Archives for July 2014


Summer has brought about a new small problem for Harper…I like to call it OnlyGirlism.  She’s a bit lonely…feeling singled out…being the only girl.  The boys are not so much game to play school or dolls with her all the time.  And even when they turn her down nicely, it still cuts deep.  She takes it personally.  All summer I’ve heard “I need a sister” or “I would really like a sister” or “It’s hard being the only girl.”  And I get it.  Hudson, Solomon and Amon are wild energetic full on boys.  Harper is laid back, easy going and just wants to teach you how to read.

One day while I washed dishes she walked in, slammed a picture of Josh, baby Harper and myself right beside me on the counter and said, “I wish it was still like this.”  We ended up having a long talk about the root of the problem.  She didn’t really wish her 3 favorite boys were no more, she just wished they wanted to play with her more…that she felt included.  So we made a plan.

She got out her pink notebook and wrote down a list of some of her little girl friends she would like to invite for a playdate.  Over the summer we have been moving through this list.  And she has just beamed each and every time.  It makes her feels good.  It makes her feel valued and special.  It gives her some girl time, which I know she needs.

Last week we had the rare occasion where the boys were invited to spend the night with a friend and Amon had MDO the next day.  So we invited Kylee, one of Harper’s friends, over to join us for a girls day and sent the boys on their way.

They played and chatted.  We picked up jelly beans and ate them at like 9 in the morning.  We enjoyed the Wave Pool…swimming, slides, lunch pool side.  The best.  They had the most fun.  And so did I.

I so enjoy Harper with sweet friends.  I enjoy watching her revel is little ladyness.  I enjoy her sweet feminine side.  I enjoy that she’s my girl…and us girls have to stick together, lean in on each other, help each other figure out what is deep at root sometimes and then hatch a plan.  It’s what we do…and I hope I always get to help Harper do just those things…because being a girl…having a girl…is rad!

Happy Tuesday!

5 Years Home

It seems like yesterday and yet it seems like forever ago when the sweetest little Ethiopian baby boy was placed in our arms.  I remember so many special details about the day, but specifically how I was overwhelmed with gratitude and amazement that we would have the honor to be his Mom and Dad.  Solomon was a gift which has blessed us beyond our wildest imagination.  Saturday was his Gotcha Day…5 years home.  Each year comes and goes and each year I am still overcome with emotion.

As we were walking through Kroger on Friday evening I broke down in tears right there in the frozen food section searching for his ice cream sandwiches he had requested.  It had been a long, exhausting week…my mind had even forgotten about his day…and I became completely overwhelmed just the same as I was when they placed him in my arms…an honor, a blessing, humbled, crazy grateful.

So he planned his day.  Starting with Krispy Kreme donuts.

Bike riding.

Swimming, of course.

For lunch he wanted spicy chicken taco salad with chips, salsa and apples.

Ice cream sandwiches and Rio movie watching.

Chickfila for dinner and some evening playtime at his grandparents house.

It was a really great day.  Just what we needed…celebrating such an amazing kid and such an amazing day for our family.  Solomon Kelley…you are crazy good.  I absolutely love being your mom and I cannot thank God enough for your life.  You are truly a gift my son!  Love you tons!

Happy Monday!

Hello Weekend!

It’s a hot Friday night around here.  Tired eyes.  Already laying in bed.  Blogging.  Whoa!

Today we had fun…productive fun.  Which meant running some errands and doing loads of laundry and all kinds of other productivey things.  We even ate lunch at one of my most favorite places…Sams.  I may not have a Sams membership, but I do have my old expired Sams card, which gets us in the doors and eating pizza and the most amazing ginormous icees.  I’m crazy picky about my icee consistency.  It cannot be too runny or it’s just straight up ruined.  It must be high end icee frozen drink consistency and Sams nails it every time.  And their pizza…let’s make out.  The best.  We always skip the individual slices and go for the full blown pizza because A) We like pizza and can easily hammer an entire pie and B) You get fresh, yummy, oh so greasy, ‘get in my belly’ ‘we love your polka dot bottom crust’ pizza.  Now I’ll dream of pizza.

And let’s break the above picture down for a minute.  A few notes:  1) Solomon always will make a goofy face…always.  2)  Harper: adorable, but blinked.  C) Amon is very angry because his pizza is hot and the dinky plastic fork which he refers to as a “poon” will not hold said hot pizza.  The nerve of the Sams cafe workers for making his pizza hot.  #aholes   And then 4) Hudson.  Dude loves his food and doesn’t care if it scalds the roof of his mouth off.  When he’s in the zone, he’s in the zone.

In other news, more orders were completed as well.  I’ve had a slammed packed week.  Working like crazy.  These are all headed out to Mississippi, Missouri, Minnesota, Idaho and Ohio.  I love it.  Thank you so much for ordering and trusting me to create unique and special items for you!  It’s such an honor.

