Update: Day 15 & 16

I want to make sure I document here because this blog is like my memory so I will definitely go into more details below, but as not to blindside you sweet people who even stop by to read and pray over our family, sweet Everett went into cardiac arrest again this morning and after lots of compressions and still no pulse, he is currently on full life support.  I know.  It’s a lot and we are obviously indescribably sad. I will share more below.

They ended up getting him extubated around 1:30 Tuesday afternoon and he did well and had a good night too.  During that afternoon his nurse insisted I get to hold him even though it was quite the ordeal.  I am so glad she was determined to let me hold him.  I can’t say that enough.  It was the sweetest time.  He was a little restless at first, but then settled in.  I cried literally on top of him, breathed him in deep and whispered in his ear the truths that he is brave, strong and loved.  He fell asleep and rested and we took a little nap together in the recliner chair.  What a precious gift it was to hold my boy and feel the weight of his body on mine.

He remained extubated all yesterday as well.  They also moved him to a private room in the ICU so he could get better rest.  He was previously in an open area…not a private room…with lots of little babies where he was the oldest.  They even got started on some physical therapy with him and were working really hard on his breathing and clearing out his lungs.  Clearly it was exhausting as he fell asleep while working on sitting up in his support foam chair.  Gah.  He’s the cutest.  And I even got to hear him say “mama” twice and he asked for water once.

Last night I ended up staying in his room until around 2.  He finally settled enough where I felt okay to go grab some sleep.  When I got to his room around 8 he was struggling with breathing and his team had decided to intubate him again.  His heart went into arrhythmia again and threw a super high heart rate and when they were intubating him he went into cardiac arrest again.  His room filled and I lost count on 16 people in his room.  I watched them do compressions and stopped looking at the clock after 20 minutes. One of his surgeons said he thinks it was around 40 minutes.  They still could not get his pulse so they worked quickly to get his little body on an ECMO machine which is full life support.

I called Josh on the phone when it all started to happen.  He’s been back in Nashville taking care of the kids and working, but his dad booked him a flight asap and he hopped a plane and was here in Michigan by noon Tennessee time.  I could have sobbed a river thinking about him being so far away for this and then that plane ride, but he’s here and got to see his boy.  There are still lots of unknowns and questions and his team is working very hard to figure things out.  Right now they are assessing any damage that might have happened to his brain and internal organs during his arrest.  His brain activity is being monitored on the EEG machine and they have taken him off all sedation medications in hopes he will wake up to show them some movement and then they will immediately heavily sedate him again.

We did talk to our surgeon today and if Everett can get back to baseline on life support they will take him back into the operating room on Monday on ECMO and try and replace his AV valve.  This was not the plan they wanted to do, but Everett’s pretty much pushed their hand.  There are lots of things they are worried about, but this is the best plan for now.  They feel his severely leaking valve is only part of the problem, but a big contributing factor to why he is having such a hard time breathing and recovering.

We’ve had the best staff.  So many people came up to me when everything was going on and I was watching in the hallway outside Everett’s room and said, “You’ve got the best of the best in there working on your son.”  I found both of the nurses who did compressions on Everett and thanked them.  One smaller framed woman who literally got on his bed to do the best job she could to help save his life gave me the biggest hug.  Definitely buying them all cookies tomorrow.  He had two out of his three surgeons who have been in all his surgeries…they opened him up right there in his little room and got him on life support.  We had the sweetest nurse, Denise, all day today.  We’ve had her previously too and I just love her.  She talks to Everett the whole day…telling him every little thing she’s doing to him…telling him how hard he’s working and how special he is.  I tear up constantly because she knows how special our boy is and she treats him with such care.  I even requested to have her back and we get her for the next 5 days she’s working.  And tonight we’ve got back Matt, one of our favorite night nurses that has been with Everett 5 or 6 times now…including last night.

In the midst of Everett’s chaos this morning…watching compressions and watching his team work to get him on life support…I told God over and over again, “I will give you glory.  I will praise your name in this.  I will give you glory.  I will praise your name in this.”  The whole situation is no where a parent wants to be.  We are incredibly heartbroken and sad.  Everett is absolutely pitiful looking…chest open and tubes everywhere.  This was not in our plans for our beautiful, vibrant, life-loving son, but God is still good.  This does not change who He is and I will say that over and over and over again because I need to remember it every day.

