And That’s How We Roll

Done.  A crazy amount of sugary sweet, homemade treats are out and have been since 8am this morning welcoming people to celebrate and remember Mom.

If you are a local and bank at Pinnale or just want to pretend that you do or have them give you change for a $1 🙂 I highly recommend you visit the Conference Dr branch and celebrate my Mom in sugary fashion.  We may have been by twice today just so the wee Kelleys could cash in on the baked goodness.  They can be so persuasive.

Don’t mind Amon, he’s just making sure the table is sturdy.  He’s so helpful.

Lastly, in my typical random fashion I would like to declare, once again, my love for Chuck E Cheese.

Me + wee Kelleys + Brea & Josh + Chuck E Cheese = Fun Friday.  Holla back now.

It got intense…like for reals, furrowed brow intense.

I’m a high score setter…don’t be a hater.  #madbasketballskillz

And Amon was terrified of the Chuckster.  HATED.HIM.  It was hilarious.

Okay, well, hope your Friday is awesome.  Hopefully I will “see” you later tonight for my Friday Sale.  Everything will be posted at 8pm sharp…central time.  Peace out.