We Are Those People

Yeah, so we are totally the people who are decked out in Christmasness before Thanksgiving.  I feel a little shame about it all, but not enough to not tell you guys about it.  I think mainly in part because this is definitely a Josh Kelley thing and not me.  Who knew he’d be the “let’s put up Christmas decorations the day after Halloween” type of guy.  But alas, he is and I kind of love it.

In fact we’re closing in on the two week mark for already being Christmas ready…tree, stockings and all.  I wasn’t feeling well one Saturday and was laid up in bed most of the day.  When I finally emerged from our bedroom the tree was up and Christmas was in full swing.  The kids had even already watched Elf.  It made me smile…smilings my favorite.

Before we had kids and even a whole two years after Harper came along I held on to my tree decorated just the way I wanted.  All glass balls Josh and I had painted our first year of marriage plus a few glittery ones and robin’s egg blue snowflakes to seal the deal.  Then I realized I liked the hodge podge tree so much better.  I like all the ornaments the kids made and all the special ornaments mom and other people have given us.  So now our tree is an over stuffed explosion of color and memories and handmade lovelies.  It’s just the perfect tree for us.

I still love a good Thanksgiving.  I still like gratefulness and we’re still pushing on with our thankful leaves.  It’s just that, tomorrow while giving thanks, we’ll probably be listening to Christmas music in the background and making Christmas lists.

So bring on the turkey and stuffing, but let’s wash it down with egg nog and candy canes.  Christmas, the Kelleys are ready for you.

Happy WednesdaY.


  1. I’m still holding out for the weekend before busting out my Christmas decorations. I won’t judge you for having them up already if you don’t judge me if I barely get them down before Valentine’s Day. Deal?! 🙂 I love your hodge podge tree. I have one like that, too and I LOVE it so much! I always say that decorating the tree is like putting our whole lives on display. I love that each ornament has a memory attached to it. It makes me all happy and weepy and it’s the best.

  2. YES! i decorate for Christmas mid November– i just love it too much for it to be up for only 4 weeks-:)

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your beautiful family!

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