My devotion today was perfection because that’s what God does.

“We must be willing to live by faith, not hoping or desiring to live any other way.  We must be willing to have every light around us extinguished, to have every star in the heavens blotted out, and to live with nothing encircling us but darkness and danger.  Yes, we must be willing to do all this, if God will only leave within our soul an inner radiance from the pure, bright light that faith kindled. -Thomas C Upham

We surely feel like so many lights have been extinguished and that the stars have been blotted out.  We surely feel the darkness so heavy as we watch a machine make our son’s heart beat and fill his lungs with air.  Oh do we feel it, but we serve a God who always provides hope…who always leaves that pure, bright light that faith in Him will ignite…set a blaze.  Please continue to pray and hope with us.  Please continue to have wild wondrous faith in a God who can do miraculous things right before our eyes.


  1. Praying for your sweet boy to be touched by the healing powerful hand of Jesus and for you all to be strengthened.

  2. Continuing to hope & pray with you. God is good ❤️

  3. Sara Sparks says:

    We love you Kelley crew. We are praying big, bold, prayers for your sweet boy. I’m so thankful Josh is there. We continue to pray. Thank you for taking time to update.

  4. I check your site multiple times a day for updates and was worried when I wasn’t seeing a new one. Continued prayers for your sweet boy, your family and hospital staff. Your faith is inspiring. Know that through this difficult your are bringing others closer to God.

  5. Oh, sweet friend, the day you’ve had being a mama-warrior! I’m continuing to lift you up in prayer as you abide in God through this journey. Everett is SO very blessed to have you. I’m glad Josh is there with you for this challenging phase, Love you! ❤️

  6. Denise Reed-Greiner says:

    I do not know you, nor do you know me. I live in CA and happened upon your fb posts because one of my friends shared it. I have been following your journey and praying for all of you here in California. My heart is broken tonight as I read this but I will pray on because Psalm 71:14 says that I will always have hope. It will never be extinguished. Praying for each of you tonight. . . continually.

  7. Annemarie says:

    Was literally checking one more time before bed for any updates when your post popped up.❤️ You’re on my heart, the forefront of every prayer and with all my heart wishing I could scoop you both up and fix it all. Obv I can’t but God can and we continue to hope and stand with you believing and KNOWING He’s the God of the impossible. We’ve seen it! The Lord will (continue to) fight for you, and for Everett! Praying for a restful night for his sweet body and for clear direction for the docs tommorrow.

  8. Praying constantly for God to heal that big heart inside your sweet sweet boy!!! He is God of the hills and valleys and you are not alone!! Sending prayers for your entire family!!

  9. I’ve been watching for updates all day long. And praying and praying and begging fervently. You all are sooooo supported and sooooo loved and the example you are showing – just WOW. Everitt’s story is already such a testimony. What an inspiration he is!

  10. We are in love with HOPE!

  11. Praying for wisdom for the doctors….peace and strength for you and all Everett’s loved ones …and healing for your precious son.

  12. Kelly Ford says:

    My heart is breaking for you all. Precious Everett. Thank you for sharing your UNWAVERING FAITH and TRUST IN GOD. We are continually whispering Everett’s name in prayer and your family’s name for comfort. Wishes for All the love and light to surround you all.

  13. I cannot comprehend how you must be feeling. But you’ve been on my mind all day. I’ve checked my phone numerous times hoping for good news & praying every time my mind was clear. You/he are truly warriors.

  14. Christy abell says:

    Praying constantly. That’s it. It’s all I got.

  15. Praying psalm 125 that just as Jerusalem surrounds the mountains so does the lord surround his people now and forevermore. E is so loved by many, so prayed for by many. God hears our anguish and sees our tears and He loves E even more than all of us combined.

  16. Tears… and prayers. I asked God if He could just give you what you need, since He knows and I can’t even get my head around it.
    Thank you so much for updating those of us who aren’t on Facebook.

  17. Christina says:

    Happy tears in the beginning of this post, but now sobbing for your sweet boy…and you and daddy. Jesus Lord and Savior, please heal this precious child. Amen.

  18. Praying.

  19. Praying for your sweet son and Strength for your family.

  20. Praying with you and enlisting all the prayer warriors I know. GOd has a plan in all of this although it escapes our understanding. Holding strong in faith for you and Everett.

