Who’s The Winner

Thank you so much for everyone who entered our 6 Months Waiting Art Giveaway and helped spread the word…we completely appreciated it.  I also loved reading about everyone’s favorite bright and funky color.  I am currently in love with most everything tealish/lagoon colored and mustard yellow…be still my heart.

Now for the winner:

#177 Abigail.  Super congrats Abigail and check your email for a message from me.  And again thanks so much for entering.

I have finished up a few more orders.  These key fobs were ordered by Lisa in Oregon.  She wanted 2 special end-of-the-year gifts for her daughter’s teachers.  Thanks so much Lisa.

Also if you have ordered key fobs from me, I actually have them already made up, but am waiting on new hardware to arrive.  Should be here soon.  So just know, your key fobs are done minus the important key part 🙂

I was able to make up a few art pieces as well over the past few days.  This first 18×18 canvas is headed to Tamara in Murfreesboro, Tn.  Tamara was awesome to work with.  She told me an important verse she likes and along with the fact that she loved flowers and let me run with the rest.  This was really, really fun to make and my goal was that by the time I was done, I wanted it to be something I would hang in my own house.  Thanks again so much Tamara for entrusting me with your piece…it was too much fun.

This last 10×10 canvas was for my mom…yet again 🙂  My mom called me Tuesday afternoon and told me she needed a canvas ASAP.  One of her dear friend’s dad passed away about 2 weeks ago and mom had just received word that her friend’s mom had just passed that day.  She wanted something really special and loved the red flowers in Tamara’s canvas above.  The catch was she needed it to be completed by this morning (Thursday)…needless to say last night was kind of a long night, but I got it done.  With a story like that and it being my mom, how could I say no.  Love you Mom!

And I know most of you are just sitting on the edge of your seats waiting for an update on my potty training endeavor.

3 Observations From Potty Training:

#1:  I have not changed one diaper in an entire week and it has been crazy, wonderful.

#2:  I have not missed diapers being gone from our house, not even one teeny, tiny bit.

#3:  I have been thinking “Praise Jesus” all week.  So potty training = good for my spiritual life.

So, yes, the boys are doing an awesome job and they love all their new undies.  They both have even stayed dry all night long for several nights…What’s that I hear?…Praise Jesus!  They rock the undies all day long and are becoming quite in love with public bathrooms, toilet height and if a bathroom area has a water fountain.  Josh even found them bottomless this morning in their room, but they then explained to him that it was because they needed to potty.  Sure enough there were the goods in their toilet.

  Huddy also showed me how Sol dumped out one of their ball baskets, pushed it over to the toilet and used it as a stool to get onto the potty.  I was pretty impressed and have now added “stool” to my shopping list…no pun intended 🙂  All-in-all, this week has equaled success in the potty world at the Kelley house.  Happy Thursday!


  1. Awesome job Mom and Boys!

  2. LOVE LOVE your work!!!! I want to order another one from you (actually, let’s be honest– i want lots of your work!) for my daughter’s b-day this summer- i just need to find a good verse:)

    and potty training IS so good for our spiritual life—AMEN!!!!!

  3. Hi There! I am a brand new reader (now follower) of your amazingly talented self. Quick question, how do we place orders?!?! You’re work is beautiful and so inspired and your children are so precious! Thank you for sharing your life and gifts in this beautiful way!

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