18×18 50th wedding anniversary.  I love hearing all the ideas customers have for a piece and then putting their ideas into action.

4×12 Mumford and Sons canvas

And name pillows…lots and lots of name pillows.

Thank you again so very very much.  You are keeping my mind and hand creating.

Now I think I’m going to get even more crazy and close my eyes.  Going to bed at 10:20 on a Friday night…this kind of thing never happens.  Watch out!

Have a wonderful weekend.

Happy Friday!

It’s What I Do

It’s kind of been a few days since I totally went on a random tangent.  You missed my completely unrelated random rants didn’t you?!??!  Well be disappointed no more.

I am so flippin’ tired.  I have been hitting the bed in the wee hours of the morning all for the sake of orders.  I sent a sweet customer an email 6 nights ago and told her it may be about 3 weeks before I have her order completed…I finished it last night.  Yeah, super late nights people, but way productive.  Courtney got this picture yesterday morning titled “Well, I’m tired.”  I’m determined to get this order list dwindled down.  #cantstopwontstop

4th of July is one of my favorite holidays.  Not quite up there with Halloween and the birth of Jesus, but close.  It’s the sparklers and the tradition of going out on canoes to watch fireworks.  Gets me every time.

photo cred to my FIL for that little canoe beauty^

2-year-olds + old school life jackets = totes adorbs.  (I’ve learned this lingo from my nephew…totes=totally…adorbs=adorable…you’re welcome)

We’re swimaholics.  Addicted.  It’s bad.  I don’t even want to think about school starting.  How will we survive.  We’re pool/water feans.  Over the top.  And I love it.  Every part of it.  Except when Amon poops in a swim diaper…holy crap…literally.  #cantstopwontstop…again

Hudson and Solomon got haircuts.  Hudson got a free cut at the Nashville Sounds game behind the right field wall.  That’s normal right?!?!  I took Sol in for a fresh short summer cut from Mr. Jesse at the barber shop.  I think shorter haircuts allows for an even longer time frame between baths.  No?!?!

I’m taking a 2 week break from running.  I haven’t taken that long off in over 2 years, but it feels good to give my legs and knees a bit of a break.  I’ve subbed in some at home workouts which draw quite the crowd every single time.

More legos.  All.The.Time.  All.Day.Long.

Hudson is straight up Emmet from The LEgo Movie.  His little personality, his kind heart, how he says awesome all the time about everything, super excitable and he’s totally a master builder.  The kid is crazy.  He just sits down, dreams something up and then voila…he creates it.  Love his little mind.

And baseball.  Another all day, every day activity.  We’re immersed and I am totally okay with it.  We finally had our first big “indoor baseball” casualty.  I’m actually surprised we went as long as we did, but finally my big photo of Amon hanging in our living room got beaned by a line drive and fell crashing to the ground.  It was a sad day, but we pressed on and I shockingly did not ban indoor baseball…it’s just too much fun to do that.

Random posts…completely unrelated and in no way flows together.  It’s what I do!

Happy Thursday!


Yes this.  After I uploaded this picture I laughed out loud.  I thought to myself, “This could not be a better representation of our summer.”  Minus one crazy little man toddler child 🙂

They absolutely slay me.  Goodness I kind of like them!

Happy Wednesday…for real this time.

I Like Her

She is getting too big.  I see it everyday and time is turning our little girl into a little lady.  Every single day she is changing more and more and getting bigger and bigger.  It makes my heart kind of achey, but also excited because I love the little lady she is turning into.  The way she talks and laughs and goes into great detail explaining even the tiniest of subjects.  The way she wants to help with anything and everything.  Her imagination is delightful and she’s sure to be an artist or teacher or both when she grows up.  I just really really like her.

She asks me to play all the time.  And truth is, it just does not always happen.  Not near enough.  There are 4 children in our household all needing Mom or Dad in one way or another and carving out real play time is just tough sometimes.  I’ve really been trying to enjoy the kids more this summer because it seems if all at once they look, feel and act older.  Just in a blink.

And it happened at just the right time we were able to knock out an entire old Lego set together.  Why yes we do keep all our Legos all jumbled up in one big bin, so I always assist in the sifting and finding pieces department.  The boys all came in and out while we worked…staying for little stints here and there.  Sometimes to try and bother or annoy, but sometimes to ask if they could help or just build on their own.

As we worked she talked.  And talked and talked and talked.  It’s kind of what she does.  She does the same thing when we run together.  I adore it and I learn so much as I listen to her mind think, work and communicate.  At one point I just sat there and stared at her working and I knew I wanted to hold this time with her a little longer.  Sear it in my memory.  Stamp it on my heart.

Unruly Legos.  The sifting sound.  Her chatty words and sweet 7-year-old voice.  Cookie in hand.  And a “thank you Mom” when we finished.  She’s my jam!

