Warrior Dash {For Reals}

Our 10 Months Waiting Art Giveaway is still going on.  You can win this 11×14 canvas with, “Only a life lived for other is a life worthwhile.”  Albert Einstein…then CLICK HERE or scroll down to the post below.  Giveaway ends this Monday, August 19th at midnight.

Well, we officially survived our first Warrior Dash…SO.MUCH.FUN.  It was held in Manchester, Tn on the property that is the home of Bannaroo.  When we were driving up, Josh and I were both very interested to see what this was going to be like.  We later came to the conclusion that it was as if Woodstock and a 5K run had a baby together and named it Warrior Dash.  We could immediately see the giant viking helmet which is their signature trademark.

We then noticed all the people that were in line for the bathroom…completely covered in mud.  We are talking about tons and tons of muddy people.

Josh took notice before the race that one of shoes was missing the tread.  The entire sheet of tread on the bottom of my shoe had come off.  We decided this probably happened at Coop’s Warrior Dash birthday party and I just never noticed.  This made me kind of nervous considering all the walls we were going to have to climb during the race.

If you are not familiar with what exactly the Warrior Dash is…it’s a 5K run with 12 obstacles throughout the run…and these were no easy, cheesy obstacles.  My favorites were at the end.  There was a fire jump and then a muddy water crawl…hence all the muddy people.  We laughed afterwards because there was even gravel in the bottom of the mud crawl…they really wanted to stick it to us.  My knees have all these little tiny nicks, scrapes and cuts all over them.

I took Josh’s before and after pics…they make me laugh.

BEFORE:  Fresh…nice and squeaky clean.

AFTER:  Nasty, disgusting…even had mud in his ear.

We embraced the nastiness of the mud and even walked around for a while…just letting the mud dry caked on our skin.  This makes me laugh just thinking about it.  We were some serious kind of nasty.

Luckily, my shoe with no tread, didn’t cause me too much trouble, but afterwards I noticed I was loosing the tread on my other shoe.

It was quite annoying just flapping around, so I finally just pulled it off.  I have had these shoes since my freshman year of high school.  I ran many a miles in these in college.  Poor guys, but what a way to go out.

We finally ventured down to the “Warrior Wash” aka firemen hosing people off with fire hoses.  Everything about this was incredibly interesting…and oh, the people watching…it was good.

And oh, the abandoned muddy clothes…it was in abundance.

I also really liked the concert area.  They had great bands and lots of loud music, but the dancing was my favorite.  I secretly wanted to dance too…Josh knew it.  I decided to just observe instead.  There was some really good dancing observing going on…like really good…like really, really good.

On our way out, to head home, I donated my poor, soleless shoes.  It was a final fairwell, but at least they had lots and lots of friends.

It was a really great Saturday and I highly recommend that if the Warrior Dash comes near you…you GO.  GO and dash and dance and get muddy and watch and eat and just have fun.  It really was all I expected and more.  So, so fun.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Michelle Wray says:

    Shared on my Facebook page:)

  2. Loved the warrior dash so much!!!!! I did the one in the Carolinas and had more fun than I ever thought possible while running!!!!!

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