Wild & Fancy Kid Free

Today was my day.  Today for the first time in 7 years all my kiddos were off at school while I was home…alone…for a whole flippin’ 5 hours…working!  You guys it was like a vacation.  A vacation where I worked up a storm in colorful fabrics and a mind full of vibrant ideas.  It was grand.  I felt like a legit business owner…none of this juggling 5 million things…just me in my office with my supplies and my order list and it was grand.  Grand I tell you.

I noticed some things about being wild and fancy kid free…some great things.  Like I ran into Joanns to grab a few supplies right after I dropped Amon off and it took me a grand total of 5 minters.  Boom.  In and out.  Piece of cake.  No bathroom breaks.  No prying items out of toddler sized hands.  No fits.  No tears.  Gloriousness.

By the way this was Amon this morning before I took him to MDO.  Check ya later kid!  He’s ridiculous, I know.

*Today I also ate a cookie without hiding around the corner.  I got super crazy eating my cookie right out in the middle of the kitchen…in broad day light.  No dark closets.

*I used the bathroom alone.  No one chatting me up while I did my business.  No Amon trying to “examine” things he shouldn’t.  Nope.  Just me, the toilet and silence.

*I fixed just one, just one lunch for myself and shared with no one.  I even ate it leisurely in my office while I worked.

*I realized when I have zero children in tow I am crazy productive.  Key fobs, name pillows, onesies, tees.  It was amazing.  Uh-Maze-Ing.

*Since the wild toddler human was gone I got extra crazy and left my iron on in between projects.  Oh no I didn’t!

And when it was time to pick the kids up, it was cool.  I was glad to see them and hear all about their day.  Hudson even asked me how my day was and that was just the sweetest.  I went with THIS EASY DINNER (I add broccoli and chicken) served on paper plates to really end the day with a bang.  It looks gross, but it’s super fly.  Finally, soccer practice and baths and now I am just basking in the crazy goodness of my first working day.

It was great.  I do love all my small humans…no doubt…but it was such a good day working.  It made my heart swell.  I enjoy my creative side.  I want to use the gifts God has given me and honestly, my head feels clearer when I get to be creative.  Normally finding time to work is a big juggling act with super late nights and little sleep.  I kind of think I am going to fall quickly, over the top in love with Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Here’s to many more.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Stacey harmon-roeber says:


  2. annie campbeLl says:

    And you know what, Laura…. YOUR creative side blesses us! Bunches of us! Thanks for bringing so much joy into the world !!!!

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