Wednesday…Almost Friday

Lately I feel like I have zero complete thoughts to write about.  My mind feels all over the place and sporadic.  Complete thoughts are fleeting.  Over and over again all I can do is type my randomness.  It’s all I have…like my little lunch of bread and fish.  Ha.

Humor is keeping us all afloat these days.  Jesus and laughter are our medicines.  We all need some joy.  Josh Kelley and I sometimes look at each other in the midst of the mad chaos and all we can do is smile large, wide smiles or laugh.  These wild little humans, their antics and just life.

And then sometimes your husband starts laughing at his phone and you insist on knowing what has ignited such laughter…you want some too…you need it.  And then he shows you this picture and you both die from laughter.  Flat out die.  And it’s ridiculously stupid.  I’m embarrassed to say my first out-loud-thought was, “That cannot be real.”  No, no he’s not really holding a baby polar bear in the outfield during a game.

I feel as if I have 10,000 orders started and 0 completed.  I feel crazy behind.  The new little lady in our house made me remember how INTO EVERYTHING these 1/2 baby 1/2 toddler people are.  She is all over the place and into everything.  I attempted to finish up an order with her sitting in my office with me.  Oh the anguish.  Disaster after disaster after giant mess. Nothing was out of her tornadic reach.  Alas the feeling of accomplishment when I finished this order of key fobs, well, you would have thought I’d won a gold medal in the olympics.  Pride people, so much pride.

Everyone is super into checkers right now.  When I play, I hold nothing back.  Sometimes the big kids rise to the occasion and give me a run for my money even resulting in a Mom defeat.  Other times they buckle under the reign of terror I ensue on the checker board and in a last stitch effort they design a hand force field and insist their sad, lonely checker piece cannot be jumped…due to said “force field.”  Oh Solomon.

Sometimes Josh Kelley and I just want to eat alone.  The other night I put all 5 children to bed and he headed out to pick up Buffalo Wild Wings.  Just go ahead and give me all the chicken wings of the world.  I will eat them.  Only issue that arose was my dang root canaled tooth which has no crown on it right now.

Sidenote:  I totally forgot to tell you guys about the world’s worse day at the dentist office EVER…to date.  I’ll re-cap fast.  3:45 appointment time and I arrived home after 8:30 that night.  I kind of wanted a cat to claw my face off.  I had a super emotional day with lots of foster parenting firsts which resulted in me and the nurse becoming pretty tight.  I did not breach confidentiality, but there were tears.  A box of Kleenex was brought in.  And we embraced.  It was pretty amazing and yet still I wanted an additional cat to claw my face off.  The sheer stress and anxiety of the whole shebang plus a new broken crown should have killed me.  But I digress.

So it took me approximately 1.5 extra hours to eat those delightful little 10 chicken wings along with some carrots and celery sticks.

While checking out in Kroger the other day with all the kids Hudson began this conversation.

Hudson: Do you think there’s something wrong with me?

Me: No.  Why would I think there is something wrong with you?

Hudson:  Because I think about legos all the time.  I can’t quick thinking about them.  It’s all I think about.  Is there something wrong with me?

Me: (trying to pay, wrangle the other 4 kids, give Hudson my attention and not die from laughter) There is not one thing wrong with you.  I think that’s amazing.  I love this about you.  What are you going to build when you get home?

Hudson: Well, I’ve been thinking about this new jail cell…

And Amon is becoming quite the creature of habit.  Every morning he requests oatmeal, Elmo and painting.  Painting is new to his routine, but he loves it.  And I just let him wildly go to town.  Water..check.  Paper…check.  Paintbrush…check.  Giant toddler paints which inevitably every time he mixes together to create a new palette of brown, brown, brown and brown…check.

Hope your week is going great.  Thank you for reading this typed out mess here on my tiny piece of the inter webs.  Big, big thank yous.  I crazy appreciate you guys.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. Tell Hudson the world needs new jail cells – the old ones are ratty. And you need more chicken wings! Sending lots of love your way…

  2. Nita Reid says:

    Sending Prayers and Love.

  3. Cousin Amy says:


  4. Ha ha! Your blog makes my day and I feel normal with the antics of my three:)
    Lego love and I cannot imagine what happened to your tooth to be at the dentist for 5 hours. I was afraid to read. My dog chipped my tooth and I ended up leaving the dentist with a crown ughh and the cost I wanted him to just pull it after finding out the $.
    I do have some HIIT workouts for you that are quick to do at home.
    Mom friendly. You can email me.

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