  21. Continuous prayers for you all ..I have carried this in my heart all day in prayer. May God shines His light in the darkness

  22. Christy Hamilton says:

    Kevin and I are both praying for you all right now! You are soooo loved by God! Continue to have faith in Him!!! He is definitely the Light!! May Everett feel comforted tonight. We pray for healing for your most precious, brave little boy. You are all dearly loved!!!

  23. Just praying and praying here, can’t even describe it, spirit give us all the words to pray. So thankful you are surrounded by such care. Praying for your family and your hearts through all this, and for a miracle for sweet Everett.

  24. Hilliary Cheatham says:

    Covering the Kelley family and precious Everett in so much prayer. The Lord will fight for you, you need only be still. So grateful for a Mighty God fighting on His behalf. Praying for healing and that soon y’all will get to see his perfect almond eyes smile again.

  25. Stacy stinson says:

    Prayers your sweet and beautiful child. Praying for to give him strength to keep fighting. Prayers for God peace and strength for you and your husband.

  26. Your faith in such sadness is uplifting.

  27. Laura I don’t know you but have been enamoured by your sweet family since before Amon came along. I love your honesty and humor, which is why I’ve faithfully followed along for so many years. And then I fell in love with Everett through instagram. All that to say, I am reading this, tearing up, not being able to imagine how you guys must be feeling. I will continue praying and hoping from Oregon. I am challenged and encouraged by your faith and your heart. God is so good. Praying each of you feels His mighty presence in that hospital room.

  28. Bonnie G says:

    Praying hard for you tonight. May everyone be at peace for all decisions that had and have to be made. May God be the glory.

  29. Gretchen says:

    Praying and continuing to hope for a miracle for Everett.

    Much love sent to you all.

  30. Continually praying!

  31. Julene reed says:

    Such a brave and beautiful boy. I am so sad and heartbroken with you today. I told another friend fighting cancer today that that God will raise her up in eagle’s wings and hold her in the palm of His hand. He will do the same for all of you-especially Everett. I wish I were there to give hugs to all and cry and pray with you. Good bless.

  32. Praying and believing still. ❤

  33. We are joining you in prayer. My heart hurts for you and your sweet family but we are believing and hoping for miraculous and complete healing. He is so able. Trusting in His mighty plan and Sending so much love.

  34. Many prayers for all of you!

  35. With prayers from the heart and in the heart of Iowa.

  36. Praying healing prayers over your sweet boy and praying for strength and comfort for you and your husband. I pray God continues to guide Everett’s medical team and providing them with the knowledge to continue taking the best care they can. Bif hugs!

  37. Praying & hoping with you! Praying for strength for you & your husband & for your kids at home too. Hang on sweet Everett!

  38. Therese schulle stokes says:

    I am sobbing reading your post . . . Before going to bed I had to check for an update . . . My heart just simply breaks for you and your sweet family. I have followed your blog for so many years I feel like a long lost friend. By nature, I want to give you the biggest hug, but since I can’t I just want to say I am praying BIG prayers for your sweet boy, family and all the doctors. Your faith is immeasurable, inspiring really. I hope and pray a million times over for a miracle <3

  39. Many emotions and thoughts come to mind as I follow Everett’s journey:
    He is an amazing little boy!
    Your Faith amazes me.
    How strong you and Josh are. You may not feel it at times but…you are!
    My heart hurts and although I don’t know you guys personally I pray earnestly for strength and God’s guiding hand along the way.
    God has a plan in every situation and nothing takes Him by surprise.
    Sending prayers and love your way in Jesus name.

  40. Sobbed my way through and am grateful to hear your precious voice in all of this. I’m pleading for a miracle for sweet Ev and the beautiful story his life will tell no matter what. Love you so.

  41. Julia Mcconnell says:

    Prayers for your child and you and the family. May God heal your son. Nothing is impossible with Him

  42. Carole Barnes says:

    Praying for the entire Kelley family. The Barnes Family is sending up prayers.

  43. Heather says:

    As I walk through a trying time of my own, this song sustains me. May it be a comfort to you as well. Big love, tears, and prayers.

    As I walk this great unknown
    Questions come and questions go
    Was there purpose for the pain?
    Did I cry these tears in vain?

