Who Said I Couldn’t Do This

Well life has been CRAZY, but oh so much fun and we have just been rolling with the punches.  Everyone is getting quite adjusted to life with 3 under 3 and I even ventured out today to make a Walmart run with all the kiddos.  They did great.  I wanted to post some orders that I completed right before leaving for Ethiopia and 2 that I have finished since I got back.  I had a huge order list about 2 weeks before leaving and knocked them all out except 2 and still have one big order that needs to be completed.  Not too shabby though for just getting back.

This first order was placed by Ellen who orders from me all the time.  She should get the customer of the year award.  Seriously she’s the best.  Anyways she is due any day with her little Audrey Kate.  Thanks Ellen and hope you are surviving.

Next is a pink girl monkey shirt for a little one in Kentucky.  Her grandmother Penny ordered this for her 2nd birthday…a monkey party of course.  Thanks so much Penny.

This sweet #1 shirt was ordered by Brooke for her little Aubrey who just turned one this week.  She had a sweet little flowered skirt, so I matched the flower on the shirt to her skirt.  Really cute.  Thanks Brooke.

Lastly is just a pure fun project for me for my sweet little niece McKinley.  Her birthday was Wednesday and her party is Saturday.  Unfortunately Harper is sick with none other than hand, foot, mouth disease and is extremely contagious…so no birthday party for us.  Really, really bummed.  I saw a tutorial a while back on a felt letter set and would site it if I could remember where I saw it, but I have been itching to try my hand at it.  McKinley was the perfect recipient for something like this.  Matches her to a tee.  I sewed her envelopes that have Velcro on the outside so she can switch up her stamps, addresses and return addresses.  Also made some post cards and letters.  She has a plethora of return addresses, stamps and addresses to go right along with it.  I also cut some cute little paper for her to make her own letters and piled it all into a hot pink organizer bin.  I am really pleased with how it all turned out and hope McKinley loves it.

I also with be offering this for purchase.  A set will include:  2 envelopes with Velcro on the outside and Velcro closure, 3 stamps with Velcro back, 2 letters, 2 post cards, 2 blank address labels and 2 blank return address labels with Velcro on back as well (personalize with a permanet marker).  The set will be $25.  I currently have an order list going, but am not starting to work on any new orders just yet.  So if you want me to put you down, just let me know.


  1. Emily Reed says:

    The envelope set is really cute…how creative! And I laughed out loud at your comment about Justin’s water being low…yes, it is low! I just said something to B tonight about it needing to be changed b/c he takes care of that 🙂

  2. Ha! Just let me know when you’re ready to start again! I have some more for ya =)

  3. OH Laura!!!! McKinley is going to LOOOOOOVE that mail set! Soooooo stinkin’ cute!

  4. Laura, you made me cry. When I saw the little envelope addressed to my Georgie. oh my goodness! soooo sweet! He so loves his precious friend McKinley. they have a very special friendship indeed. Thank you!

  5. Those envelopes are so cute!!! This is the first time I have seen this idea. Also LOVE the monkey shirt. I’m sorry to hear Harper is sick but happy to hear everything else is going well. You are such a strong strong little person!
    Amber (PNFP)

  6. OH MY WORD! Envelope set is the cutest stinkin’ thing I have seen in a while. M.E. totally needs one. Let me know when your ready and I’ll give you my list of names for them!

  7. Amie Simpson says:

    i want to be on the list for your order. my daughter is 4 and would love this!!!

    so glad you and the baby are doing well. Hope the adjustment is going well…

    you ROCK!

  8. please put me on your list to order a set or two of these. would love to give them as a gift and also have a set for my girls.

  9. Email me when you’re taking orders, your items are too amazing to not purchase. I want a mail set or two and some tshirts.

  10. steph houston says:

    I LOVE the envelope idea and would love to purchase a set. Please email me when you are ready to take orders.
    sjhouston1228@aol.com Thank you.


  1. […] this whole Hand Foot Mouth escapade.  What the what?!?!?!  It’s crazy town you guys.  Harper got it right after we brought Solomon home, but apparently her case was crazy mild because hold the phone…this thing is no joke.  There is […]

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