Archives for June 2013

Vacation: What We Did

Well hold onto the seat of your pants because we’re about to get crazy.  Josh and I stayed at one of those all-inclusive places, so you go ahead and pay up front and then don’t pay for a darn thing when you’re actually on vacation.  It was so fun.

We really had a mighty fun time and now I’m going to highlight what we did.  Seriously, I’m just not sure if you can handle it.  Maybe you can.  There are probably some pretty crazy 30 somethings out there who cut lose every once in a while…let their hair down…live on the edge…go a bit crazy.  I’d like to meet you…maybe go on vacation together…because that’s exactly what we did.

We read.  I know, I know, things are already getting out of hand.  I’ve never proclaimed to be a reader…ever.  I can read kids books like they’re going out of style, but not big people books.  Hence why I even call them “big people books”.  I’m lame.  And I’m okay with that.  But I did however read two books over the course of 6 days and I was thoroughly proud of myself.  Okay, so I may have already started one of the books, but honestly was only like 3 chapters or so in, so for my “big girl reading a book” pride, I’m still saying I read two whole books.  Some of you so called “readers” are asking yourself about the number of pages…I just know you are.  They were no Harry Potter’s, but they were Carry On, Warrior: Thoughts on Life Unarmed by Glennon Melton and Love Does by Bob Goff.  Both were good, but Love Does rocked my world to the core.  Possibly the best book I’ve ever read.  That’s for a whole other post of its own.

We slept.

Laura Kelley Fun Fact #10:  I usually run on 4-5 hours of sleep and it’s not fun.

This was the one thing my mom constantly got onto me about through out my entire life…how much sleep I was getting.  And you know what, I know I need more sleep.  So on vacation, we slept.  We still rocked some late nights, but I got a minimum of 8 hours of sleep each night.  One night I got 10.  Holy Cow, it was amazing.  And we even…wait for it…Napped.  Did that give you chills?  Yeah, me too.  Napping…such a sweet word.  And in these cute little thatched roof huts on the beach or on a lounge chair by the pool.  Just random napping.  Geez.

We ate.  Ashley and I called our “no sweets during the week” rule totally bogus for vacation.  So we lived it up.  Actually, we weren’t too terrible because the desserts, sadly, were not that grand.  The ice cream was crazy awesome though and I did have some killer chocolate cake and truffles too.  There were 8 different restaurants we could eat at and they all were delicious.  We even had breakfast in bed and an extra fancy anniversary meal.  I love food.  #noSHAME

Oh and all the drinks were in fancy glasses.  Everything.  It made me feel very refined and well, fancy.  They even made coke look fancy…and boy did I enjoy some coke.  This week is going to be hard coming off of our vacation sugar bender.

We drank tropical fruity pretty drinks.  Oh it is so true.  And they were yummy and fresh.  We watched a dude chop open legit, for reals, coconuts with a machete.  He soooooo almost lost a finger.  I don’t even like coconut, but I had to see what was in that coconut and what kind of yummy something the dude was going to make with the insides of the coconut.  It was beyond fun.

We boogie boarded.  Way too much fun.  Josh and Chris both almost gave themselves concussions…no one should get concussed on vacation.  I played it a bit safer than them, but still took some nice thrashings.  Ashley was the safest of all and came away with just a minor bruise…she bruises easily.

We swam.  Lots and lots of swimming…aka relaxing on floats.  It counts as swimming as long as you are in the water.  We did have some pool races which got waaaaaay out of hand.  There were major errors in the race director and clearly I should have won, when I apparently “lost”.  What’s losing?  I don’t even know.  Whatevs.

We did exercise.  You are as shocked as I am, but Josh and Chris were pretty pumped about the crazy nice gym this place had, so I decided, what the heck.  I ended up logging some good miles on a tread mill…and it sucked.  I haven’t run on a tread mill since college so it was super hard for me to balance and not look down at my shoes the entire time, but I eventually got the hang of it.  It was nice to get our sweat on.

And we watched shows.  Our resort was pretty tame with actually lots of old people, which I loved.  So we totally rocked some after-dinner shows.  Like a rock-n-roll cover band, a Michael Jackson impersonator complete with break dancers and a circus show that was off the hook.  We were thoroughly impressed.

And that’s for real all we did.  It was A-freakin-mazing.  Loved it all.  Loved how chill everything was with absolutely no agenda, just hanging with some of our favorite peeps.  Thanks for coming along for the ride Ashley and Chris.  You were fine vacaying buddies.

We miss you guys.

Happy Tuesday.

Vacation: No Kids Allowed

Josh Kelley and I will be celebrating our 10 year wedding anniversary at the end of this month.  One of my goals for 2013 was to plan a vacation for just us.  Me and him.  No kids allowed.  Ashley and her husband Chris were game to join in our kidless fun as well, so we did some research and agreed upon a June trip to the Dominican Republic.  We booked it at the end of January and boom…vacay was in the works.

Last Saturday we made our 3 hour road trip to Collierville to drop all four of the wee Kelleys off with some family and then Josh and I drove back home and hit the airways the next morning…like 6:30am style.  That meant our friend Susan being at our house at 3:45am.  Crazytown.

