Wednesday Rambles

Stay with me through my random Kelley rambles for today.

Two different sets of flowers were delivered to our house on Monday…that was nice…actually, super nice.

Thanks Ashley and Jen.

I’ve been gearing up for re-opening to orders.  I’m making some changes all around…blog, logo, pricing, etc.  It’s all coming together.  Dana at Lifelines Designs rocks…like seriously rocks.

Bunting has been made twice this week.  A shirt for Harper and some cute cards that I have happy, artful plans for 🙂

This tee made me super excited.  Thanks Ashley B…you are beyond kind.

Huddy called me over to our scrabble board and said, “Look mom.  Sol and I spelled Green Lantern.”  God love em’.

I cleaned out our treat drawer this week.  Looks like we are officially unofficial Pez dispenser collectors.

This girl is getting good at checkers.  Starting to give me a run for my money.

I really dig thank you cards…especially ones with pictures.

My Aunt Martha and Cousin Amy came to visit yesterday.  It was great to chat with them and hug their necks.  And it didn’t hurt that they brought these with them.

And I like these wee Kelleys.  Like a lot.  Like a super lot.

Happy Wednesday!


  1. I’m glad you’ll be reopening soon 🙂 LOVE the business cards!

  2. My heart just got a little happier when I heard you are re-opening soon 🙂 I must decide what to order now 🙂


  3. I love, love, love the “Green Lantern” spelling. I have a 3-year-old boy who is into superheroes right now too. Last night he put on a temporary tattoo and said, “I’M DR. TOUGH RAINBOW!” then jumped on my husband. Aren’t they just the best?

  4. Laura,
    I just wanted you to know I mentioned you in my post today talking about one of the many ways you’ve inspired me. I am praying for you as you walk through your days of grief.

    PS I love, love, love your bunting cards. So Sweet!!!

  5. Glad you like the shirt. I saw it and just had to get it for you. Love the new logo, too!

  6. That Green Lantern spelling made me laugh out loud!

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