    I don’t want to live in fear
    I want to trust that You are near
    Trust Your grace can be seen
    In both triumph and tragedy

    I have this hope
    In the depth of my soul
    In the flood or the fire
    You’re with me and You won’t let go

    But sometimes my faith feels thin
    Like the night will never end
    Will You catch every tear
    Or will You just leave me here?

    But I have this hope
    In the depth of my soul
    In the flood or the fire
    You’re with me and You won’t let go

    So, whatever happens I will not be afraid
    Cause You are closer than this breath that I take
    You calm the storm when I hear You call my name
    I still believe that one day I’ll see Your face

  44. Amy RosS says:

    Crying as I read your post, I cannot even imagine the roller coaster of emotion you are going through. I think of Everett every day and I seek out your posts daily as well in hopes that there is progress from the day before. I am praying all day every day, i pray for all of you that God brings him through this stronger than ever even if it takes longer than planned. May you feel His presence with you and His arms embracing you over the days, hours, minutes ahead.

  45. I am crying and praying with you!! That Jesus would literally breathe life into him!! That the Lord would speak over his body, and his heart and organs would work the way they were meant to. Praying the mighty and miraculous over your sweet son and strength beyond reason for you!❤️

  46. Praying for God to surround you with His strength and love!

  47. Kelsey harvEy says:

    I have been praying and thinking about sweet Everett so much the last two weeks and so much the last day… I understand how difficult it is to watch your son improve and then take a sharp turn for the worst. Our son Beau went into cardiac arrest and was placed on ECMO in that very hospital while my husband and I watched from 10 feet away – I am praying like CRAZY that sweet Everett gets the same rest and recovery on ECMO that Beau did so long ago, that Everett can come through this stronger than ever. I know that you have so many people to help guide you and offer support but please know that I would love to help in any way that I can.

  48. Andrew Marsh says:

    Lord God of all Universes, I praise you for all your Goodness, for your love in sending your only Son to be the transformational love this world sorely needs. I praise you for His death and resurrection to eternal life. I praise you that He IS the ONLY Way, the ONLY Truth and the ONLY Life.
    Thank you for all you have done and are doing great, continually, in sweet little Everett’s life. Thank you for finding him the best of the best medical and surgical teams.
    Lord, in your Goodness and Mercy, spare Everett’s life and rebuild his strength, his awareness, his determination to stay with his family. Grow his health minute by minute, Lord. I pray for his total, TOTAL speedy healing. Let him be the unarguable miracle that will lead many of his doctors and nurses to faith in you. They need your transforming power. And so does Everett! Lord, even now, this moment, LORD, have legions of your Angels by his side, round his bed, caring for him, breathing life into his tired, exhausted little body and raising him back to the fullest of full life!! I pray in your name, Lord and claim your healing of this little lad, “by his stripes”.
    Thank you, thank you, thank you, Father. Hallelujah for your Grace and saving Power!! AMEN and AMEN!!

  49. Meriah Henderson says:

    So many prayers. Your faith is unshakeable and inspiring. Everett’s strength and persistence is amazing.

  50. Praying for sweet Everett and your family

  51. Sending you love, prayers & big hugs.

  52. Christina says:

    This was the first place I came when I woke up this morning. We are praying with you in Kentucky.

  53. Chad Givens says:

    Dear Father, we pray that You would do a miracle in Everett’s life right now. Please heal him fully and perfectly, touch him and his family with Your presence. Let Your name be glorified through this. Amen.

  54. Oh Laura. I don’t know what to say, except to tell you how much I’ve been praying for Everett, for you and Josh and the other kiddos, and for the staff taking care of E. I’m so glad he has such a great medical team caring for him. You all are always on my mind and in my heart. Love from Louisville.

  55. Glenda Hoagland says:

    Sending prayers, love, faith and trust to you and the family for Everett. I have been humbled by the evidence of your faith and love.

  56. You are such a beautiful light! Thank you for your vulnerability, for sharing these details and heartbreaks and setbacks and for keeping your eyes fixed on Christ. May God give you grace for each moment as you and your husband wait on Him. Praying and believing God is able to bring life to your sweet boy.

  57. praying for all of you

  58. Tricia Hannigan says:

    You are a beautiful mom. How well you were chosen to be Everett’s. He will stay in our prayers. Love from Gallatin, TN

  59. Amber Lucht says:

    Praying diligently in Indiana. Keep persevering!!

