Vacation Here I Come

I cannot tell you how excited I am about taking a small, but much needed vacation with my family…SO EXCITED.  It will be weird not touching my sewing machine or picking up a paint brush for a whole week, but it is greatly needed.  I have really been working crazily (is that a word…if not, then it should be) on orders and getting everything in line before vacation officially begins.  I will be back and ready to get busy June 5th.  So onto tons of orders.

This first order was placed by Jaime in Kentucky.  She wanted a burp cloth set for some friends who will bringing home their son soon from Ethiopia.  I always love orders like this.  Thanks so much Jaime.

This order is headed to Rory in Oregon.  She has a good friend who is adopting from Thailand and wanted to see if I would do a Thailand tee.  I am always happy to add another place to my shirt list.  Love the fabric she chose too.  She also wanted a new Africa key fob for herself.  Thanks so much Rory and hope your friend loves her tee.

This order is headed to Angie in Indiana.  Angie ordered a Vietnam tee for herself a while back and since then her husband decided he wanted one too…so sweet!  She also wanted a baseball tee for her little boy and wanted me to give a Vietnam key fob a shot.  Love how they all turned out.  Thanks Angie for your business again.

This mixed media adoption piece was ordered by Stephanie in Florida.  Stephanie actually contacted me from Uganda because she is there right now picking up her newest little girl.  Stephanie thank you so much for your business and I hope you are having the most amazing trip with your daughter.

This next set of key fobs are headed out to Jessica in Johnson City, Tn, Brandy in Pennsylvania and Michelle in California.  Thanks ladies for your business.

And these are headed to Steph in North Carolina and Jennifer in Maine.  Steph is a returning customer and she wanted some key fobs that had Guatemala on them.  And Jennifer wanted Africa key fobs to give as thank you gifts for some special ladies who are throwing her a baby shower.  She will be bringing home her new child soon.  What a special little thank you gift.  Thanks ladies so much.

This next order was placed by my sister-in-law Katy.  My niece Lyla was invited to a cheerleader birthday party and Katy wanted a special tee for the birthday girl and a coloring wallet.  The Child’s Coloring Wallet design is by Jennifer Casa – a tutorial is available at  That is where I purchased the pattern and have been making these for friends and family members.

These next three pieces were ordered by my cousin Rhonda in Virgina, Cindi in Texas and Valerie in Oklahoma.  I do so love this piece.  Thanks ladies and hope you and the recipients love them as well.

And lastly, this tee was ordered by Angela in Greenbrier, Tn.  Angela’s little girl loves Charlotte’s Web and when she saw my most latest design, she knew her little girl would love one.  Thanks so much Angela for your business.  And please check out Angela’s photography HERE…it’s amazing.

Well there you have it.  I still have quite an order list, but the due dates are for later in June, so I think I can rest easy on my vacation.  I will be checking email still, so if you send me an email, I will still be in contact.  Also, don’t forget you can see updates on new creation on Facebook HERE and Twitter HERE.  And please feel free to tag yourself in your order pictures.  Thanks again for all the business.  It really is humbling and an honor to do what I do.  And, yet another big thank you to our Kroger gift card fairy…we think you are amazing whoever you are.  God is so good and HAPPY VACATION!!!!

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