Let me pause to give a major shout out thank you to my cousins Amy, Tom, Rachel and Hannah.  Oh and Becca and Brian too!  The wee Kelleys are clearly no easy task, but throw in allergies and daily meds and heart conditions and I realize this was a huge, energetic, way too busy piece of cake to eat.  Right before we left the kids and headed back to Nashville I told Amy, “As long as everyone is alive when we get back we don’t care what you do while we’re gone.  Do what you gotta do to survive.”  And they certainly all survived.  They had the best week and were spoiled rotten.  We’re pretty tough on our kids, so we figured they could use some spoiling 🙂

  Back to the D.R.  Best trip ever.  I have so many funny stories and can’t wait to share what all we did.  It was deliriously magical, but for today I thought I would post far too many “us” pictures.

I particularly loved this stand side-by-side evening picture.  I would like to point out a few subtle differences from your typical vacation couples dinner photo you ask a stranger to take of you and your love.  Ashley decided to go artsy and include a large portion of the dark air above us and dark bridge area to the right and cut off our legs.  Those two details really make this a keeper.  She really should be a photographer.  {Ashley is going to call me very soon now…I promise.  I’ll let you know how the phone call goes.}  I really do love this picture though.  Just messing with Ashley a bit.

Marriage is hard…kind of like late night photography 🙂 I’m serious though…anyone else think it’s hard as hell?  If not, then don’t tell me cause I’ll get all super envious and the ugly kind of jealous and then I’ll have to repent.  Josh and I are always working at it and changing things and trying to fix things and then throw in a bunch of yahoo kids and good Lord…what a messy life it can be.

Here is his Father’s Day card I gave him this year.  I like Venn diagrams.

I saw it and was like, “YES.”  I mean seriously, it totally is pure insanity sometimes…the majority of the time.  On the inside it simply says, “Thanks for going through it all with me.”  And that’s the kicker.  Marriage and kids and life in general are hard, but I could never be more grateful…like the most sincerest of gratitude ever, ever, ever…than I am to have Josh Kelley along for this wild ride.  And taking a vacation…6 full days…5 glorious nights…with just us, was crazy, crazy good.  We needed it.  We needed that time for just us.  We laughed because it didn’t have to be the Dominican.  We could have just done the same thing at home and it would have still been pretty stellar.  Sunny weather and beaches are a plus though.


I feel like marriage will be something we work at until the day we die.  I can tell you easily how to make a marriage suck.  I’m a kid of divorce and if you want to know how to trash your marriage just ask me.  I can give you the whole run down real quick like.  From a very young age I knew I wanted something very different than what my parents had.  I know my Mom prayed like a freakin’ warrior for my brother and I to marry godly people and to make a real marriage…one that was full of Jesus and love.  She told me a million times over only by the grace of God did we end up not only being the people we are, but also with the people we married.

Marriage is work, but it’s good work.  It’s noble work.  It’s work that is totally worth it.  I feel like putting each other and our marriage above everything else, other than Jesus, is the best thing we could ever do for our marriage and our kids.  Sometimes I fail miserably at that.  Sometimes I put so much care and and kindness and love and thoughtfulness and time into others, and then completely forget about Josh.  Ugh.  Typing that makes me nauseous.  How foolish of me.  But I am working on it.  Like mad.  I’m changing.  I’m making the choice to not just see Josh as my husband and best friend and father to my kiddos, but to see him as Jesus does.  He is to be cherished and treasured.

And we deserve time for us.  We’re determined to make more time for us now than ever before.  He may have even searched Craigslist last night for me a mountain bike because that would be something else we could do together.  He may be a widower after my first attempt, but at least we were together in the end 🙂

So, I know that was a lot of random marriage/vacation/Josh&Laura pictures plus some random humor, but you know how I roll.  I hope you will also start to give you and your spouse time…time is good…and care.  They so deserve it and you do too.

Happy Monday!

We Dig Him

That Josh Kelley, yeah, he’s a keeper.

We love him like crazy…and glad he loves our crazy in return.  We kind of totally dig him.

Happy Father’s Day!

Love Does

I’m reading Love Does by Bob Goff and it is completely wrecking me and my heart…with a capital W…and making me smile and laugh and cry the whole way.  It’s making my brain think and it’s inspiring my heart.  That’s all I really know to say…for now.

Have a lovely Wednesday and show some love.

Summer Times

We kind of like to go hard and live it up in the summer.  2 weeks in and it’s already been crazy fun.  I love the loungyness of summer.  I love the less strict schedule and the leisurely wake up and bedtime times.  The fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants everything.  I pretty much love it all.

Summer time brings on insane appetites.  I mean, seriously, the kids eat.  I often think, “Must you guys eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks everyday?”  And swimming amps up their appetite by like a 1000.  I’ve been hitting up the grocery store super early in the morning.  Grocery shopping without 4 small children is seriously like a mini vacation.

