Yearbook Joy

When a week has held so many emotions and I haven’t quite come off the crazy train just yet, I find myself flipping through this sequence of pictures over and over again.  This week has been hard and not fun and emotional and the weekend is something I don’t dread, but it also carries weight for so many reasons, but especially because Mom is gone, the loss which is unavoidable through adoption is heightened and the hard reality is I’ll wake on Mother’s Day with our littlest who’s momma wishes it was her who was waking up to her girl.  It’s just so many many emotions.

And I now could not be more thrilled with the fact that I am a photo junkie.  I take pictures any chance I get and I am so thrilled I snapped these when Solomon saw how big his hair was in his yearbook picture.  It makes my heart soar, my mouth stretch wide into a grin and my eyes a bit teary because he hasn’t had any easy road and when he laughs like this I want to bottle it up and pour it straight out onto the world.  He’s a good one and I am so freakin’ grateful he calls me momma.

Happy Friday!


  1. HAPPY MOTHER DAY! Your kiddos are blessed to call you Momma!

  2. Marianne says:

    Thanks for sharing your blessings! Happy Mother’s Day!

  3. Oh my gosh. I LOVE it. I just laugh cried at work over your post and those pictures. I just adore laughing pictures and when you know what that child’s laugh sounds like, it’s like a memory that also has sound. Thank you for sharing these! Happy Mother’s Day, Laura!

  4. Ashley says:

    well that was adorable. He is precious!

  5. Gretchen says:

    Okay, that is the best! What a fun sequence of photos! And I love when my kids can laugh at themselves. Happy Mother’s Day to you!

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