Up Late!

Today, well Friday…it’s technically Saturday now…was a good day.

1 month ago today we were in Ethiopia preparing to meet Amon for the first time…I miss him!

8 months ago today Mom died…I miss her too!  There is so much I want to tell her…so many, many things.  I wonder if she already knows them all.

This morning I decided it was going to be a good day…I literally had a choice…and I’m glad I made the one I did.  I don’t always choose joy, but today I did…I’m a little proud of myself.  It could have easily been a sad, cry kind of day, but it wasn’t.  Did I still cry…maaaaybe 🙂 but I didn’t let that determine how my day would play out.

My day was full of appointments and to-dos and Gym & Swim Camp and play time with grandparents, but there was also fun wee Kelley things that took place…like puzzles…

and army men wars…

and a rare appearance from Buzz and Zurg.

Preparations for school began.  I cannot believe Harper is starting kindergarten and even more, in an amazing school we have been praying for…for well over a year now.  God is too good.

I took homemade chocolate chip cookies to share with Mom’s bank.  She was simply amazing at what she did and her Pinnacle co-workers and clients truly loved her.  That bank may never be the same…she made an impact for sure.

And the friends she worked with are crazy kind.  I left the bank with a car load of baby Amon gifts.  I was overwhelmed and just sat in my car and did a little crying before I pulled out of the parking lot.  Kindness and generosity are so, so important…how it can make a person feel and encourage them and change their day.  I want to strive for kindness and generosity.

Huddy’s drawing of Arthur from Sword In The Stone made me smile a rather big smile.

More sweet mail…again there is that kindness and generosity.  Pretty sweet.  Thank you SO SO much Heather.

The boys found two turtles at Josh’s parents house today.  Even turtles made my day today.  Huddy named his Zippy and Sol named his Batman.

Zippy was actually pretty zippy.

Batman was more turtle like and shy.

I had some alone time today and used it to do what I love to do most.  Create.

A little NeedToBreathe and The Lumineers.  Music playing and solid lyrics showing up.  I truly believe that God is fighting for us in so many, many ways…wars we may not even know are going on.  I am beyond thankful for a God that believes I am worth the fight…that my family is worth the fight.

And I ended the day eating Jelly Bellys and popcorn while watching Courageous with my cousin Hannah.  It could have easily been a bad day, but I can honestly say it was a really good day.  And I am grateful for that.

Happy Friday…Happy Weekend!


  1. MEGAN b says:

    I am up late too. . . holding one of my sweet 7-week -old babies (twins!) after she ate. Soon you will do the same. 🙂 You are in my prayers.

    Also – I totally had that same Snooopy puzzle as a kid! So cool.

  2. Good to know I am not alone in the “Up Late” random insomnia department. I cannot tell you how much your Buzz Light Year and Zurg photo makes me smile. Especially the part where Harper is all “yeah this is normal” chillin in the background. I’m thinkin Amon hit the sibling jackpot!

  3. So glad you chose JOY yesterday! I’m also confident that your mama knows all that is in your heart! Your kiddos are totally precious and such sweet little blessings! I agree with Amber – Amon definitely hit the sibling jackpot! Prayers he’ll be home really soon!

  4. Lisa Russell says:

    Your artwork is beautiful! Thank you for that reminder to Choose Joy!

  5. Glad you had a choose JOY day!! That’s exactly what your mom would want! I love that you stay in touch with her “bank friends” I’m sure your visit MADE THEIR DAY! You are such a blessing to so many people.

    Praying for Amon–sibling jackpot would make a good blog when he makes it home.

    Love ya-girl!

  6. Would love to purchase your Lumineers piece. It’s my new summer soundtrack. Would love to know pricing.
    Thanks & God Bless as you wait…..

  7. I love the Needtobreathe artwork! I listened to “Keep your Eyes Open” during my jog this morning and it filled me with energy. Cheers to choosing joy!

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