Happy Wednesday.

Ha. How about happy Tuesday!

Taken Back

In November of this year it will have been 3 years since my Mom died.  Some days it feels like yesterday  which seems completely bizarre…32 months seems like relatively enough time to heal, but then someone who impacts your every day dies and time loses all reasoning…and then some days it feels like she’s a stranger or a dream which makes me deeply sad in a different  way.

I’ve hit my “I’m completely over this house hunting thing” point and have said to heck with waiting on everything and have started doing all the dreams and ideas in my head.  This definitely deserves an entirely separate post of it’s own. Over the weekend I got a wild hair and painted our dining room.  It’s just kind of what I do.  As I was putting things back in their places I stopped and just stared at a picture of me and Mom and I sat there thinking how she’s starting to feel distant to me in some ways…like she wasn’t real.  It made me incredibly sad and makes me get all teary just thinking about it.  I’m afraid time has some hateful tricks I’m just starting to learn about.

We had a wildly wonderful 4th of July.  My Mom’s family had their ginormous yearly Hall family reunion.  Mom was the youngest of 12…yes 12!  You can imagine our reunions.  Crazy loud kind people everywhere and enough crazy good food to feed an army…which we’re really like an army by number standards.  These are some of the people who knew Mom best.  And I like them.  They are loving and kind and real.  They are family.  I cannot even tell you how good I felt being around each and every one of these people.  I laughed.  I cried.  I laughed some more.  And then ate cookies.  It was the best.  I didn’t want to leave.  When it was time to leave I was immediately taken back to the night after Mom’s funeral.

I remember how bussling the days after Mom’s death had been.  There was so much for my brother Chris and I to do.  Family and friends were pouring in from all over and the love was delightfully thick.  The appreciation and gratitude for Mom’s life was loud and wonderful just like her.  I was so busy…so many many things to do.  So many many people to talk to.  I remember each person who came to see me after she died I said the same thing…”It’s okay.  It’s okay.”  I felt as if I had just consoled 500 people…I didn’t want anyone to feel bad…I didn’t want anyone to feel bad for me.  In the busyness of those first days I had yet to feel the loneliness of death.  I had yet to feel really alone just yet.

As we gathered all the kids belongings and started to wrap up our wonderful 4th of July at the Hall reunion I flashed straight back to that night after Mom’s funeral when everyone started to exit to go home.  When this busy death reunion time came to an end.  The moment when everyone had to go back to their own lives, like they should have, and I was left with an entirely new one.  I remember sitting in Mom’s basement on her daybed surrounded by these same sweet people and tons of plants and flowers and realizing for the first time these people who we’re keeping me afloat were all about to leave and I was going to have to learn how to swim again.  I cried so hard when they left.  I genuinely felt shocked they were leaving…it hadn’t dawned on me just yet.  And I did not want to leave this family reunion just the same.

I had been genuinely loved on and spent quality time with these amazing people, who I just don’t see enough.  I had enjoyed them so much and had forgotten about the reality of leaving.  When we got home I was just down.  The 4th of July is suppose to be all parties and fireworks and red, white and blue themed desserts, not tears and pity parties.  The emotion and the ups and downs of death is so crazy sometimes.  The way it ebbs and flows.  I realized, “It’s okay.  It’s okay.”  It’s okay to feel the ups and downs of losing her.  It’s okay when it’s suffocating and when it’s so far removed she doesn’t seem real.  It’s okay when you feel straight up depressed about having to leave a family reunion.  Don’t most people hate family reunions…I’m super lucky.  And what makes it all okay is a God who reminds you of His goodness even when you just feel sad.  When He simply reminds you He’s also there in the messy parts…and He’s not just there, but He wants to be.

Our 4th ended up taking another turn for the better after my down in the dumps time.  We ate a snacky dinner, shot our own fireworks in our backyard with sparklers and poppers.  I watched Josh Kelley light sparkler after sparkler after sparkler for these 4 small humans and I was overwhelmed with gratitude once again.  God’s goodness everywhere and there I sat, right in the thick of it.

So thankful for family.  So thankful for God’s goodness and mercy and love.

Happy Monday.

Weeping During NapTime

It’s currently house wide nap time…some will nap, some will just read, but all will be quiet and in their own beds.  Hallelujah.  I sat down to get some work done on the computer and made the horrific mistake while I was uploading pictures of browsing through pictures from last summer.  Holy crap what happened?!?!?!?!  My children…they’re all old now…like giants…and my baby Amon…he’s no more.

Amon even has a flippin’ paci in that last picture.  And now all I want to do is weep and wail and gnash my teeth and eat chocolate cookies.  Why did I look back…I know better…I shouldn’t have done it, but they sure are sweet little Kelleys.

Happy Slighly Depressed Thursday!