  60. We are praying with you and for you.

  61. I could barely read the update with the tears..Please God heal this special little boy..and give strength to this wonderful family..

  62. I went to sleep with Everett on my mind and woke up hoping for an update. My heart breaks and I have tears for you. Continuing to pray hard and also saying prayers for the entire family and kiddos during this time. You amaze me with how strong you are and I know Everett feels that too!!

  63. Cheryl Stone says:

    I am crying as I read your post – I watched most of the night for an update from you and I was hopeful when I read it first thing this morning. We had a leak in our upstairs A/C last night that caused water damage in our ceiling in the kitchen, below, and while it was annoying, I kept thinking of you and all you and your family are dealing with right now, and how petty and silly and minor so many things in this world are compared to the life we have. My heart goes out to little Everett, with all that is sustaining him right now, he is still strong and brave and a courageous warrior. He has more strength than most of us do. And so do you, Laura. I am reminded by you every day to give God the glory and praise, and that He is still good, every day and in every way, all the time, through all our days and beyond. May His goodness pour over you, and fill you with light, hope and love. May his healing love spread over Everett like a song. Thank you for sharing this deeply personal and painful journey with all of us – loved ones, friends, and strangers alike.

    We are praying harder than ever for a miracle for Everett.

  64. Thank you for sharing! You put such beautiful words to such a heart wrenching experience and your declaration that God is good in the midst of it moves me to tears. I am praying for Everett to be healed and that Jesus would watch with you in this moment of pain and sorrow.

  65. Charles worrell says:

    Precious Lord, we lray for Your healing hand to touch Everett. Anoint him with Your healing hand, is our prayer. We ask for moment by moment strength for his loving family. We know You Are Able, we simply ask for that power to become real. In the sweet name of Jesus. Amen.

  66. ANgie vandivier says:

    You inspire me to be a better person! I am praying for your sweet boy every time he is in my thought, and also for your beautiful family. Continue to be faithful and strong.

  67. T Haggerty says:

    Jesus said, “You know the Way that I go.” Dear daughter, you together with this bright family including Everett do bring Him glory. We are here with you. And we are never going away. Tell those operators that He has breathed into them everything they need to do.

  68. elisabeth says:

    Praying for your sweet boy. Read Psalms this morning and prayed 18:28 for Everett. You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.

  69. Prayers upon prayers for your sweet family.

  70. This is what I realized this morning after reading your blog. The verse from Rev. 12:11 is what was somehow highlighted for me after I took in your words. They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, they did not love their lives so much as to shrink from death. What struck me for the first time is how the word of our testimony is right up there with the blood of the Lamb. Your testimony, that God is God, in the midst of the scariest most uncertain moments and days, has the power to overcome the most evil one. And here you are doing it in faithfulness!!!! Your testimony is powerful to me and is powerful in the eternal realm. I am praying for you and your sweet son.

  71. Amber Honeycutt says:

    Everett was the first thing I thought of when I woke up this morning. I am praying for healing for him and strength for you and Josh. Literally, bless his little heart.

  72. Marianna says:

    Pleading to God with you and on your behalf. He never changes and he redeems.

  73. Thank you for keeping us updated, Laura. What an incredible woman God is molding you to be! You are strong, you are brave, and you are deeply loved…even by so many of us who have never even met you or your sweet family. My family is continuing to hold Everett up to God in our prayers. My husband even comes in from work asking “How is Everett?” or “Is there any new news on Everett? I am waiting to see God’s healing hand work wonders. My prayers continue for your family, as well. God bless you all.

  74. I don’t know you but you are such an inspiration! I have been praying for Sweet Everrett.

  75. Praying for you, Josh, and your sweet boy!!

  76. Prayers still coming from Chicago!
    Trust & Obey
    When we walk with the Lord in the light of His Word,
    What a glory He sheds on our way!
    While we do His good will, He abides with us still,
    And with all who will trust and obey.
    Trust and obey, for there’s no other way
    To be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey.
    Not a shadow can rise, not a cloud in the skies,
    But His smile quickly drives it away;
    Not a doubt or a fear, not a sigh or a tear,
    Can abide while we trust and obey.
    Not a burden we bear, not a sorrow we share,
    But our toil He doth richly repay;
    Not a grief or a loss, not a frown or a cross,
    But is blessed if we trust and obey.
    But we never can prove the delights of His love
    Until all on the altar we lay;
    For the favor He shows, for the joy He bestows,
    Are for them who will trust and obey.
    Then in fellowship sweet we will sit at His feet,
    Or we’ll walk by His side in t

