10 Year Memories

Josh and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary at the end of June.  Last year I scheduled photos with Cheyenne of Shots by Cheyenne to celebrate our big day.  When I think back on our wedding day two things stand out as my most favorite memories:  1)  Jumping on a trampoline in our weddings digs and 2) the bird seed that was thrown when we left that night.  They were most my favorite parts.  I was a barefoot bride…we were young…and honestly, we were both just so excited to be getting hitched.  I wanted to re-capture these moments 10 years later and Cheyenne helped us do just that.

We’ve had quite the 10 years of marriage and when I think about how we’ve both grown and changed and supported each other…when I think about all the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, well, without a doubt we would both agree, we’d absolutely do it all over again in a heart beat.

Thank you so much Cheyenne.  You are a true artist and your talent is outstanding.  We are blessed by the gift God has given you.  Thank you for capturing our special day 10 years later.

Happy Thursday.


  1. That is so beautiful. Thank you for letting us see that marriages can be happy! My husband and I will be celebrating 27 years tomorrow. Wow. Time flies! So thankful for a wonderful man!

  2. Lovely photos of a lovely couple! Cheyenne is awesome! My husband and I were so lucky to have her and Laci capture our wedding last fall.

  3. Such amazing pictures! Happy 10 years!!

  4. You guys are so cute. I love his smile in the one with the chalkboards. 🙂 Very sweet. Here’s to 10 more! (And 10 more, and 10 more. . . )

  5. Aunt Tootsie says:

    I’m impressed you still fit so nicely in your wedding gown with all the goodies you make! Beautiful couple and beautiful pictures.

  6. Margie Novota says:

    Love, love, love! Thankful for your boldness, strength and faith!

  7. what a great gift to do this on your 10 year!!!! and LOVE the pictures– she did a fab job AND you fit in your dress– way to go you!!! i was at my all time lowest weight when i got married– i’m thinking mine would be a bit tight in places. 😉

  8. So sweet….you guys make my heart warm!

  9. Beautiful, fun pics! Wonderful captures.
    P.s. I super LOVE your tats! Word.

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