4 Things

The weekend was very rainy, but good.  It rained the entire time and I got in zero running mileage.  I’m thinking 75 was a really bad choice 🙂  But there were movies and cheesecake…oh the cheesecake…and time with friends and birthday parties and cosmic bowling and a date with Solomon and heavy hearted discussions and tears and Bible study and Cinco de Mayo food and doughnuts and creating and just looking around and realizing that small things totally matter and God affirming in me that small things matter to Him too.

4 of my favorite things from the weekend were:

1) These 4.  And grocery shopping with these 4.  They’re so crazy…and Sol still hates the boot.  I made him ride in the cart to slow him down some.  He is clearly not pleased, but hey, what momma says, goes.

2)  Watching Harper paint a canvas.  She loves to do this and honestly, she doesn’t paint on canvases much, but she has been begging me to and she deserved some special creating time.  I love her paint loven’ heart.

3)  A date with Solomon.  Everyone else headed to our nephew’s gymnastic birthday party, so me and Sol had a little daytime date.  I adore individual time with the wee Kelleys.  He was so fun too.  We played games at Chuck E Cheese…he shot a crap load of aliens on this army/shooting game.  It was pretty intense…and awesome.  Oh and the best part was when I happened upon a ski ball game that someone had apparently loaded up with tokens…6 free games of ski ball in a row.  At this point I had no idea where Solomon was…I was in my ski ball zone.

And 4)  Doughnuts.  We usually have your typical breakfast, but then there are those days that are just begging to be started off with a sprinkle doughnut…Sunday was one of them.

How was your weekend?  I hope it was really good.  Here’s to a stellar good week…may it be grand beyond grand.

Happy Monday!


  1. Sandra says:

    Laura, one time I asked a friend what would she have done differently with her children as they grew up. Mind you, this lady had four children, was a pastor’s wife, was a teacher, and the most mission minded person I have ever known. Oh, and she was Mother of the Year in Georgia. Her reply, “I wish that I had spent more individual time with each of my children.” By the way, her children all turned out great. Glad you had a great weekend!

  2. we did some individual time for our girls this weekend too…actually the oldest and baby went with me and middle stayed home with daddy. it is refreshing to let them step out of their usual family role and my goodness they love it! definitely need to find a way to make that happen more often.

  3. I totally understand the “ski ball zone”. I have been in it more often than I would care to admit! I’ve even done it with a newborn(ish) baby hanging over my arm. Hey, whatever it takes!

  4. My sister and her husband visited this weekend. The rain cramped our style a bit but instead of being outside we bowled and baked. Not a bad combo. It was great just being together!

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