  77. Praying for you all in this journey God has you on. I cried on the treadmill praying for you all and thinking of this little brave man. Know we are praying for strenght and healing and peace in all of this. We have been down this road before and know just how you’re feeling..love from the Funkhouser family

  78. We are praying for a miracle for your sweet boy. We just prayed together as a family again. My boys have been thinking of Everett a lot. They ask for updates all the time.

  79. Marianne cupples says:

    ❤ and

  80. KRistin says:

    Praying for you and your sweet baby boy and thanking God for the light that you are in this world!!

  81. Cousin Marsha says:

    The tears are flowing. Your faith,a gift from God himself, astounds me. It shouldn’t since it is from HIM! What an amazing little boy Everett is! God placed him in your precious family for a reason and I am so thankful that he did! Love you all and praying for strength, wisdom and peace from the one who provides it!

  82. Praying for your sweet Everett. Praying for your strength.

  83. Donna Nelson says:

    Hard to see to read w/ tears in your eyes. Best and most informative
    blogs ever. Praying for you and Josh and children. Praying for miraculous healing for Everett. ❤️

  84. Debbie Fisher says:

    tears in my eyes as I read this and can’t even remotely begin to understand what you family is going through. praying for you all from NE!

  85. Praying sooo hard for your sweet boy and Gods strength and peace!!

  86. My heart hurts and I cry as I read your updates. We walked this walk with my FIL. He was young but not a child. That’s just not fair. The similarities are eerie and sometimes I gasp. I remember the ecmo call and getting the next flight home. Praying so hard for your boy and for peace in your hearts and minds. The emotional roller coaster is indescribable and the toll it takes on you is immeasurable. I’m so sorry. God’s plan is so rarely our plan and sometimes it just plan stinks. I am praying this minute as I imagine you waiting for results or digesting the information as it comes in.

  87. SARAH tIMNEY says:

    Your praising God through this terrifying storm raging around your precious family and especially on your dear Momma heart…well it speaks Jesus loudly to my soul! I feel selfish writing that I am benefiting from your amazing faith in our Lord and Savior, but at the same time felt like I needed to tell you how God is working through you and this truly scary time to touch so many people. Some would say this is such a private matter that sharing the details via the Internet is inappropriate, but I want to THANK YOU for sharing your faith and the details of real life with us, so we can join you in praying for healing and peace for your sweet boy. Sending you a huge tight hug.

  88. Alisha macKay says:

    Praying for you! Are you at CS Mott? We’re here right now on floor 11 with some chest tube drainage. Do you need anything? Anything from the store? Food? Can I come by and pray with you? Really. We’re just sitting around waiting for my son’s drainage to decrease and will probably be here another week. Please let me know!

  89. Gail Keller says:

    Praying for a miracle for Everett…We serve an awesome God and he has all the answers. Keep your faith and stay strong even when the light is dim for God will see you through. Keeping you all in my prayers…

  90. Dianne Chase says:

    I go and check on you often on this site. My prayers are so many. Bless you all. You are so strong and full of God’s love. You in the darkest of times are an inspiration to others.

  91. What an awsesome story.and a very sad one. Prayimg for Everrett and your family that God will give you strength so that he can feel how strong you are and that he will draw strength from you. God has a reason for every thing. You have given me strength just by reading you story. Prayig that God in his infinite mercy will heal Everrett. One day soon hope he will be well and going home. God is so good. May God br wilth you and family, all the staff.

  92. Love to you!
    x finja ~ http://www.effcaa.com

  93. Cathy andry says:

    Praying for your whole amazing family. I am so heavyhearted and so moved. Your boy is so precious. What an inspiring walk of faith you are sharing, thank you. May Monday bring miraculous healing through hands gifted by God.

  94. Bridget says:

    Praying for Everett, praying for you all as the road ahead is full of uncertainty . Pray for peace and comfort. Your journaling of this journey will be an inspiration to others going thru something like this. Did you start with the day Everett was admitted to the hospital and the first surgery? Where do we find the beginning of this story?

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