Write Your Life In Pencil

We really like family movie nights.  We don’t have them a ton, but to end our Memorial Day weekend we decided to go out with a bang…a Monday movie night…crazy 🙂  There was no dinner, just popcorn.  I like fun nights like that.

This morning I found the most amazing plastic cups for .99 cents…you’re amazed right?  Join the wee Kelleys in their amazement.  Harper was actually the most thrilled…I was a little shocked at Wonder Woman’s cleavage, but I know that’s how her superhero identity rolls.

Josh made a comment last night after reading my blog that from my pictures and writing people probably think we only eat junk food ALL.THE.TIME.  We really don’t.  It just so happens I am a super emotional eater…which my therapist says isn’t a good idea…imagine that…but right now I just can’t help it.  Why, oh why, do I associate happiness with certain crap foods?  Help!  So rest easy, on most days our lunches look like this and our dinners are very balanced with the whole food pyramid thingy going on. 🙂

We decided to go for back-to-back-to-back pool days.  I’ve decided were going to totally live it up before itty bitty boy joins us which means we will live at the pool until our hair is green, our toes and fingers are completely shriveled and we are all too exhausted to even float.

Geez Louise, I like them…all three.

I had a bit of anxiety last night about itty bitty boy arriving soon.  We still don’t have a court date, but we have been assured we will be going sometime this summer.  It feels like there are a million things in the air right now.  To take the edge off, I decided to make a few decisions today…one being his crib skirt.  I’m not doing the whole crib bedding thing this time around, so I just bought some fabric I liked to make his crib skirt with.  Oddly enough, one little decision being made and acting upon it, makes me feel a bit better.

My friends Jess and Courtney are reading Cold Tangerines by Shauna Niequist.  This weekend they told me about a chapter in the book that references us writing out lives in pencil and not Sharpie.  Brilliant!  I have been thinking about it all weekend.  The Sharpie thing is sooooo me!  I’m a planner and a good one at that, but what I always forget is that God is the ultimate planner and already knows exactly how this little life of mine is going to play out.  Why do I always think I know better than the Creator of the world?  It’s stupidity.  His plans are always way better than mine, but I always write away and plan life in Sharpie and then get utterly bummed and down when that Sharpie planning doesn’t work out like I thought it would.  So I’m going to make a conscience effort to remember to “write our life in pencil”…things change and life doesn’t go as planned…goodness, do I know that for sure, so I need to stop writing our life in Sharpie.  Bring on the #2s.  Thanks for cluing me in Jess and Courtney…now I need to buy that book 🙂

So many things on our plate this week…art pieces, 65 birthday cards, itty bitty boy planning and praying like crazy for word on a court date.  Anxious as all get out, but trying to rest in the fact that God understands my heart and cares about every last detail…the big and the small.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I read every day but I loved today’s! Thanks!

  2. LOVE love the pencil vs. Sharpie thought…..

  3. Kellye Belt says:

    “write our life in pencil” – Awesome! It is amazing how such a simple phrase can carry such weight! That should be on one of your art pieces. I am now going to look for the book you mentioned.

  4. I love this. I have a daughter who wants to write in bold, black Sharpie, but she knows there are layers of paper, and is pretty ok with it (sometimes it takes just a bit) when God takes one off and she has a blank sheet to start with again.

    I put Parmesan cheese on my popcorn, so I can say it has some protein. 😉

  5. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the pencil vs. Sharpie thing…I needed that today, so thanks so much for sharing!

    P.S. Holy cleavage batman!!! I literally laughed outloud as I read about her cleavage, because that’s so something I would notice as well!!! : )

  6. I love Cool Tangerines…but I love her second book, “Bittersweet” even more, especially during times of change in my life. Everything she writes is so…real and identifiable. Love it. 🙂

  7. Kristin Chadwick says:

    “God is the ultimate planner and already knows exactly how this little life of mine is going to play out.”…..That right there is AWESOME!! Going down in my quotes to keep and tresure and most likely will make an appearance in an art piece I make and hang in my home!! Now to just find some time! Lol! Dunno how you do it all!

  8. Heather says:

    I love the pencil vs. sharpie image! God is teaching me the same thing right now. The verse He keeps reminding me of is Proverbs 16:9 “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” I’m trying to remember this rather than getting upset and grumpy and generally difficult to live with 🙂 when things don’t go according to my plan – even if they are very good, detailed, well-thought-out plans!

  9. I’m loving the write your life in pencil idea. I tend to be a sharpie person, so really needed to hear this. TFS xxx

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