for as a parent?  No worries, different strokes for different folks, but all these things are important to us.

I tell Josh all the time, if Amon turns out to be spoiled rotten there are so many people to blame besides ourselves and #1 on that list will be his siblings…Harper being the absolute worst 🙂  She is head-over-heels…crazy in love with this boy.  It’s quite ridiculous in the sweetest and best way.  When he cries…when he pitches a fit…Harper is his listening ear.  She’s definitely our weakest link 🙂

And believe it or not, he does have a routine.  He eats and naps everyday around the same time, goes to bed at 7pm every night.  A good sleeper.  A good eater.  He’s just good.  And he makes you feel good too.  He likes to cuddle and give pats on the back.  And he’s funny as all get out.  And he’s super crazy.  C to the RAZY.

I have been thinking about his roll in our family as the 4th kid.  And what he has meant to all of us so far.  How God has used him to bring back hope and lace all our faces with smiles again.  He’s been the best medicine.  God used Amon to aid in healing our hearts.  We’re still on the mend, but how far we have come.

So what about you guys…you have any 4th kiddos out there who take the cake…who entertain your entire family…who everyone just adores?  Any advice on parenting them in the best way?  You have my ear.  We want all our kids to be good humans…1,2,3 and 4.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. We have 4 boys and while they’re all super awesome, the youngest absolutely takes the cake. He’s super laid back and chill. Everyone that meets him instantly falls in love. After I had number 3 I went through a very severe depression for a year. I felt like a complete failure as a wife and mother. Our number 4 gave me hope again that I could be a decent mom and that I wasn’t ruining the lives of my family members. God has used him in a mighty way and I think there are big things in store for his life.

  2. We’re only on number one and I can’t imagine her falling asleep unaided in her crib, let alone under a table! 😛

  3. I applaud your values mixed together with Jesus and His Word. You can’t go wrong. Keep up the good work!

  4. We have #4 and now #5… We have been enjoying them so much. Not that we didn’t out older 3 but these 2 were both unexpected in a way and we also know how quickly time flies. God has used them to refocus
    on our priorities and to not sweat
    the small stuff. Our older boys are great with them too. It’s never dull around here and I’m glad it won’t be for some time! 🙂

  5. Yep, our #4 is pretty much like that. And like you, we do everything not to spoil our kids but he is just ending up…pretty spoiled 🙂 I will say (not to scare you) that when #5 came along 3 + years ago, #4 felt pretty threatened and I think still does. He loves her so much but gone is the laid-back guy. A temper was found and boy does he use it. But yes, there is something about that 4th one. Enjoy!!!

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