They are outside 90% of the day.  Doing everything and anything and God knows what else.  They are so funny and strange and quirky…and I love it.  Sometimes the stuff they come up with to do, blows my mind.  They are the weirdest kiddos and I adore their weirdness.

Our swim time is off the charts.  I adored swimming as a kid and now my kids adore swimming.  And it’s the best energy buster on the planet…zaps them clean.  The 6pm bedtime is like a little gift wrapped in pretty sparkly summer paper…with Josh and I’s name on it.  {insert creeper baby in the background}

Bath time was pretty much non existent before.  I know, I know.  Some of you are totally grossed out, but they’re just kids.  Josh and I shower…almost every day.  We’re not stinky…just our kids are.  And now that it’s summer, the pool gives me this motherly arrogance that they really are getting like 4 baths a week, which is way more than normal.  Like waaaaaaaay more than normal.  But then that leads to a legit bath with actual soap and shampoo involved being put off even longer.  I will just continue to believe the pool water has magic cleaning powers and one day my kids will bath more regularly…when they start middle school…that seems like the perfect time to teach hygiene.

Our first road trip of the summer was, ummmmm, okay.  Our timing wasn’t the best…we got off to a late start and the last hour we listened to Amon scream his freakin’ head off.  Yes, he gets really pissed off sometimes…shocking, I know.  He was way past lunch and did not take a nap.  So he was not only really hangry, but tired too.  We also forgot to bring much for the wee Kelleys to do in the car and we do not have portable DVD players, video games or DVD players in our car {insert gasp}.  They each had 2 books…and a 3 hour car ride.  Instead of stopping, we just powered on through.  It’s how we roll.  So everyone was frazzled and moody, but we hit our destination and the world was right again.

And the result of amazing summer fun is just down right tiredness.  They crash early and sleep in late.  And then we party all day and the fun seems to be endless.  It’s another vicious cycle that I adore.

So how are you spending your summer?  Any good adventures yet?  I hope it lives up to its summery expectations.

Happy Tuesday.

Happy Birthday

It’s her 66th birthday.  She was grand.  She was a fine, godly woman and I am incredibly thankful to have been her daughter and that my kids had her as their Grammy.  The number of prayers she prayed for us I know were in the millions.  That’s just who she was.  So loving, so generous, so thoughtful, so brave.

These pictures overwhelm my heart…make it swell.  Ugh, she was just too good.  We were blessed…wait, we are blessed.

Miss and love you like crazy.  Happy birthday Mom.  I bet it’s one hell of a party up there.

And That’s How We Roll

Done.  A crazy amount of sugary sweet, homemade treats are out and have been since 8am this morning welcoming people to celebrate and remember Mom.

If you are a local and bank at Pinnale or just want to pretend that you do or have them give you change for a $1 🙂 I highly recommend you visit the Conference Dr branch and celebrate my Mom in sugary fashion.  We may have been by twice today just so the wee Kelleys could cash in on the baked goodness.  They can be so persuasive.

Don’t mind Amon, he’s just making sure the table is sturdy.  He’s so helpful.

Lastly, in my typical random fashion I would like to declare, once again, my love for Chuck E Cheese.

Me + wee Kelleys + Brea & Josh + Chuck E Cheese = Fun Friday.  Holla back now.

It got intense…like for reals, furrowed brow intense.

I’m a high score setter…don’t be a hater.  #madbasketballskillz

And Amon was terrified of the Chuckster.  HATED.HIM.  It was hilarious.

Okay, well, hope your Friday is awesome.  Hopefully I will “see” you later tonight for my Friday Sale.  Everything will be posted at 8pm sharp…central time.  Peace out.

Friday’s Sale

I’m super excited about tomorrow nights sale.  It’s been a bit since I’ve done a Saturday Sale and I’ve missed them.  I know this sale isn’t on a Saturday, but our Saturday is super crazy this week, so Friday it is.

Okay, details…Sale will begin at 8pm central tomorrow night…FRIDAY.  All the items will be posted under the “Currently Available” tab above.  Price and size will be posted with each piece.  You may purchase as many pieces as your sweet heart desires :) Just send me an email using the “Contact Laura” button above and let me know which piece or pieces you would like.  These will go first come, first email.  Once the sale starts I’ll hang around my computer pretty steadily and get back with people as quickly as possible and will also update the page letting others know which items have sold and which items are still available.  I think that about wraps up the details.  I know it’s kind of lame to hang with me via interwebs on a Friday night, but hope to “see” you tomorrow evening.

Currently I have 9 canvases that will be for sale, some camera straps and a few key fob sets.  I have a few other canvases that are “in process” but totally unsure if they will completed or not by sale time.

Here are a few other canvases that will be available.

12×12 “Joy” w/map canvas

9×12 “I refuse to sink” canvas

4×12 Mumford and Sons canvases

12×12 “You are all together beautiful my darling” Song of Solomon 4:7 canvas

And 10×10 “I will learn to love the skies I’m under” Mumford and Sons canvas

I’m pretty excited and hope you guys will enjoy the new pieces I have been working on.  Thank you so much, as always, for stopping by.  Hope the rest of your day is great.

Happy Thursday.