Winner + Stellar Stache Mail

Thanks to everyone who entered our 10 Month Waiting Giveaway.  I totally loved reading about the good things going on in everyone’s lives…and the encouraging words were crazy kind…much, much appreciated.

Now for the winner…

#296 Kimberly.  Kimberly, check your email for a message from me and super congrats.

I finished up another order and this one is headed to Meredith in Texas.  Meredith wanted a 12×12 black and white color schemed canvas with Matthew 6:21 and an Africa and an Ohio tee to show some love.  Thanks so much Meredith and best of luck in your journey to your next sweet kiddo.

Yesterday I got some awesome mail…all the way from Australia.  A sweet blogger friend, Sara, mailed me some pretty stellar stache gear.  I was so incredibly excited.

Why yes, that is a mustache pen, notebook and paperclips and why yes, I do think they are amazing.  Sol and I even tested out the paperclips…

yep, they work.  Thank you so much Sara for being way too kind and giving and thoughtful and well, you just simply made my day.  THANK YOU!

Sol has discovered a new place to eat lunch…I’m in trouble when it comes to just being with one child…I’m weak and we do way more crazy, fun things…

I just won’t turn the burners on 🙂

And this week we are gearing up for Huddy’s 3rd birthday party this weekend.  Last night I made him this rocket tee…Buzz Lightyear colors and all.  This morning he proclaimed how much he loved it and then Sol almost cut it with scissors…geesh!

And lastly, I have updated my fabric inventory with some new fabrics…some of these I just got and some are not quite as new…I’m a little behind.  But my fabric is now updated and I can cross one more thing off my To-Do list.

Thanks again to everyone who entered and help spread the word about our giveaway.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Can I just say that I absolutely LOVE the piece at the top…The Matthew 6:21 verse. When my brother passed away 9 years ago my Daddy wrote a song from that verse….where your treasures are, you’re heart will be there also; Now part of my treasure walks those streets of gold; I can hear you saying, “Dad, I’m fine, reach for tomorrow.”; I’ll be right here, waiting for you. Thank you so much for post pics of that. Would you mind shooting me a message and letting me know how much this would cost to order? I’m thinking my Dad might just have to have one. Thank you so much for sharing your adventures with us!!! ~Shelley

    • Shelley…what a sweet comment and what a sweet daddy you have. If you could send me an email, I will get you some pricing. I am currently closed for new orders, but am hoping to re-open before Christmas. Thanks again so much for sharing a piece of your story.

  2. Sol is very cute! I think I would probably let him sit on my stove, too. (Without the burners on, also!)

  3. Leslie James says:

    Laura, I have searched back to March and can not find this blog so thought I would just ask you. 🙂 you mentioned a project your church was doing in Africia I believe through another organization where members commit to purchase items. I am in a small group studying Out live your life by Max Lucado and was talking about this thing your church was doing but couldn’t remember the name to gather more information. Can you please send me the name and/or website?

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